Latest version.
  • Revised Disposition of Ordinances
    1 Licenses (Expired)
    2 Board of Supervisors-Meetings (Repealed by Ord. 5)
    3 License (Expired)
    4 County Officers-Consolidation (Superseded)
    5 Meetings of Board of Supervisors (Expired)
    6 Business Licenses (Expired)
    7 Business Licenses (Expired)
    8 Business Licenses (Expired)
    9 Franchise (Expired)
    10 Licenses (Expired)
    11 Trespassing of Certain Animals (Expired)
    12 Trespassing of Animals (Expired)
    13 Road Tax (Expired)
    14 Protection of Doves (Expired)
    15 Trespassing of Certain Animals (Expired)
    16 Franchise (Expired)
    17 Franchise (Expired)
    18 Consolidation of Tax Collector-Treasurer (Establishes Chapter 42 - Treasurer and Tax Collector)
    19 Trespassing of Certain Animals (Obsolete)
    20 Immorality (Superseded)
    21 Road Poll Tax (Expired)
    22 Separating Clerk from Auditor (Superseded)
    23 Speed Over Bridge (Expired)
    24 Litterbugs (Establishes Chapter 732 - Sanitary Regulations-Public Roads)
    25 Prohibiting-Slaughterhouse (Establishes Chapter 730 - Sanitary Regulations)
    26 Road Poll Tax (Expired)
    27 Right of Way-Railroad (Expired)
    28 Board of Supervisors-Meetings (Repealed by Ord. 332)
    29 Herding Cattle (Obsolete)
    30 Road Poll Tax (Expired)
    31 Animals-Running At Large (Superseded)
    32 Law Library (Establishes Chapter 60 - Law Library)
    33 Runaway Animals (Obsolete)
    34 Road Poll Tax (Expired)
    35 Road Poll Tax (Expired)
    36 Franchise (Expired)
    37 Road Poll Tax (Expired)
    38 Road Poll Tax (Expired)
    39 Protecting Pheasants (Superseded)
    40 Riding of Bicycles (Establishes Chapter 930 - Sidewalks and Street Crossings)
    41 Road Poll Tax (Expired)
    42 Protection of Doves (Superseded)
    43 Road Poll Tax (Expired)
    44 Road Poll Tax (Expired)
    45 Contagious Diseases (Establishes Chapter 720 - Contagious and Infectious Diseases)
    46 Road Poll Tax (Expired)
    47 Road Poll Tax (Expired)
    48 Killing Doves (Superseded)
    49 Franchise (Expired)
    50 Franchise (Expired)
    51 Franchise (Expired)
    52 Vine Disease (Establishes Chapter 750 - Vine Disease)
    53 Franchise (Expired)
    Unnumbered — Ordinance Regarding Livestock on Long Bridge
    54 Franchise (Expired)
    55 Trains Stopping (Establishes Chapter 935 - Obstruction of Highways By Trains)
    56 Liquor (Superseded)
    57 Franchise (Expired)
    58 Infested Nursery Stock (Establishes Chapter 752 - Infested Nursery Stock)
    59 Franchise (Expired)
    60 Franchise (Expired)
    61 Weights on Roads and Bridges (Repealed by Ord. 66)
    62 Poolrooms (Establishes Chapter 405 - Poolrooms-Minors)
    63 Bonds (Expired)
    64 Fire Protection (Repealed by Ord. 282)
    65 Bonds (Expired)
    66 Weight Limits on County Roads (Repealed by Ord. 68)
    67 Liquor (Superseded)
    68 Weight Limits on County Roads (Establishes Chapter 915 - Regulating Use of Roads and Bridges for Protection and Preservation of Same)
    69 Joint Highway District (Obsolete)
    70 Closing Roads (Establishes Chapter 950 - Closing Roads for Repair or Construction)
    71 Franchise (Establishes Chapter 1000 - Pacific Gas & Electric Company)
    72 Foot & Mouth Disease (Obsolete)
    73 Franchise (Establishes Chapter 1010 - Southern Pacific Company)
    74 Prison Farm (Obsolete)
    75 Right of Way (Repealed by Ord. 78)
    76 County Auditor-Separate Record (Establishes Chapter 30 - County Auditor)
    77 Creation of Planning Commission (Superseded)
    78 Right of Way (Establishes Chapter 1110 - Intersections-Right of Way and Stops)
    79 Pear Blight (Establishes Chapter 754 - Control of Pear Blight)
    80 Peach Twig Borer (Establishes Chapter 756 - Control of Peach Twig Borer)
    81 Oleo License (Superseded)
    82 Weight Limits (Repealed by Ord. 100)
    83 Liquor (Superseded)
    84 Liquor (Superseded)
    85 Salaries (Superseded)
    86 Disorderly Conduct (Establishes Chapter 410 - Disorderly Conduct)
    87 Camps (Superseded)
    88 Parades-Meetings (Establishes Chapter 420 - Regulations of Highways and Sidewalks for Parades, Etc.)
    89 Pools Halls (Establishes Chapter 415 - Closing Hours -Businesses)
    90 Salaries
    91 Salaries
    92 Fruits & Nuts (Establishes Chapter 758 - Standards for Fruit and Nut Trees)
    93 Weight Limits (Amends Ord. 82; Repealed by Ord. 100)
    94 Bovine Tuberculosis (Establishes Chapter 740 - Bovine Tuberculosis)
    95 Salaries
    96 Right of Way (Amends Ord. 78; Amended by Ord. 109)
    97 Salaries
    98 Pawnbrokers (Establishes Chapter 230 - Pawnbrokers-Second Hand Dealers, Etc.)
    99 Seditious Language (Superseded by Ord. 231)
    100 Weight and Use Limits (Establishes Chapter 900 - Weight Limit of Vehicles on Secondary Highways)
    101 Salaries (Superseded)
    102 Franchise (Establishes Chapter 1020 - Pacific Gas & Electric Company)
    103 Chapter 1110 - Intersections-Right of Way and Stops (Amends Ord. 78; section 1110-035)
    104 Special Election
    105 Salaries
    106 Salaries
    107 Franchise (Establishes Chapter 1030 - Pacific Gas & Electric Company)
    108 Health Insurance (Repealed by Ord. 271)
    109 Chapter 1110 - Intersections-Right of Way and Stops (Amends sections 1110-010 and 1110-035)
    110 Loading Trucks (Establishes Chapter 920 - Loading and Unloading Trucks on County Roads)
    111 Salaries
    112 Salaries
    113 Salaries
    114 Salaries
    115 Local Defense Council (Establishes Chapter 500 - Local Defense Council; Amended by Ord. 128; Repealed by Ord. 175)
    116 Salaries
    117 Air Raids (Establishes Chapter 520 - Air Raid Precautions)
    118 House Courts-Tent Camps (Superseded)
    119 Disposal of Excreta-Garbage (Establishes Chapter 710 - Sanitary Disposal of Garbage, Trash & Rubbish)
    120 Salaries
    121 Salaries
    122 Business (Superseded by Ord. 132)
    123 Restricted Lighting (Establishes Chapter 540)
    124 Salaries
    125 Salaries
    126 Salaries
    127 Salaries
    128 Chapter 500 - Local Defense Council (Amends Ord. 115; Repealed by Ord. 175)
    129 Salaries
    130 Salaries
    131 Salaries
    132 Business Regulations (Establishes Chapter 220 - Health Officer Permits for Certain Businesses)
    133 Salaries
    134 Salaries
    135 Salaries
    136 Load Limits (Establishes Chapter 940 - Weight Limits - Bridge Between Reclamation Districts 1000 and 1001)
    137 Salaries
    138 Salaries
    139 Salaries
    140 Salaries
    141 Salaries
    142 Salaries
    143 Salaries
    144 Weight Limits (Establishes Chapter 905 - Weight Limits - Gray Road)
    145 Salaries
    146 Salaries
    147 Salaries
    148 Salaries
    149 Salaries
    150 Salaries
    151 Salaries
    152 Stop Signs (Establishes Chapter 1112 - Stop Signs)
    153 Salaries
    154 Salaries
    155 Building Permits (Superseded)
    156 Salaries
    157 Dog Licenses (Repealed by Ord. 166)
    158 Salaries
    159 Salaries
    160 Chapter 72 - Establishment of Planning Commission (Repealed by Ord. 220)
    161 Salaries
    162 Salaries
    163 Salaries
    164 Building (Superseded)
    165 Inflammable Liquids (Repealed by Ord. 282)
    166 Dog Licenses (Repeals Ord. 157 & Establishes Chapter)
    167 Salaries
    168 Office Hours (Repealed by Ord. 271)
    169 Dog Licenses (Repealed by Ord. 170)
    170 Dog Licenses (Repeals Ord. 169)
    171 Salaries
    172 Salaries
    173 Salaries
    174 Salaries
    175 Civil Defense (Establishes Chapter 500 - Civil Defense and Disasters)
    176 Public Defender (Establishes Chapter 36 - Office of Public Defender)
    177 Salaries
    178 Chapter 36 - Public Defender (Amends section 36-030)
    179 Justice Courts Boundaries (Establishes Chapter)
    180 Salaries
    181 Justice Courts Boundaries (Amended by Ord. 262)
    182 Franchise (Establishes Chapter 1040 - Pacific Gas & Electric Company)
    183 Franchise (Establishes Chapter 1050 - Pacific Gas & Electric Company)
    184 Justice Court Salaries (Superseded)
    185 Salaries
    186 Salaries
    187 Drunk in Public (Establishes Chapter 445 - Drunk in Public)
    188 Weights & Loads (Repealed by Ord. 281)
    189 Office Hours (Repealed by Ord. 271)
    190 Salaries
    191 Loading (Establishes Chapter 925 - Deposit of Materials on County Roads and Loading and Unloading of Vehicles)
    192 Salaries
    193 Fruit & Nut Disease (Establishes Chapter 759 - Protection of Fruit and Nut Trees Against Disease)
    194 Salaries
    195 Junk Yards (Establishes Chapter 1520 - Junk Yards)
    196 Salaries
    197 Auditor-Facsimile Signature (Chapter 30 - County Auditor; Adds section 30-020)
    198 Curfew (Ordinance Establishing a Curfew and Restricting Travel Within the County; Obsolete)
    199 Rehabilitation Coordinator (Ordinance Establishing Office of Rehabilitation Coordinator; Obsolete)
    200 Prisoners (Establishes Chapter 315 - Working of Prisoners Confined in County Jail)
    201 Selling on Roads (Establishes Chapter 945 - Selling Publicly on County Roads)
    202 Salaries
    203 False Reports (Establishes Chapter; Superseded)
    204 False Reports (Establishes Chapter 440 - Making False Reports)
    205 Vessels and Ports (Establishes Chapter 250 - Regulation of Vessels - Numbering)
    206 Chapter 500 - Civil Defense & Disasters (Amends Ord. 175)
    207 Water Board (Establishes Chapter 70 - Sutter County Water Board)
    208 Salaries
    209 Sales and Use Tax (Establishes Chapter 100 - Uniform Local Sales and Use Tax; Superseded by Ord. 210)
    210 Sales and Use Tax (Amends Chapter 100 - Uniform Local Sales and Use Tax in its entirety)
    211 Parking (Establishes Chapter 1130 - Illegal Parking)
    212 Right to Work (Superseded)
    213 Justice Courts Boundaries (Repealed by Ord. 262)
    214 Justice Courts Salary
    215 Chapter 30 - County Auditor (Adds section 30-030)
    216 Justice Courts Salary
    217 Sheriff-Coroner (Establishes Chapter 40 - Sheriff-Coroner)
    218 Public Administrator-District Attorney (Establishes Chapter 34 - Public Administrator-District Attorney)
    219 Chapter 315 - Working of Prisoners Confined in County Jail (Adds section 315-090)
    220 Chapter 72 - Establishment of Planning Commission (Repeals Ord. 160; Repealed by Ord. Nos. 345 & 348)
    221 State Retirement (Establishes Chapter 58 - Public Employees' Retirement System—An ordinance authorizing a Contract Between the County of Sutter and the Board of Administration of the California State Employees' Retirement System)
    222 Salaries
    223 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-110, 1100-115; 1100-125, 1100-130, 1100-140 and 1100-270)
    224 Dog Licenses (Establishes Chapter 800 - License Tax on Dogs and Regulations Pertaining to Dogs and Other Animals; Repealed Ord. 365)
    225 Salaries
    226 Salaries
    227 Salaries
    228 Subdivisions (Establishes Chapter 1400 - Regulations for the Subdivision of Land; Amended by Ord. 263 and 356)
    229 Salaries
    230 Sound Trucks (Establishes Chapter 200 - Sound Trucks)
    231 Seditious Language (Establishes Chapter 435 - Seditious, Indecent & Opprobrious Language)
    232 Dangerous Weapons (Establishes Chapter 425 - Dangerous or Deadly Weapons)
    233 Levees (Establishes Chapter 1140 - Restricting Travel On Levees)
    234 Water Flush (Establishes Chapter 700 - Water Flush Disposal of Sewage; Repealed by Ord. 247)
    235 Zoning Code (Establishes Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code)
    236 Law Enforcement Citations (Establishes Chapter 310 - Authorizing The Use Of Citations)
    237 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-145 and 1100-670)
    238 Salaries
    239 Airport Zoning (Establishes Chapter 1250 -Airport; Repealed by Ord. 242)
    240 Sales and Use Tax (Establishes Chapter 100 - Uniform Local Sales & Use Tax)
    241 Salaries
    242 Chapter 1250 - Airport Zoning (Amends Chapter in its entirey; Repealed by Ord. 244)
    243 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-810, 1100-815 and 1100-830)
    244 Chapter 1250 - Airport Zoning (Amends Chapter in its entirety)
    245 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-660 and 1100-665)
    246 Salaries
    247 Chapter 700 - Water Flush Disposal of Sewage (Amends Chapter in its entirety; Repealed by Ord. 258)
    248 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Onstott Rd. from St. Hwy. Sign Rt. 20 to 3200 feet north of intersection of McMullen Ave.)
    249 Parking (Establishes Chapter 1120 - Diagonal Parking) (Amended by Ord. 338 and 347)
    250 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-285)
    251 Land Use - Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amended by Ord. 285)
    252 Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-285)
    253 Salaries
    254 Welfare Advisory Committee (Establishes Chapter 74 - Welfare Advisory Committee)
    255 Establishes Chapter 20 - County Counsel (Superseded by Ord. 350)
    256 Salaries
    257 Establishes Chapter 32 - County Clerk-Recorder
    258 Chapter 700 - Water Flush Disposal of Sewage (Repeals Ord. 247 and amends Chapter in its entirety)
    259 Chapter 42 - Treasurer-Tax Collector (Adds sections 42-020, 42-030 and 42-040)
    260 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-215 and 1100-260)
    261 Airport Rules (Establishes Chapter 1200 - Airport Regulations)
    262 Chapter 300 - Justice Court Boundaries (Amends Ord. No. 181 and Repeals Ord. No. 213)
    263 Chapter 1400 - Regulations for the Subdivision of Land (Amends Ord. No. 228)
    264 Chapter 100 - Uniform County Sales and Use Tax (Amends Ord. No. 210)
    265 Chapter 700 - Water Flush Disposal of Sewage (Amends Ord. 258)
    266 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-325, 1100-445, 1100-695 and 1100-710; and 35 Miles Per Hour Hooper Rd. from Colusa Hwy. to Butte House Rd.; 40 Miles Per Hour - Wheatland Rd. from Pleasant Grove Rd. to Yuba County boundary)
    267 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-210)
    268 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-625 and 1100-650)
    269 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-240, 1100-275, 1100-325, 1100-425, 1100-430 and 1100-435)
    270 Land Use - Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends Ord. No. 235; Superseded)
    271 Personnel Ordinance (Establishes Chapter 50 - Personnel Ordinance)
    272 Salaries (Establishes Chapter known as Salary Ordinance; Amended by Ord. Nos. 301, 327 and 335)
    273 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends Ord. No. 235)
    274 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-230, 1100-300, 1100-395, 1100-400, 1100-610; 45 Miles Per Hour South Walton Ave. from Rushing St. to Oswald Rd., and 35 Miles Per Hour - Jefferson Ave. from Hooper Rd. to Ruth Ave.)
    275 Elected Officials-Salaries (Repealed by Ord. No. 301)
    276 Salaries
    277 Elected Officials-Salaries (Repealed by Ord. 301)
    278 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-220, 1100-265 and 1100-410)
    279 County Museum (Establishes Chapter 65 - Museum of History, Science, Art and Similar Objects)
    280 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-335, 1100-375) and 35 Miles Per Hour - Jefferson Ave. from Hooper Rd. west to end, approximately one mile)
    281 Weight Limits (Establishes Chapter 910 - Regulating the Use of Unimproved County Highways)
    282 Ordinance Adopting the Fire Prevention Code 1960 Edition (Amended by Ord. No. 329; Repealed by Ord. No. 355)
    283 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-345, 1100-370, 1100-380, 1100-450, 1100-635 and 45 Miles Per Hour - Railroad Ave. from Winship Rd. south to Messick Rd. 4.5 miles)
    284 Shooting Signs (Establishes Chapter 430 - Traffic Signs-Destruction)
    285 Land Use- Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends Ord. Nos. 235, 251 and 270)
    286 Establishes Chapter 5 - Supervisorial Districts
    287 Solicitors and Canvassers (Establishes Chapter 210 - Solicitors, Canvassers, Peddlers & Merchants)
    288 Minor Subdivisions (Establishes Chapter 1420 - Minor Subdivisions)
    289 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code; Amends Ord. No. 235)
    290 Salaries
    291 Chapter 50 - Personnel (Amends Ord. 271)
    292 Land Use - Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends Ord. No. 235)
    293 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-320 and 1100-680)
    294 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-250, 1100-330, 1100-390, 1100-415 and 1100-645)
    295 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (35 Miles Per Hour - Franklin Rd. from Walton Ave. to 400 feet west of Harding Rd. and Monroe Rd. from Hooper Rd. west to end)
    296 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends Ord. No. 235 section 2.1)
    297 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-225, 1100-245 and 1100-615)
    298 Land Use - Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends Ord. No. 235-adds Part III of sections 36.06 and 36.07)
    299 Chapter 58 - Public Employees' Retirement System (Superseded)
    300 Use Fees - Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends Ord. No. 235 section 30.2)
    301 Salaries (Amends Ord. Nos. 272 and 290; Repeals Ord. Nos. 275 and 277)
    302 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-355, 1100-360, and 35 Miles Per Hour- Whyler Rd. from Onstott Rd. west to end, 0.62 mile)
    303 Mobile Homes (Establishes Chapter 1525 - Mobile Home Code)
    304 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235; Map No. 1 being section 2.3001)
    305 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-235, 1100-350, 1100-365, 1100-405, 1100-620, 1100-630, 35 Miles Per Hour - Township Rd. from Butte House Rd. 5/10 of a mile north; 45 Miles Per Hour - Township Rd. 5/10 mile north Butte House Rd. to Nuestro Rd., and Nuestro Rd. from Broadway west to one-half mile west of Township Rd.)
    306 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 2 being section 2.3002; Repealed by Ord. 316)
    307 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 3 being section 2.3003 and Map No. 4 being section 2.3004)
    308 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 5 being section 2.3005)
    309 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-135 and 1100-420)
    310 Salaries (Amends Ord. No. 272)
    311 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-305)
    312 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No.6 being section 2.3006 and Map No. 7 being section 2.3007)
    313 Law Enforcement Training (Establishes Chapter 305 - Training of Law Enforcement Officers)
    314 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 8 being section 2.3008 and Map No. 9 being section 2.3009)
    315 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 10 being section 2.3010 and Map No. 11 being section 2.3011)
    316 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Repeals Ord. No. 306)
    317 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 12 being section 2.3012 and Map No. 13 being section 2.3013)
    318 Establishes Chapter 25 - Department of Public Works
    319 Establishes Chapter 15 - County Administrative Officer
    320 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 14 being section 2.3014 and Map No. 15 being 2.3015)
    321 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 16 being section 2.3016)
    322 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 17 being section 2.3017)
    323 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-640)
    324 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 18 being section 2.3018)
    325 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 19 being section 2.3019)
    326 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 20 being section 2.3020)
    327 Salaries (Amends Ord. No. 272)
    328 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 21 being section 2.3021)
    329 Fire Prevention Code, 1960 Edition (Amends Ord. No. 282)
    330 Establishes Chapter 38 - Public Guardian
    331 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 22 being section 2.3022)
    332 Board of Supervisors-Rules of Order (Repeals Ord. No. 28 and Establishes Chapter 10 - Board of Supervisors- Meetings and Rules for Conducting Business)
    333 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 23 being section 2.3023)
    334 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No.24 being section 2.3024 and Map No. 25 being section 2.3025)
    335 Salaries (Amends Ord. No. 272)
    336 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No.26 being section 2.3026 and Map No. 27 being section 2.3026)
    337 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-310 and 1100-385)
    338 Chapter 1120 - Diagonal Parking (Amends Ord. 249)
    339 Prisoners-Work Furlough (Establishes Chapter 320 - Work Furlough Rehabilitation Law)
    340 Salaries (Superseded)
    341 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No.28 being section 2.3028 and Map No. 29 being section 2.3029)
    342 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 30 being section 2.3030)
    343 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 31 being section 2.3031)
    344 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 32 being section 2.3032)
    345 Chapter 72 - Establishment of Planning Commission (Repealed by Ord. 348)
    346 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 33 being section 2.3033)
    347 Chapter 1120 - Diagonal Parking (Amends Ord. No. 249)
    348 Chapter 72 - Establishment of Planning Commission (Repeals Ord. No. 220 and Supersedes Ord. No. 345)
    349 Chapter 110 - Real Property Transfer Tax Code (Establishes Chapter 110; amended by Ord. 358)
    350 County Counsel (Repeals Ord. No. 255, and Establishes Chapter 20 - County Counsel)
    351 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 34 being section 2.3034)
    352 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 35 being section 2.3035)
    353 Chapter 76 - Sutter County Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention Commission (Establishes Chapter 76)
    354 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 36 being section 2.3036 and Map No. 37 being section 2.3037)
    355 Chapter 600 - Fire Prevention and Regulation (Repeals Ord. No. 282 and Establishes Chapter 600)
    356 Chapter 1400 - Regulations for Subdivision of Land (Amends Ord. No. 228)
    357 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 38 being section 2.3038)
    358 Chapter 110 - Real Property Transfer Tax Code (Amends Ord. No. 349)
    359 Chapter 54 - Salaries (Superseded)
    360 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-441)
    361 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No.39 being section 2.3039 and Map No. 40 being section 2.3040)
    362 Chapter 1300 - Building Code (Establishes Chapter 1300 - Adopting, by reference, the Uniform Building Code, 1967 Edition, Vol. I, the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1967 Edition, the Uniform Electrical Code, 1965 Edition, etc.)
    363 Adoption of Sutter County Ordinance Code
    364 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No.41 being section 2.3041, Map No. 42 being section 2.3042, and Map No. 43 being section 2.3043)
    365 Chapter 800 - License Tax on Dogs and Regulations (Amends Chapter 800 in its entirety and Repeals Ord. 224)
    366 Chapter 58 - Public Employees' Retirement System (An ordinance authorizing an Amendment to Contract Between the Board of Administration Public Employees' Retirement System and the Board of Supervisors of the County of Sutter—Amends section 58-030)
    367 Chapter 1060 - Community Antenna Television Systems (Establishes Chapter 1060)
    368 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 44 being section 2.3044)
    369 Chapter 58 - Public Employees' Retirement System (An ordinance authorizing an Amendment to Contract Between the Board of Administration Public Employees' Retirement System and the Board of Supervisors of the County of Sutter—Amends section 58-030)
    370 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 45 being section 2.3045 and Map No. 46 being section 2.3046)
    371 Chapter 74 - Establishment of Welfare Advisory Committee (Amends Chapter 74 in its entirety)
    372 Chapter 960 - Establishment of Facilities in Underground Utilities Districts (Establishes Chapter 960)
    373 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 47 being section 2.3047)
    374 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-900 and 1100-910)
    375 Chapter 10 - Board of Supervisors Meetings and Rules for Conducting Business (Amends Chapter 10 in its entirety)
    376 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 48 being section 2.3048)
    377 Chapter 1300 - Uniform Codes (Adds section 1300-023 - Adopting by reference, the Uniform Mechanical Code, which is Volume II of the Uniform Building Code, 1967 Edition)
    378 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-698)
    379 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-281)
    380 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 49 being section 2.3049)
    381 Chapter 955 - Removal of Abandoned Vehicles From Private or Public Property (Establishes Chapter 955)
    382 Chapter 54 - Salary Code (Amends Chapter 54 in its entirety)
    383 Chapter 54 - Salary Code (Amends section 54-164)
    384 Chapter 54 - Salary Code (Amends sections 54-210, 54-140 and 54-136)
    385 Chapter 54 - Salary Code (Amends section 54-154)
    386 Chapter 27 - County Surveyor (Establishes Chapter 27)
    387 Chapter 38 - Public Guardian (Amends Chapter 38 in its entirety)
    388 Chapter 54 - Salary Code (Amends section 54-138)
    389 Chapter 54 - Salary Code (Amends sections 54-104 and 54-164)
    390 Chapter 54 - Salary Code (Amends section 54-120)
    391 Chapter 54 - Salary Code ( Amends section 54-136)
    392 Chapter 1400 - Regulations for the Subdivision of Land (Adds section 1400-128; Amends sections 1400-210, 1400- 214, and 1400-222; Chapter 1420 - Defining and Regulating Creation of Minor Subdivisions (Adds section 1420-015)
    393 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 50 being section 2.3050)
    394 Chapter 54 - Salary Code (Amends sections 54-136 and 54-164)
    395 Chapter 54 - Salary Code (Amends section 54-164)
    396 Chapter 54 - Salary Code (Amends section 54-122)
    397 Chapter 54 - Salary Code (Adds section 54-151; Amends section 54-136)
    398 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 51 being section 2.3051)
    399 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 52 being section 2.3052)
    400 Chapter 260 - Regulation and Licensing of Outdoor Festivals (Establishes Chapter 260)
    401 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Adds section 1500-8110; Deletes sections 1500-1028, 1500-1328, 1500-1628, 1500-1930, 1500-2228, 1500-2530, 1500-2830, 1500-3130, 1500-3724, 1500-4020, 1500-5224, 1500-5522, 1500-7610, 1500-7612, 1500-7614 and 1500-7616)
    402 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends sections 1500-5510, 1500-5512, 1500-5514, 1500-5516, 1500-5518, 1500-5520, 1500-5522, 1500-5524 and 1500-5526)
    403 Chapter 54 - Salary Code (Amends sections 54-136 and 54-154; Adds section 54-141)
    404 Chapter 330 - Sheriff's Reserve Units (Establishes Chapter 330)
    405 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 53 being section 2.3053)
    406 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-238)
    407 Chapter 54 - Salary Code (Amends section 54-134)
    408 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Adds section 1500-869; Amends section 1500-020)
    409 Chapter 270 - Regulation of Ambulance Service (Establishes Chapter 270)
    410 Chapter 942 - Weight Limit - Bridge on Kirksville Road (Establishes Chapter 942)
    411 Chapter 50 - Personnel Ordinance and Chapter 54 - Salary Code (Deletes both Chapters 50 and 54 in their entirety; Adds Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees consisting of two divisions—Division 1 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Division 2 - Salary Code)
    412 Chapter 1135 - Parking Prohibited on Certain Streets or Portions Thereof (Establishes Chapter 1135)
    413 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Amends sections 52- 570 and 52-572)
    414 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 54 being section 2.3054 and Map No. 55 being section 2.3055)
    415 Chapter 50 - Personnel Ordinance and Chapter 54 - Salary Code (Deletes both Chapters 50 and 54 in their entirety; Adds Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees consisting of two divisions —Division 1 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Division 2 - Salary Code)
    416 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Amends section 52-558)
    417 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Amends sections 52-530 and 52-566)
    418 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Amends section 52-596)
    419 Chapter 1135 - Parking Prohibited on Certain Streets or Portions Thereof (Amends section 1135-030)
    420 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Amends section 52-596)
    421 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends section 1500-8410)
    422 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Adds section 52-080.4a; Deletes section 52-110.2 and Deletes present section 52-510 and adds in its place a new section 52-510)
    423 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Amends sections 52-530 and 52-566)
    424 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Amends section 52-564, 52-576 and 52-590)
    425 Chapter 800 - License Tax on Dogs and Regulations (Amends section 800-210)
    426 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Adds sections 1500-7500, 1500-7510, 1500-7512, 1500-7514, 1500-7516, 1500-7518, 1500-7520, 1500-7522, 1500-7524, 1500-7526 and 1500-7528)
    427 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-647)
    428 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 56 being section 2.3056)
    429 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Amends sections 52-602 and 52-612)
    430 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Amends section 52-586)
    431 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Amends section 52-060.14)
    432 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Adds sections 1500-5710, 1500-5712, 1500-5714, 1500-5716, 1500-5718, 1500-5720, 1500-5722, 1500-5724, 1500-5728, 1500-5730 and 1500-5732)
    433 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Amends sections 52-060.5 and 52-060.14)
    434 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 57 being section 2.3057)
    435 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Amends section 52-572)
    436 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Adds sections 52-090.12, 52-090.13, 52-090.14, 52-090.15, 52-090.16, 52-515 and 52-518; Amends section 52-060.15, 52-080.10, 52-090.11, 52-602 and 52-612)
    437 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 58 being section 2.3058)
    438 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 59 being section 2.3059)
    439 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 60 being section 2.3060)
    440 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Adds section 52-070.7)
    441 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 61 being section 2.3061)
    442 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map; Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 62 being section 2.3062)
    443 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 63 being section 2.3063)
    444 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 64 being section 2.3064)
    445 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 65 being section 2.3065)
    446 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 66 being section 2.3066)
    447 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 67 being section 2.3067)
    448 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends section 1500-8414)
    449 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Amends section 52-596)
    450 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Amends section 52-570)
    451 Chapter 5 - Supervisorial Districts (Deletes present Chapter 5 and adds in its place a new Chapter 5 - Supervisorial Districts)
    452 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Amends sections 52- 564 and 52-570)
    453 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 67 being section 2.3067)
    454 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 68 being section 2.3068)
    455 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Amends section 52-070.7)
    456 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Adds Division 87 - Interim Zone Districts to Chapter 1500 which includes sections 1500-8710, 1500-8720, 1500-8730, 1500-8740, 1500-8750, 1500-8760, 1500-8770.1, 1500-8780 and 1500-8790)
    457 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 69 being section 2.3069)
    458 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 70 being section 2.3070)
    459 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 71 being section 2.3071)
    460 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 72 being section 2.3072)
    461 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 73 being section 2.3073)
    462 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 74 being section 2.3074)
    463 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 75 being section 2.3075)
    464 Chapter 906 - Weight Limits—Unimproved Roads (Establishes Chapter 906)
    465 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-143, 1100-227, 1100-287)
    466 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Amends section 52-560)
    467 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Amends Chapter 52, Division 2 - Salary Code in its entirety)
    468 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 76 being section 2.3076)
    469 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 77 being section 2.3077)
    470 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 78 being section 2.3078)
    471 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Amends sections 52-552, 52-554 and 52-548)
    472 An Ordinance of the County of Sutter Relating To Interim Zoning (Ordinance 456 extended to be operative and effective until October 3, 1972)
    473 Chapter 906 - Weight Limits—Unimproved Roads (Amends section 906-010)
    474 Chapter 600 - Fire Prevention and Regulation (Amends section 600-120)
    475 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Adds section 52-090.5A)
    476 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 79 being section 2.3079)
    477 Chapter 500 - Civil Defense & Disasters (Repeals and deletes present Chapter 500 and adds a new Chapter 500 - Emergency Organization and Functions)
    478 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 80 being section 2.3080)
    479 Chapter 310 - Authorizing The Use Of Citations (Amends section 310-020)
    480 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Amends sections 52-520, 52-526, 52-528, 52-532, 52-534, 52-540, 52-542, 52-544, 52-550, 52-552, 52-554, 52-556, 52-558, 52-568, 52-574, 52-578, 52-588, and 52-590)
    481 Chapter 970 - Bicycle Licenses (Establishes Chapter 970)
    482 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Adds Division 14 - AG General Agricultural District to Chapter 1500 which includes sections 1500-1400, 1500-1410, 1500-1420, 1500-1430 and 1500-1440)
    483 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 81 being section 2.3081)
    484 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 82 being section 2.3082)
    485 Chapter 1300 - Uniform Codes (Amends sections 1300-024 and 1300-034)
    486 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Amends section 52-510, 52-592, 52-552, 52-556, 52-558, 52-538, 52-548, 52-582, 52-060.15, 52-070.4, 52-090.15, 52-520; Adds section 52-593)
    487 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Amends section 52-130)
    488 Chapter 800 - License Tax on Dogs and Regulations (Adds section 800-035)
    489 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 83 being section 2.3083)
    490 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 84 being section 2.3084)
    491 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Adds section 1500-869A, 1500-3134, 1500-3136, and 1500-3138; Amends sections 1500-020, 1500-3112, 1500-3114, and 1500-4312; and Deletes 1500-892)
    492 Chapter 1400 - Regulations for the Subdivision of Land (Adds sections 1400-020 and 1400-124; Amends sections 1400-210 and 1400-214)
    493 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Amends sections 52-526, 52-540, 52-542, 52-554, 52-552, 52-554, 52-556, 52-558, 52-574, 52-568 and 52-588)
    494 Chapter 1420 - Minor Subdivisions (Deletes Chapter 1420 in its entirety; Adds new Chapter 1420 - Minor Subdivisions)
    495 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 85 being section 2.3085)
    496 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 86 being section 2.3086)
    497 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 87 being section 2.3087)
    498 Chapter 600 - Fire Prevention and Regulation (Amends sections 600-120 and 600-130)
    499 Chapter 52 - Personnel Rules and Regulations and Compensation of Officers and Employees (Amends sections 52-522, 52-542, 52-574, 52-588 and 52-090.15)
    500 Chapter 100 - Uniform County Sales and Use Tax (Amends Chapter 100 in its entirety)
    501 Chapter 110 - Real Property Transfer Tax Code (Adds section 110-125)
    502 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 88 being section 2.3088)
    503 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 89 being section 2.3089)
    504 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 90 being section 2.3090)
    505 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 91 being section 2.3091)
    506 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 92 being section 2.3092)
    507 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 93 being section 2.3093)
    508 Chapter 1400 - Regulations For the Subdivision of Land (Adds section 1400-550)
    509 Chapter 800 - License Tax on Dogs and Regulations Pertaining To Dogs and Other Animals (Amends Chapter 800 in its entirety)
    510 Chapter 1420 - Minor Subdivisions (Amends section 1420-100)
    511 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends sections 52-552, 52-554 and 52-568)
    512 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends sections 52-534, 52-550, 52-568 and 52-574)
    513 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 94 being section 2.3094)
    514 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends sections 52-566, 52-574 and 52-588)
    515 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends section 1500-6110, 1500-6112 and 1500-6116)
    516 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 95 being section 2.3095)
    517 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Adds section 1500-8770.2)
    518 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 96 being section 2.3096)
    519 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends sections 52-520, 52-522, 52-524, 52-528, 52-534, 52-544, 52-548, 52-552, 52-554, 52-556, 52-558, 52-560, 52-566, 52-568, 52-574, 52-580, 52-586 and 52-588)
    520 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 97 being section 2.3097)
    521 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends sections 52-600, 52-090.2 and 52-090.7)
    522 Chapter 52 - Salary Code Amends sections 52-528, 52-538, 52-542 and 52-544)
    523 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 98 being section 2.3098)
    524 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends sections 52-510, 52-548, 52-552, 52-556, 52-568, 52-582, 52-558 and 52-592)
    525 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-131, 1100-150, 1100-232, 1100-286, 1100-289, 1100-292, 1100-378, 1100-515, 1100-648, 1100-649, 1100-667, 1100-682, 1100-687, 1100-715 and 1100-720; Amends section 1100-675; and Deletes 1100-450)
    526 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 99 being section 2.3099)
    527 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 100 being section 2.30100)
    528 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 101 being section 2.30101)
    529 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-720)
    530 Chapter 280 - Regulation of Business or Occupation of Installing or Repairing Measurement Devices (Establishes Chapter 280)(Repealed)
    531 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-542)
    532 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends sections 52-520, 52-556 and 52-560)
    533 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-257 and 1100-717; Deletes section 1100-720)
    534 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 102a being section 2.30102a, Map No. 102b being section 2.30102b, Map No. 102c being section 2.30102c, and Map No. 102d being section 2.30102d)
    535 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 103 being section 2.30103)
    536 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 104 being section 2.30104, Map No. 104a being section 2.30104a, and Map No. 104b being section 2.30104b)
    537 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-730 and 1100-840)
    538 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 105 being section 2.30105)
    539 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 107 being section 2.30107)
    540 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 106 being section 2.30106, Map No. 106a being section 2.30106a, and Map No. 106b being section 2.30106b)
    541 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends sections 52-544, 52-552, 52-554, 52-558, 52-562 and 52-588; Adds 52-512)
    542 Chapter 310 - Authorizing the Use of Citations (Amends section 310-020)
    543 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 109 being section 2.30109)
    544 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 108 being section 2.30108)
    545 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends sections 1500-8214, 1500-8216, 1500-8218,1500-8414, 1500-8418; Adds section 1500-8217)
    546 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends sections 52-542 and 52-562)
    547 Chapter 1500 -Zoning Code (Amends section 1500-6114)
    548 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 110 being section 2.30110)
    549 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 111 being section 2.30111)
    550 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 112 being section 2.30112)
    551 Chapter 1300 - Uniform Codes (Amends section 1300-024)
    552 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 113 being section 2.30113)
    553 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 114 being section 2.30114)
    554 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-558)
    555 Chapter 1300 - Uniform Codes (Adds section 1300-024A)
    556 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 115 being section 2.30115)
    557 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-588)
    558 Chapter 1300 - Uniform Codes (Amends section 1300-024A
    559 Chapter 10 - Board of Supervisors Meetings and Rules For Conducting Business (Amends section 10-020)
    560 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 116 being section 2.30116)
    561 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-060.16)
    562 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-588)
    563 Chapter 1300 - Uniform Codes (Amends section 1300-024A)
    564 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-544)
    565 Chapter 700 - Water Flush Disposal of Sewage (Amends section 700-050)
    566 Chapter 58 - Public Employees' Retirement System (An ordinance authorizing an Amendment to Contract Between the Board of Administration Public Employees' Retirement System and the Board of Supervisors of the County of Sutter—Amends section 58-030)
    567 Chapter 600 - Fire Prevention and Regulation (Amends sections 600-010, 600-020 and 600-150)
    568 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-421)
    569 Chapter 76 - Sutter County Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention Commission (Amends section 76-010)
    570 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends sections 1500-8810 and 1500-8018)
    571 Chapter 1420 - Minor Subdivisions (Amends section 1420-200)
    572 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 117 being section 2.30117)
    573 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends sections 1500-6410 and 1500-6412)
    574 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No.118 being section 2.30118)
    575 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends sections 52-515, 52-520, 52-522, 52-524, 52-526, 52-528, 52-530, 52-532, 52-534, 52-536, 52-540, 52-542, 52-544, 52-546, 52-548, 52-550, 52-552, 52-554, 52-556, 52-558, 52-560, 52-562, 52-564, 52-566, 52-568, 52-570, 52-572, 52-574, 52-578, 52-580, 52-582, 52-584, 52-586, 52-588, 52-590, and 52-592)
    576 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-593)
    577 Chapter 30 - County Auditor (Adds section 30-022)
    578 Chapter 100 - Uniform County Sales and Use Tax (Amends sections 100-040 and 100-050; Adds section 100-065 and 100-081)
    579 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends section 1500-1430)
    580 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends sections 52-515, 52-518, 52-130, 52-070.7, 52-080.5, 52-520, 52-528, 52-554, 52-556, 52-558, 52-574 and 52-588)
    581 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-337)
    582 Chapter 420 - Regulations of Highways & Sidewalks, Parades, Etc. (Adds section 420-015)
    583 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-574; Adds sections 52-588A, 52-588B and 52-588C)
    584 Chapter 26 - Sale Or Lease Of County-Owned Real Property (Establishes Chapter 26)
    585 Chapter 10 - Board of Supervisors Meetings and Rules for Conducting Business (Amends Rules 1 and 11 of section 10-010 and Amends section 10-020)
    586 Chapter 72 - Establishment of Planning Commission (Amends section 72-020)
    587 Ordinance Renumbered as 591, adopted March 12, 1974.
    588 Chapter 10 - Board of Supervisors (Amends section 10-030)
    589 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-593)
    590 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Amends section 1100-510; Adds section 1100-530)
    591 Chapter 1300 - Uniform Codes (Deletes Chapter 1300 in its entirety; Adds new Chapter 1300 - Uniform Codes)
    592 Chapter 1060 - Community Antenna Television Systems (Adds section 1060-235)
    593 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Adds section 1500-8222)
    594 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-600)
    595 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-090.15)
    596 Chapter 460 - Topless Waitresses (Establishes Chapter 460)
    597 Chapter 450 - Indecent Exposure (Establishes Chapter 450)
    598 Chapter 800 - License Tax on Dogs and Regulations Pertaining To Dogs and Other Animals (Amends sections 800-072, 800-210, 800-250, 800-414; Deletes section 800-260; and Adds section 800-291)
    599 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 120 being section 2.30120)
    600 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 119 being section 2.30119)
    601 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-600)
    602 Chapter 270 - Regulation of Ambulance Services (Amends sections 270-030, 270-270, 270-290, 270-300, 270-330 and 270-350; Adds sections 270-360 and 270-365)
    603 Chapter 980 - Motorcycles and Off-the-Road Vehicles (Establishes Chapter 980)
    604 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-090.4)
    605 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 121 being section 2.30121)
    606 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-170, 1100-423, 1100-511 and 1100-516; Amends section 1100-685)
    607 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Adds sections 1500-211, 1500-8224 and 1500-8419)
    608 Chapter 1420 - Minor Subdivisions (Amends section 1420-020)
    609 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 122 being section 2.30122)
    610 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 123 being section 2.30123)
    611 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 124 being section 2.30124)
    612 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends sections 52-510, 52-520, 52-522, 52-524, 52-526, 52-528, 52-530, 52-532, 52-534, 52-536, 52-542, 52-544, 52-546, 52-548, 52-552, 52-554, 52-556, 52-558, 52-560, 52-562, 52-566, 52-574, 52-578, 52-588 and 52-592; Deletes sections 52-512, 52-568, 52-588A, 52-588B, and 52-588C; and Adds sections 52-521, 52-555, and 52-573)
    613 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 125 being section 2.30125)
    614 Chapter 230 - Pawnbrokers-Second Hand Dealers, Etc. (Adds section 230-060)
    615 Chapter 230 - Pawnbrokers-Second Hand Dealers, Etc. (Adds sections 230-055 and 230-060)
    616 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends sections 1500-410; Deletes 1500-1010 through 1500-1030, inclusive as they now read, Adds new Division 10 - UA Upland Agricultural Districts consisting of sections 1500-1010, 1500-1012, 1500-1014, 1500-1016, 1500-1018, 1500-1020, 1500-1022 and 1500-1024)
    617 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends sections 52-510, 52-521, 52-528, 52-548, 52-552, 52-556, 52-558, 52-574, 52-582, 52-592, 52-593; Adds section 52-511)
    618 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 111 being section 2.30111)
    619 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 126 being section 2.30126)
    620 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends sections 1500-1430, 1500-4612 and 1500-4912; Adds sections 1500-821 and 1500-851)
    621 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Adds Division 15 - A-3 Restrictive Agricultural Districts which includes sections 1500-1500, 1500-1510, 1500-1520, 1500-1530 , 1500-1540, 1500-1550, 1500-1560, and 1500-1570)
    622 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 127 being section 2.30127)
    623 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 128 being section 2.30128)
    624 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 129 being section 2.30129)
    625 Chapter 1400 - Regulations For the Subdivision of Land and Chapter 1420 - Minor Subdivisions (Deletes Chapter 1400 and Chapter 1420 in their entirety; Adds new Chapter 1400 - Regulations For the Subdivision of Land)
    626 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 130 being section 2.30130)
    627 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends section 1500-824; Deletes section 1500-826)
    628 Chapter 1300 - Uniform Codes (Amends sections 1300-024A and 1300-034)
    629 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends sections 1500-8212, 1500-8216, 1500-8220 1500-8412, 1500-8416, 1500-8418; Repeals sections 1500-8217)
    630 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 131 being section 2.30131)
    631 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Adds sections 1500-1450 and 1500-1460)
    632 Chapter 78 - Fish and Game Advisory Commission (Establishes Chapter 78)
    633 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 132 being section 2.30132)
    634 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 133 being section 2.30133)
    635 Chapter 470 - Regulations and Policy For Use of County Parks and Recreation Facilities (Establishes Chapter 470)
    636 Chapter 1450 - Waste Disposal From Land Developments (Establishes Chapter 1450)
    637 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 134 being section 2.30134)
    638 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-426, 1100-513, 1100-518 and 1100-626; Amends section 1100-835)
    639 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 135 being section 2.30135)
    640 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 136 being section 2.30136)
    641 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 137 being section 2.30137)
    642 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 138 being section 2.30138)
    643 Chapter 1350 - Swimming Pool Code (Establishes Chapter 1350)
    644 Chapter 72 - Establishment of Planning Commission (Amends section 72-020)
    645 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 139 being section 2.30139)
    646 Chapter 300 - Justice Courts (Repeals present Chapter 300 in its entirety thereby abolishing the Butte Judicial District and the Yuba Judicial District; and, Adds a new Chapter 300 - Municipal Court District)
    647 Chapter 1400 - Regulations for the Subdivision of Land (Amends section 1400-115)
    648 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 140 being section 2.30140)
    649 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 141 being section 2.30141)
    650 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 142 being section 2.30142)
    651 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 143 being section 2.30143)
    652 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-652)
    653 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends section 1500-1430)
    654 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 144 being section 2.30144)
    655 Chapter 955 - Removal of Abandoned Vehicles From Private or Public Property (Establishes Chapter 955)
    656 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 145 being section 2.30145)
    657 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 146 being section 2.30146)
    658 Chapter 100 - Uniform County Sales and Use Tax (Amends section 100-090)
    659 Chapter 280 - Regulation of Business or Occupation of Installing or Repairing Measurement Devices (Repeals Chapter in its entirety)
    660 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Deletes section 1100-340; Adds section 1100-133)
    661 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends sections 1500-010, 1500-812, 1500-814, 1500-816, 1500-818, 1500-822, 1500-828, 1500-834, 1500-850, 1500-862, 1500-864, 1500-886, 1500-886A, 1500-888, 1500-893, 1500-1012, 1500-1312, 1500-1420, 1500-1440, 1500-1450, 1500-1500, 1500-1510, 1500-1520, 1500-1912, 1500-2212, 1500-2514, 1500-3712, 1500-4012, 1500-5722, 1500-5730, 1500-7526, 1500-8018, 1500-8020, 1500-8022, 1500-8110, 1500-8610, 1500-8612, 1500-8614, 1500-1460, 1500-5526, 1500-5732 and 1500-7528; Deletes sections 1500-016, 1500-018, 1500-020, 1500-022, 1500-820, 1500-866, 1500-880, 1500-890, 1500-891, 1500-5728 and 1500-8618; Adds sections 1500-821A, 1500-835, 1500-845, 1500-850A, 1500-881, 1500-889A and 1500-896)
    662 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 147 being section 2.30147)
    663 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 148 being section 2.30148)
    664 Chapter 1060 - Community Antenna Television Systems (Amends section 1060-230)
    665 Chapter 480 - Discharge of Firearms Prohibited (Establishes Chapter 480)
    666 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 149 being section 2.30149)
    667 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 150 being section 2.30150)
    668 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 151 being section 2.30151)
    669 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-256, 1100-427, 1100-677, 1100-725 and 1100-735; Amends section 1100-648)
    670 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends section 1500-862)
    671 Chapter 1200 - Airport-Regulations (Amends Chapter in its entirety)
    672 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 154 being section 2.30154)
    673 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Repeals and deletes in their entirety sections 52-500 through 52-592, both inclusive, and sections 52-596 through 52-604, both inclusive)
    674 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 155 being section 2.30155)
    675 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Amends sections 1100-440 and 1100-690)
    676 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 153 being section 2.30153)
    677 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 156 being section 2.30156)
    678 Chapter 260 - Regulation and Licensing of Outdoor Festivals (Amends sections 260-020, 260-030, 260-060 and 260-140)
    679 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 158 being section 2.30158)
    680 Chapter 925 - Deposit of Materials on County Roads and Loading & Unloading of Vehicles (Amends sections 925-020 and 925-040)
    681 Chapter 10 - Board of Supervisors Meetings and Rules For Conducting Business (Adds section 10-015)
    682 Chapter 1300 - Uniform Codes (Adds section 1300-025)
    683 Chapter 280 - Operation of Bingo Games (Establishes Chapter 280)
    684 Chapter 25 - Department of Public Works (Amends section 25-030)
    685 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 160 being section 2.30160)
    686 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 159 being section 2.30159)
    687 Chapter 600 - Fire Prevention and Regulation (Deletes sections 600-140 and 600-110; Adds new section 600-110; Amends sections 600-010, 600-020, 600-060, 600-070, 600-080, 600-090, 600-100, 600-120, 600-130, 600-150 and 600-240)
    688 Chapter 925 - Deposit of Materials on County Roads and Loading & Unloading of Vehicles (Amends section 925-020)
    689 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 161 being section 2.30161)
    690 Chapter 760 - Fees For Inspections Made and Permits Issued By The Health Officer of Sutter County (Establishes Chapter 760)
    691 Chapter 270 - Regulation of Ambulance Service (Deletes present Chapter 270 in its entirety and adds a new Chapter 270 in its entirety)
    692 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Repeals and deletes sections 52-010 through 52-220 both inclusive in their entirety)
    693 Chapter 340 - Disposal of Unclaimed Bicycles and Toys (Establishes Chapter 340)
    694 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 162 being section 2.30162
    695 Chapter 1120 - Diagonal Parking (Amends section 1120-030)
    696 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 163 being section 2.30163)
    697 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Deletes section 1100-290; Adds section 1100-123)
    698 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 164 being section 2.30164)
    699 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 165 being section 2.30165)
    700 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 166 being section 2.30166)
    701 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Amends sections 1100-280 and 1100-281; Adds sections 1100-648.1 and 1100-654)
    702 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 167 being section 2.30167)
    703 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Deletes sections 1500-822 and 1500-824; Amends sections 1500-1312 and 1500-1314)
    704 Chapter 290 - Surface Mining and Reclamation Code (Establishes Chapter 290)
    705 Chapter 916 - Protection of Waterways, County Roads and Bridges (Establishes Chapter 916)
    706 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Deletes section 1100-625; Adds sections 1100-231, 1100-239, and 1100-688)
    707 Chapter 80 - Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission (Establishes Chapter 80)
    708 Chapter 925 - Deposit of Materials on County Roads and Loading & Unloading of Vehicles (Amends section 925-010)
    709 Chapter Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 168 being section 2.3168)
    710 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends section 1500-1314)
    711 Chapter 1525 - Mobile Home Code (Amends sections 1525-090 and 1525-091)
    712 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 100-118)
    713 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 169 being section 2.30169)
    714 Chapter 320 - Work Furlough Rehabilitation Law (Amends section 320-020)
    715 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Deletes section 1100-239; Adds section 1100-113)
    716 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-146; Amends sections 1100-295 and 1100-300)
    717 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 170 being section 2.30170)
    718 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends sections 1500-210, 1500-8212, 1500-8222 and 1500-8412)
    719 Chapter 1400 - Regulations For the Subdivision of Land (Amends section 1400-225)
    720 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 172 being section 2.30172)
    721 Chapter 770 - Control of Odorous Substances Emission Limitations (Establishes Chapter 770)
    722 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-668, 1100-653 and 1100-627)
    723 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 173 being section 2.30173)
    724 Chapter 800 - License Tax On Dogs and Regulations Pertaining To Dogs and Other Animals (Amends section 800-210)
    725 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 176 being section 2.30176)
    726 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 175 being section 2.30175)
    727 Chapter 916 - Protection of Waterways, County Roads and Bridges (Adds section 916-041)
    728 Chapter 470 - Regulations and Policy for Use of County Parks and Recreation Facilities (Amends section 470-020)
    729 Chapter 800 - License Tax on Dogs and Regulations Pertaining To Dogs and Other Animals (Amends sections 800-010, 800-020, 800-040, 800-050, 800-054, 800-060, 800-070, 800-072, 800-073, 800-090, 800-100, 800-110, 800-130, 800-140, 800-150, 800-160, 800-170, 800-180, 800-190, 800-200, 800-205, 800-210, 800-220, 800-230, 800-250, 800-280, 800-300, 800-408, 800-410, 800-414, 800-600; Adds section 800-413)
    730 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 177 being section 2.30177)
    731 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends section 1500-8210)
    732 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 178 being section 2.30178)
    733 Chapter 1400 - Regulations for the Subdivision of Land (Amends section 1400-755)
    734 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 179 being section 2.30179)
    735 Chapter 470 - Regulations and Policy for Use of County Parks and Recreation Facilities (Amends section 470-020)
    736 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends section 1500-8218)
    737 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 180 being section 2.30180)
    738 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 181 being section 2.30181)
    739 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 182 being section 2.30182)
    740 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Amends section 1100-820; Adds sections 1100-699 and 1100-451)
    741 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 183 being section 2.30183)
    742 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 174 being section 2.30174)
    743 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends section 1500-8210)
    744 Chapter 500 - Emergency Organization and Functions (Amends Chapter 500 in its entirety)
    745 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 184 being section 2.30184)
    746 Chapter 1525 - Mobile Home Code (Amends sections 1525-090, 1525-100, 1525-110, 1525-130 and 1525-140)
    747 Chapter 81 - Veterans Memorial Community Building (Establishes Chapter 81)
    748 through 777 Numbers Skipped!
    778 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 185 being section 2.30185)
    779 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 186 being section 2.30186)
    780 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 187 being section 2.30187)
    781 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 188 being section 2.30188)
    782 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 189 being section 2.30189)
    783 Chapter 1300 - Uniform Codes (Amends Chapter in its entirety)
    784 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Deletes sections 1500-5510 through 1500-5526 in their entirety; Adds Division 55 - Combining PD - Combining Planned Development District which includes sections 1500-5510, 1500-5512, 1500-5514, 1500-5516, 1500-5518, 1500-5520, 1500-5522, 1500-5524, 1500-5526, 1500-5528, 1500-5530, 1500-5532, 1500-5534 and 1500-5536)
    785 Chapter 1350 - Swimming Pool, Spa & Hot Tub Code (Amends sections 1350-010 and 1350-011)
    786 Chapter 72 - Establishment of Planning Commission (Amends section 72-020)
    787 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 190 being section 2.30190)
    788 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 191 being section 2.30191)
    789 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-531)
    790 Chapter 1350 - Swimming Pool, Spa & Hot Tub Code (Amends section 1350-010; Adds section 1350-011)
    791 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 192 being section 2.30192)
    792 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 193 being section 2.30193)
    793 Chapter 406 - Controlled Substance Paraphernalia (Establishes Chapter 406)
    794 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-593)
    795 Chapter 760 - Fees For Inspections Made and Permits Issued By the Health Officer of Sutter County) (Amends sections 760-040, 760-050, 760-060 and 760-140)
    796 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code(Amends section 1500-8210)
    797 Chapter 760 - Health Officer Fees (Amends section 760-060; Chapter 1400 - Regulations for the Subdivision of Land (Amends section 1400-775)
    798 Chapter 82 - County Owned Vehicles (Establishes Chapter 82)
    799 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Amends section 1100-515)
    800 Chapter 240 Unit Pricing of Consumer Commodities (Establishes Chapter 240)
    801 Chapter 421 - Prohibited Trespass On Public Property (Establishes Chapter 421)
    802 Chapter 1145 - Restricted Travel On Housing Authority Property (Establishes Chapter 1145)
    803 Chapter 58 - Public Employees' Retirement System (An ordinance authorizing an Amendment to Contract Between the Board of Administration Public Employees' Retirement System and the Board of Supervisors of the County of Sutter—Amends section 58-030)
    804 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 194 being section 2.30194)
    805 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 195 being section 2.30195)
    806 Chapter 205 - Regulation of Private Street Patrol Special Services (Establishes Chapter 205)
    807 Chapter 1400 - Regulations for the Subdivision of Land (Amends section 1400-115)
    808 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 196 being section 2.30196)
    809 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends section 1500-5730, 1500-8218 and 1500-8222; Adds section 1500-8026; Deletes section 1500-1450); and Chapter 1525 - Mobile Home Code (Deletes section 1525-110)
    810 Chapter 1400 - Regulations for the Subdivision of Land (Amends section 1400-730)
    811 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 196 being section 2.30196)
    812 Chapter 920 - Loading and Unloading Trucks on County Roads (Amends section 920-010); Chapter 925 - Deposit of Materials on County Roads and Loading & Unloading of Vehicles (Repeals section 925- 030)
    813 Chapter 1400 - Regulations for the Subdivision of Land (Adds section 1400-756)
    814 Chapter 1130 - Illegal Parking (Amends section 1130-020)
    815 Chapter 805 - Protection of Sheriff Canine Units (Establishes Chapter 805)
    816 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends section 1500-8616)
    817 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 198 being section 2.30198)
    818 Chapter 780 - Regulation of the Location of Domestic Wells In Or Adjoining Residential Property (Establishes Chapter 780)
    819 Chapter 120 - Disaster Reassessment Relief (Establishes Chapter 120)
    820 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 197 being section 2.30197)
    821 Chapter 1400 - Regulations for the Subdivision of Land (Amends subchapter 1400-700 which includes sections 1400-710, 1400-715, 1400-720, 1400-725, 1400-730, 1400-735, 1400-740, 1400-745, 1400-750, 1400-755, 1400-760, 1400-765, 1400-770 and 1400-775)
    822 Chapter 10 - Board of Supervisors Meetings and Rules For Conducting Business (Amends section 10-010)
    823 Chapter 700 - Water Flush disposal of Sewage (Repeals section 700-030)
    824 An Ordinance of the County of Sutter Authorizing The Levy of Assessments Within Street Lighting Maintenance District (Garden Highway Industrial Park)—uncodified
    825 An Ordinance of the County of Sutter Authorizing The Levy of Assessments Within Street Lighting Maintenance District (The Crossroads)—uncodified
    826 Chapter 10 - Board of Supervisors Meetings and Rules For Conducting Business (Amends section 10-010)
    827 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-593)
    828 Chapter 306 - Standards and Training Of Probation Officers (Establishes Chapter 306; Repealed by Ord. 1237)
    829 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 199 being section 2.30199)
    830 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 200 being section 2.30200)
    830a An Ordinance of the County of Sutter Authorizing The Levy of Assessments Within Street Lighting Maintenance District (Meadowood)—uncodified
    831 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 202 being section 2.30202)
    832 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 201 being section 2.30201)
    833 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 203 being section 2.30203)
    834 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 204 being section 2.30204)
    835 An Ordinance of the County of Sutter Authorizing The Levy of Assessments Within Street Lighting Maintenance District (Lincoln Park Unit No. 2)—uncodified
    836 Chapter 1400 - Regulations for the Subdivision of Land (Amends section 1400-320)
    837 Chapter 1300 - Uniform Codes (Amends Chapter 1300 in its entirety; Deletes Chapter 1350 - Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot Tub Code in its entirety)
    838 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 205 being section 2.30205)
    839 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-593)
    840 An Ordinance of the County of Sutter Authorizing The Levy of Assessments Within Street Lighting Maintenance District (The Crossroads Subdivision)—Uncodified
    841 An Ordinance of the County of Sutter Authorizing The Levy of Assessments Within Street Lighting Maintenance District (Garden Highway Industrial Park)—Uncodified
    842 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 206 being section 2.30206)
    843 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 207 being section 2.30207)
    844 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 208 being section 2.30208)
    845 Chapter 10 - Board of Supervisors Meetings and Rules For Conducting Business (Adds section 10-011)(Expired)
    846 Chapter 5 - Supervisorial Districts (Amends Chapter in its entirety)
    847 Chapter 1400 - Regulations for the Subdivision of Land (Amends section 1400-305)
    848 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-700 and 1100-452)
    849 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends sections 52-593, 52-594, 52-595 and 52-596)
    850 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-594)
    851 Chapter 1200 - Airport-Regulations (Adds section 1200-031)
    852 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 209 being section 2.30209)
    853 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 210 being section 2.30210)
    854 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends sections 1500-869, 1500-1012, 1500-1314, 1500-1420, 1500-1510, 1500- 8018, 1500-8024 and 1500-8026; Deletes section 1500-1460; and Adds sections 1500-8028 and 1500-8030)
    855 Chapter 78 - Fish and Game Advisory Commission (Amends section 78-040)
    856 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 212 being section 2.30212)
    857 An Ordinance of the County of Sutter Consolidating the Duties of County Agricultural Commissioner and County Director of Weights and Measures—Uncodified
    858 Chapter 1400 - Regulations for the Subdivision of Land (Amends sections 1400-305, 1400-410, 1400-855 and 1400-865)
    859 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 213 being section 2.30213)
    860 Chapter 44 - County Agricultural Commissioner and Director of Weights and Measures (Establishes Chapter 44 incorporating the provisions of County Ordinance No. 857)
    861 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-180; Deletes section 1100-825)
    862 Chapter 465 - Regulation of Adult Entertainment Businesses (Establishes Chapter 465)
    863 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Adds section 52-597)
    864 An Ordinance of the County of Sutter Authorizing The Levy of Assessments Within Street Lighting Maintenance District (West Ranch Subdivision)—Uncodified
    865 An Ordinance of the County of Sutter Authorizing The Levy of Assessments Within Street Lighting Maintenance District (Sierra Vista Acres No. 2)—Uncodified
    866 An Ordinance of the County of Sutter Authorizing The Levy of Assessments Within Street Lighting Maintenance District (Terry Subdivision)—Uncodified
    867 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Amends section 1100-180)
    868 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 215 being section 2.30215)
    869 An Interim Ordinance Amending the Sutter County Zoning Code To Prohibit Sale of Alcoholic Beverages on Property in Any Commercial-Industrial (C-M) District Within One Thousand Five Hundred Feet (1,500') of the Boundary of Any Public or Private School Property Used By School Children in Sutter County— Uncodified
    870 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 217 being section 2.30217)
    871 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 216 being section 2.30216)
    872 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends sections 1500-2216, 1500-2218, 1500-2220, 1500-2222, 1500-2224, 1500-2226, 1500-2518, 1500-2520, 1500-2524, 1500-2526, 1500-2528, 1500-2816, 1500-2818, 1500-2822, 1500-2824, 1500-2826, 1500-3118, 1500-3122, 1500-3124 and 1500-8022; Repeals sections 1500-2516 and 1500-2814)
    873 Chapter 1400 - Regulations for the Subdivision of Land (Amends sections 1400-515 and 1400-520; Repeals section 1400-730; and Adds section 1400-731)
    874 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Adds paragraph (f) to section 1500-4312)
    875 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Deletes section 1100-350; Amends section 1100-655)
    876 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 218 being section 2.30218)
    877 An Ordinance of the County of Sutter Authorizing The Levy of Assessments Within Street Lighting Maintenance District (Crossroads)—Uncodified
    878 An Ordinance of the County of Sutter Authorizing The Levy of Assessments Within Street Lighting Maintenance District (Meadowood)—Uncodified
    879 An Ordinance of the County of Sutter Authorizing The Levy of Assessments Within Street Lighting Maintenance District (Garden Highway Industrial Park)—Uncodified
    880 Chapter 10 - Board of Supervisors Meetings and Rules For Conducting Business (Amends section 10-010)
    881 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends sections 1500-4312 and 1500-4612); Chapter 465 - Regulation of Adult Entertainment Business (Repeals prior version of Chapter 465 in its entirety, and Adds new Chapter 465 - Regulation of Adult Entertainment Businesses)
    882 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends section 1500-5810)
    883 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends section 1500-5810)
    884 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends sections 52-594 and 52-595)
    885 Chapter 82 - Industrial Development Authority (Establishes Chapter 82)
    886 An Ordinance of the County of Sutter Authorizing The Levy of Assessments Within Street Lighting Maintenance District (West Ranch Subdivision)—Uncodified
    887 An Ordinance of the County of Sutter Authorizing The Levy of Assessments Within Street Lighting Maintenance District (Sierra Vista Acres No. 2)—Uncodified
    888 Chapter 1300 - Uniform codes (Amends section 1300-022)
    889 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 219 being section 2.30219)
    890 Chapter 83 - Industrial Development Authority (Ordinance Repeals Chapter 82 - Industrial Development Authority in its entirety; and Adds new Chapter 83 - Industrial Development Authority)
    891 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-594)
    892 Chapter 315 - Working of Prisoners Confined in County Jail (Amends sections 315-050, 315-060 and 315-080; Deletes sections 315-030 and 315-070)
    893 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 220 being section 2.30220)
    894 Chapter 25 - Department of Public Works (Amends section 24-040; Repeals Chapter 27 - County Surveyor in its entirety)
    895 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 221a being section 2.30221a and Map No. 221b being section 2.30221b)
    896 Chapter 25 - Department of Public Works (Amends section 25-040)
    897 Chapter 310 - Authorizing the Use of Citations (Amends sections 310-020, 310-030, 310-040, 310-060 and 310-080)
    898 Chapter 610 - Overhead Storage of Flammable Liquids (Establishes Chapter 610)
    899 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends section 1500-410)
    900 Chapter 500 - Emergency Organizations and Functions (Adds subsection (D) to section 500-060)
    901 Chapter 1060 - Community Antenna Television Systems (Amends Chapter 1060 in its entirety)
    902 Chapter 16 - Purchasing Agent (Establishes Chapter 16)
    903 Chapter 500 - Emergency Organization and Functions (Amends sections 500-040 and 500-060)
    904 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 222 being section 2.30222)
    905 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 223 being section 2.30223)
    906 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 224 being section 2.30224)
    907 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 226 being section 2.30226)
    908 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 225 being section 2.30225)
    909 Chapter 78 - Fish and Game Advisory Commission (Adds sections 78-070, 78-080, 78-090, 78-100 and 78-110; Amends section 78-050)
    910 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 227 being section 2.30227)
    911 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 223 being section 2.30223)
    912 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 224 being section 2.30224)
    913 Chapter 15 - County Administrative Officer (Amends section 15-030)914 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 228 being section 2.30228)
    914 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 228 being section 2.30228)
    915 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 229 being section 2.30229)
    916 An Ordinance of the County of Sutter Authorizing The Levy of Assessments Within Street Lighting Maintenance District (Sierra Vista Acres No. 2)—Uncodified
    917 An Ordinance of the County of Sutter Authorizing The Levy of Assessments Within Street Lighting Maintenance District (Meadowood)—Uncodified
    918 An Ordinance of the County of Sutter Authorizing The Levy of Assessments Within Street Lighting Maintenance District (West Ranch Subdivision)—Uncodified
    919 An Ordinance of the County of Sutter Authorizing The Levy of Assessments Within Street Lighting Maintenance District (Garden Highway Industrial Park)—Uncodified
    920 An Ordinance of the County of Sutter Authorizing The Levy of Assessments Within Street Lighting Maintenance District (Terry Subdivision)—Uncodified
    921 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 231 being section 2.30231)
    922 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 230 being section 2.30230)
    923 Chapter 350 - Operation of Section 1203.1b of the California Penal Code (Establishes Chapter 350)
    924 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 233 being section 2.30233)
    925 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 232 being section 2.30232)
    926 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Amends sections 1100-270, 1100-365 and 1100-830; Deletes sections 1100-120, 1100-660 and 1100-665)
    927 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Amends section 1100- 515; Adds section 1100-185)
    928 Chapter 1300 - Uniform Codes (Adds section 1300-027)
    929 Chapter 480 - Discharge of Firearms Prohibited (Amends section 480-020)
    930 Chapter 1450 - Waste Disposal From Land Developments (Adds section 1450-110)
    931 Chapter 100 - Uniform County Sales and Use Tax (Amends sections 100-040, 100-050 and 100-060; Repeals section 100-081)
    932 Chapter 766 - Underground Storage of Hazardous Substances (Establishes Chapter 766)
    933 Chapter 765 - Water Wells (Establishes Chapter 933)
    934 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends sections 1500-8018 and 1500-8110)
    935 Chapter 1135 - Parking Prohibited on Certain Streets or Portions Thereof (Amends section 1135-030)
    936 Chapter 766 - Underground Storage of Hazardous Substances (Amends section 766-050)
    937 Chapter 1135 - Parking Prohibited on Certain Streets or Portions Thereof (Amends section 1135-030)
    938 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 234 being section 2.30234)
    939 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 235 being section 2.30235)940 Chapter 1500 - Zoning (Amends section 1500-8110)
    941 Chapter 84 - Exemption From Representation Fees Under ?17403.1 of the Welfare and Institutions Code (Establishes Chapter 84)
    942 Chapter 306 - Standards and Training of Deputy Sheriffs (Establishes Chapter 306)
    943 Chapter 600 - Fire Prevention and Regulation (Amends sections 600-010, 600-020, 600-060, 600-070, 600-080 600-090, 600-100, 600-110, 600-120, 600-130, 600-150, 600-160, 600-170, 600-180, 600-190, 600-200, 600-210 and 600-240)
    944 Chapter 1135 - Parking Prohibited on Certain Streets or Portions Thereof (Amends section 1135-030)
    945 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 236 being section 2.30236)
    946 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends sections 52-593, 52-594, and 52-596; Adds section 52-598)
    947 An Ordinance of the County of Sutter Amending Sutter County Ordinance Number 942 (Chapter 306 - Standards and Training of Deputy Sheriffs is changed in its entirety to read Chapter 307 - Standards and Training of Deputy Sheriffs)
    948 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-648.2)
    949 Chapter 1135 - Parking Prohibited on Certain Streets or Portions Thereof (Amends section 1135-030)
    950 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 238 being section 2.30238)
    951 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 237 being section 2.30237)
    952 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 239 being section 2.30239)
    953 Chapter 1500 - Zoning (Amends section 1500-8018); Chapter 1400 - Regulations for the Subdivision of Land (Amends section 1400-905)
    954 Chapter 27 - Bidding Procedures On Public Projects (Establishes Chapter 27)
    955 Chapter 301 - Trial Jurors Compensation (Establishes Chapter 301)
    956 Chapter 480 - Discharge of Firearms Prohibited (Amends section 480-020)
    957 Chapter 1060 - Community Antenna Television System (Adds sections 1060-035, 1060-075 and 1060-115; Amends sections 1060-050, 1060-130, 1060-140, 1060-300 and 1060-320); and Subchapter 1060-500 - Small System Franchises (Establishes Subchapter adding sections 1060-501, 1060-502, 1060-503, 1060-504, 1060-505, 1060-506, 1060-507, 1060-508, 1060-509 1060-510, 1060-511, 1060-512, 1060-513, 1060-514, 1060-515, 1060-516, 1060-517, 1060-518, 1060-519, 1060-520, 1060-521, 1060-522 1060-523, 1060-524, 1060-525, 1060-526 and 1060-527)
    958 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 241 being section 2.30241)
    959 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 242 being section 2.30242)
    960 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 243 being section 2.30243)
    961 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 244 being section .30244)
    962 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 245 being section 2.30245)
    963 Chapter 1135 - Parking Prohibited on Certain Streets or Portions Thereof (Amends section 1135-030)
    964 Chapter 911 - Interstate Truck Routes (Establishes Chapter 911)
    965 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends sections 1500-3134, 1500-5730, 1500-7526, 1500-8026 and 1500-8110)
    966 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 246 being section 2.30246)
    967 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends sections 52-593, 52-596 and 52-598)
    968 Chapter 420 - Regulations of Highways & Sidewalks, Parades, Etc. (Amends sections 420-030, 420-040, 420-050, 420-060, 420-070 and 420-080; Deletes sections 420-090 and 420-100 in their entirety)
    969 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Deletes section 1100-255; Adds sections 1100-147 and 1100-148)
    970 Chapter 270 - Regulation of Ambulance Service (Amends Chapter 270 in its entirety)
    971 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends sections 1500-1014, 1500-1430, 1500-1520 and 1500-8018)
    972 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 248 being section 2.30248)
    973 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 247 being section 2.30247)
    974 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 249 being section 2.30249)
    975 Chapter 80 - Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission (Amends sections 80-030, 80-050, and 80-090)
    976 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 250 being section 2.30250)
    977 Chapter 942 - Weight Limit - Bridge on Kirksville Road (Deletes Chapter 942, section 942-010)
    978 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 252 being section 2.30252)
    979 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 254 being section 2.30254)
    980 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 253 being section 2.30253)
    981 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 251 being section 2.30251)
    982 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 255 being section 2.30255)
    983 Chapter 130 - Supplemental Roll Tax Deferral (Establishes Chapter 130)
    984 Chapter 1300 - Uniform Codes (Adds section 1300-028)
    985 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 256 being section 2.30256)
    986 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-605)
    987 Chapter 731 - Regulating Smoking In Designated Public Places (Establishes Chapter 731)
    988 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 257 being section 2.30257)
    989 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends sections 52-594 and 52-596; Adds section 52-598)
    990 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 258 being section 2.30258)
    991 Chapter 741 - Acarine Mite Quarantine (Establishes Chapter 741)
    992 An Ordinance of the County of Sutter Relating To Appointment of Debbie Johnson Director, Sutter County Resource Conservation District Board of Directors, In Lieu Of Election—uncodified
    993 An Ordinance of the County of Sutter Relating To Appointment of Geraldine Lemenager Director, Sutter County Resource Conservation District Board of Directors, In Lieu of Election—uncodified
    994 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 259 being section 2.30259)
    995 Chapter 71 - Community Action Agency (Establishes Chapter 71)
    996 Chapter 415 - Closing Hours-Businesses (Amends sections 415-020 and 415-030)
    997 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 260 being section 2.30260)
    998 Chapter 58 - Public Employees' Retirement System (Amends section 58-030)
    999 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 262 being section 2.30262)
    1000 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Add subsection 1500-8018(i))
    1001 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends subsection 1500-8018(i))
    1002 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 263 being section 2.30263)
    1003 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 264 being section 2.30264)
    1004 Chapter 1300 - Uniform Codes (Amends Chapter in its entirety); Chapter 1350 - Swimming Pool, Spa & Hot Tub Code (Amends Chapter in its entirety)
    1005(1) Chapter 470 - Regulations and Policy for Use of County Parks and Recreation Facilities (Adds section 470-025; Amends section 470-140)
    1005(2) Chapter 58 - Public Employees' Retirement System (Amends Chapter in its entirety)
    1006 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-594, 52-596 and 52-598—note, there is nothing in the ordinance changing section 52-598)
    1007 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 265 being section 2.30265)
    1008 Chapter 955 - Removal of Abandoned Vehicles From Private Or Public Property (Amends section 955-020)
    1009 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 267 being section 2.30267)
    1010 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends subsection 1500-7912(b))
    1011 Chapter 1450 - Waste Disposal From Land Developments (Amends Chapter in its entirety)
    1012 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-911)
    1013 Chapter 1330 - Agricultural Operations Disclosure (Establishes Chapter 1330)
    1014 Chapter 1150 - Temporary Street Closings (Establishes Chapter 1150)
    1015 Chapter 27 - Bidding Procedures (Amends Chapter in its entirety)
    1016 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 266 being section 2.30266)
    1017 Chapter 71 - Community Action Agency (Amends Chapter 71 in its entirety)
    1018 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 268 being section 2.30268)
    1019 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 269 being section 2.30269)
    1020 Chapter 710 - Sanitary Disposal of Human Excreta, Garbage, Trash and Rubbish (Amends section 710-030)
    1021 Chapter 1530 - Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance (Establishes Chapter 1530)
    1022 Chapter 140 - Assessment Appeal Boards (Establishes Chapter 140)
    1023 Chapter 710 - Sanitary Disposal of Garbage, Trash and Rubbish (Amends section 710-050; Adds sections 710-051, 710-052, 710-053, 710-054, 710-055, 710-056, 710-057 and 710-058)
    1024 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 270 being section 2.30270)
    1025 Chapter 1530 - Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance (Amends section 1530-311)
    1026 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Adds sections and subsections 1500-8017, 1500-8022(a)(4), 1500-8022(j), 1500- 8110(x); Amends sections and subsections 1500-3720, 1500-4016, 1500-4314(b), 1500-4616, 1500-4618, 1500-4918, 1500-4920 and 1500-8110(w))
    1027 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-594)
    1028 Chapter 1136 - Parking Restrictions For Large Commercial Vehicles (Establishes Chapter 1136)
    1029 Chapter 500 - Emergency Organization and Functions (Amends sections 500-030(c), 500-050 and 500-065)
    1030 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 271 being section 2.30271)
    1031 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 272 being section 2.30272)
    1032 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 274 being section 2.30274)
    1033 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 273 being section 2.30273)
    1034 Chapter 58 - Public Employees' Retirement System (Amends Chapter in its entirety)
    1035 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 275 being section 2.30275)
    1036 Chapter 305 - Training of Law Enforcement Officers (Adds sections 305-022 and 305-024)
    1037 Chapter 85 - Sutter County Resource Conservation District Appointments (Establishes Chapter 85)
    1038 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 276 being section 2.30276)
    1039 Chapter 1400 - Regulations for the subdivision of Land (Amends sections 1400-310 and subsection 1400-410(c); Adds 1400-420)
    1040 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 277 being section 2.30277)
    1041 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 278 being section 2.30278)
    1042 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-453)
    1043 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 279 being section 2.30279)
    1044 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 280 being section 2.30280)
    1045 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 281 being section 2.30281)
    1046 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 282 being section 2.30282)
    1047 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-454)
    1048 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 283 being section 2.30283)
    1049 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Adds section 52-592)
    1050 Chapter 140 - Assessment Appeal Boards (Adds section 140-040)
    1051 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 284 being section 2.30284)
    1052 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 285 being section 2.30285)
    1053 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 286 being section 2.30286)
    1054 Chapter 1530 - Flood Damage Prevention (Adds Division 7 - Special Flood Hazard Areas Zone A99 to Chapter)
    1055 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 287 being section 2.30287)
    1056 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 288 being section 2.30288)
    1057 Chapter 58 - Public Employees' Retirement System (Amends Chapter in its entirety)
    1058 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 289 being section 2.30289)
    1059 Chapter 1137 - Use Restrictions On Commercial Vehicles With A Gross Weight Exceeding 14,000 Pounds (Establishes Chapter 1137)
    1060 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends section 1500-1430(1))
    1061 Chapter 34 - Public Administrator—District Attorney (Amends Chapter in its entirety)
    1062 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 290 being section 2.30290)
    1063 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 291 being section 2.30291)
    1064 Chapter 1535 - South Sutter County General Plan Amendment and Implementation Fee (Establishes Chapter 1535)
    1065 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 292 being section 2.30292)
    1066 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 293 being section 2.30293)
    1067 Chapter 1300 - Uniform Codes (Amends Chapter in its entirety)
    1068 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 294 being section 2.30294)
    1069 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-141; Amends section 1100-453)
    1070 Chapter 1360 - The Yuba City Urban Area Development Impact Fee (Establishes Chapter 1360)
    1071 Chapter 1140 - Restricting Travel on Levees (Amends section 1140-080)
    1072 Chapter 27 - Bidding Procedures (Amends section 27-023)
    1073 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 295 being section 2.30295)
    1074 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 296 being section 2.30296)
    1075 Chapter 1137 - Use Restrictions on Commercial Vehicles With A Gross Weight Exceeding 14,000 Pounds (Amends section 1137-060)
    1076 Chapter 290 - Surface Mining Permit and Reclamation Plan Requirements (Amends subsection 290-040(a)); Chapter 1400 - Regulations for Subdivision of Land (Amends sections 1400-225, 1400-305, 1400-410(a), 1400- 850, 1400-851, 1400-852, 1400-853, 1400-854, 1400-855); Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Adds section 1500-016; Amends sections 1500-210, 1500-896, 1500-5532, 1500- 8018(h), 1500-8212, 1500-8220(a), 1500-8222, 1500-8412, 1500-8418); Chapter 1510 - General Plan Amendments (Establishes Chapter 1510
    1077 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 297 being section 2.30297)
    1078 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 298 being section 2.30298)
    1079 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Amends section 1100-440)
    1080 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 299 being section 2.30299)
    1081 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-593)
    1082 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 300 being section 2.30300)
    1083 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 301 being section 2.30301)
    1084 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-592)
    1085 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 302 being section 2.30302)
    1086 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 303 being section 2.30303)
    1087 Chapter 215 - Registration Requirements for Commercial Weighing and Measuring Devices (Establishes Chapter 215)
    1088 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 304 being section 2.30304)
    1089 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 305 being section 2.30305)
    1090 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 306 being section 2.30306)
    1091 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Amends section 1100-260)
    1092 Chapter 785 - Fee Schedule for Hazardous Materials Business Plans (Establishes Chapter 785)
    1093 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 307 being section 2.30307)
    1094 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 308 being section 2.30308)
    1095 Chapter 1300 - Uniform Codes (Adds section 1300-113)
    1096 Chapter 700 - Water Flush Disposal of Sewage (Amends section 700-040 by adding subsection C thereto); Chapter 765 - Water Wells (Amends subsection 765-060 subsection F, section 765-080 by adding subsection C thereto, and section 765-110 subsections B and C); Chapter 1300 - Uniform Code (Amends section 1300-044)
    1097 Chapter 1400 - Regulations for the Subdivision of Land (Adds section 1400-830)
    1098 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends sections 1500-1316 and 1500-1440)
    1099 Chapter 785 - Fee Schedule for Hazardous Materials Business Plans (Amends sections 785-030, 785-040, 785-050, 785-060 and 785-070)
    1100 Chapter 1137 - Use Restrictions on Commercial Vehicles With A Gross Weight Exceeding 14,000 Pounds (Amends sections 1137-020, 1137-040(a) and 1137-070)
    1101 Chapter 1300 - Uniform Codes (Adds section 1300-114)
    1102 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-594)
    1103 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-599)
    1104 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends subsection 1500-8022(b))
    1105 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends sections 1500-1316 and 1500-1440)
    1106 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends sections 1500-1316 and 1500-1440)
    1107 Chapter 766 - Underground Storage of Hazardous Substances (Amends section 766-110)
    1108 Chapter 5 - Supervisorial Districts (Amends Chapter 5 in its entirety)
    1109 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 310 being section 2.30310)
    1110 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 309 being section 2.30309)
    1111 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends sections 1500-1316 and 1500-1440)
    1112 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Deletes section 1100-518; Adds section 1100-671)
    1113 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Adds section 1500-8808; Amends section 1500-8812)
    1114 Chapter 1137 - Use Restrictions on Commercial Vehicles With A Gross Weight Exceeding 14,000 Pounds (Amends subsections 1137-010(c), 1137-030(a) and sections 1137-040, 1137-050, 1137-060 and 1137-070; Adds section 1137-080)
    1115 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-514)
    1116 Chapter 470 - Regulations and Policy for Use of County Parks and Recreation Facilities (Adds section 470-026)
    1117 Chapter 1060 - Community Antenna Television Systems (Adds section 1060-420)
    1118 Chapter 700 - Water Flush Disposal of Sewage (Adds section 700-040, subsection C)
    1119 Chapter 15 - County Administrative Officer (Amends subsection 15-040(d)); Chapter 16 - Purchasing Agent (Amends sections 16-020 and 16-040); Chapter 27 - Bidding Procedures (Adds section 27-027)
    1120 Chapter 1450 - Waste Disposal From Land Developments (Amends section 1450-110)
    1121 Chapter 1370 - Tierra Buena Area Development Impact Fee (Establishes Chapter 1370; Repealed by Ord. No. 1122)
    1122 Chapter 1370 - Tierra Buena Area Development Impact Fee (Repeals Ord. 1121 and Establishes new Chapter 1370 - Tierra Buena Area Development Impact Fee)
    1123 Chapter 1535 - South Sutter County General Plan Amendment and Implementation Fee (Adds sections 1535-100, 1535-110, 1535-120, 1535-130, 1535-140, 1535-150, 1535-160 and 1535-170)
    1124 Chapter 920 - Loading and Unloading Trucks on County Roads (Amends sections 920-010 and 920-020)
    1125 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Amends section 1100-445; Deletes section 1100-695)
    1126 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 312 being section 2.30312)
    1127 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 311 being section 2.30311)
    1128 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends sections 1500-1316 and 1500-1440)
    1129 Chapter 25 - Department of Public Works (Amends sections 25-030 and 25-040; Adds section 25-045)
    1130 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 314 being section 2.30314)
    1131 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 313 being section 2.30313)
    1132 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-285.1 and 1100-648.15; Deletes section 1100-680)
    1133 Chapter 72 - Establishment of Planning Commission (Amends section 72-030)
    1134 Chapter 1515 - Specified Plan Ordinance (Establishes Chapter 1515)
    1135 Chapter 790 - Sewer-Maintenance Fee for Properties Within the Stonegate Sewer Improvement District (Establishes Chapter 790)
    1136 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Extending Ord. No. 1128 which amended sections 1500-1316 and 1500-1440)
    1137 Chapter 1460 - South Sutter County Transfer of Development Credits Program (Establishes Chapter 1460)
    1138 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 315 being section 2.30315)
    1139 Fountainville Development Agreement (Uncodified)
    1140 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends section 1500-2212)
    1141 Chapter 1300 - Uniform Code (Amends Chapter 1300 in its entirety)
    1142 The Sutter Bay Village Specific Plan (Uncodified — exhibits are located in the Board of Supervisors Office)
    1143 Chapter 80 - Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission (Amends Chapter in its entirety)
    1144 Development Agreement Between Sutter Bay Associates and Live Oak Associates, III & County of Sutter (Uncodified — exhibits are located in the Board of Supervisors Office)
    1145 Chapter 6 - County Boundary Changes (Establishes Chapter 6)
    1146 Development Agreement No. 92-01 (Uncodified — attachment/exhibit located in the Board of Supervisors Office) (Repealed by Ord. 1170, 1171 and 1173)
    1147 Development Agreement No. 92-07 (Uncodified — attachment/exhibit located in the Board of Supervisors Office) (Repealed by Ord. 1170, 1171 and 1173)
    1148 Development Agreement No. 92-08 (Uncodified — attachment/exhibit located in the Board of Supervisors Office) (Repealed by Ord. 1170, 1171 and 1173)
    1149 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Extending Ord. No. 1140 which amended section 1500-2212)
    1150 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends sections 1500-1316 and 1500-1440)
    1151 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 316 being section 2.30316)
    1152 Development Agreement No. 92-05 (uncodified) (Repealed by Ord. 1170, 1171 and 1173)
    1153 Development Agreement No. 92-02 (uncodified) (Repealed by Ord. 1170, 1171 and 1173)
    1154 Development Agreement No. 92-25 (uncodified) (Repealed by Ord. 1170, 1171 and 1173)
    1155 Development Agreement No. 92-11 (uncodified) (Repealed by Ord. 1170, 1171 and 1173)
    1156 Development Agreement No. 92-15 (uncodified) (Repealed by Ord. 1170, 1171 and 1173)
    1157 Development Agreement No. 92-23 (uncodified) (Repealed by Ord. 1170, 1171 and 1173)
    1158 Development Agreement No. 92-10 (uncodified) (Repealed by Ord. 1170, 1171 and 1173)
    1159 Development Agreement No. 92-12 (uncodified) (Repealed by Ord. 1170, 1171 and 1173)
    1160 Development Agreement No. 92-24 (uncodified) (Repealed by Ord. 1170, 1171 and 1173)
    1161 Development Agreement No. 92-13 (uncodified) (Repealed by Ord. 1170, 1171 and 1173)
    1162 Sutter Bay Country Club Specific Plan (uncodified)
    1163 Development Agreement No. 92-03 (uncodified) (Repealed by Ord. 1170, 1171 and 1173)
    1164 Development Agreement No. 92-14 (uncodified) (Repealed by Ord. 1170, 1171 and 1173)
    1165 Development Agreement No. 92-27 (uncodified) (Repealed by Ord. 1170, 1171 and 1173)
    1166 Development Agreement No. 92-04 (uncodified) (Repealed by Ord. 1170, 1171 and 1173)
    1167 Development Agreement No. 92-26 (uncodified) (Repealed by Ord. 1170, 1171 and 1173)
    1168 Development Agreement between the County of Sutter and Sutter Bay Associates, Live Oak Associates, III, Sutter Ranch Estates, and Joseph Brennan (uncodified) (Repealed by Ord. 1171 and 1173)
    1169 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 317 being section 2.30317)
    1170 Ordinance Repealing 18 Development Agreement Ordinances (Repeals Ord. Nos. 1146 through 1148, 1152 through 1161, and 1163 through 1167) (uncodified)
    1171 Ordinance Repealing Development Agreement Ordinances (Repeals Ord. Nos. 1146 through 1148, 1152 through 1161, and 1163 through 1168) (uncodified)
    1172 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 318 being section 2.30318)
    1173 Ordinance Repealing 19 Development Agreement Ordinances (Repeals Ord. Nos. 1146 through 1148, 1152 through 1161, and 1163 through 1168) (uncodified)
    1174 Ordinance Extending an Interim Ordinance (Extends Ord. 1170) (uncodified)
    1175 Chapter 800 - License Tax on Dogs and Regulations (Amends section 800-210; Adds section 800-211)
    1176 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends section 1500-2212)
    1177 Chapter 308 - Training of District Attorney Investigators (Establishes Chapter 308)
    1178 Chapter 700 - Water Flush Disposal of Sewage (Amends section 700-040.C by adding subsection (8))
    1179 Chapter 800 - License Tax on Dogs and Regulations (Amends sections 800-090, 800-100 and 800-110)
    1180 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-686)
    1181 Chapter 751 - Apple Maggot Prevention Program (Establishes Chapter 751)
    1182 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Adds section 52-593.5)
    1183 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-594)
    1184 Chapter 72 - Establishment of Planning Commission (Amends section 72-030)
    1185 Chapter 1530 - Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance (Amends Divisions 1 through 6 of Chapter 1530 in their entirety)
    1186 Chapter 1450 - Waste Disposal from Land Developments (Amends section 1450-100, subsection A)
    1187 Chapter 58 - Public Employees' Retirement System (Amends Chapter in its entirety)
    1188 Chapter 1460 - South Sutter County Transfer of Development Credits Program (Adds section 1460-780)
    1189 Chapter 72 - Establishment of Planning Commission (Amends Chapter in its entirety)
    1190 Chapter 290 - Surface Mining & Reclamation Code (Adds subsections 290-040(i) and 290-060(n)); Chapter 1400 - Regulations for Subdivision of Land (Amends sections 1400-225 and 1400-830); Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends sections 1500-210, 1500-896, 1500-8212 and 1500-8412); Chapter 1510 - General Plan Amendments (Amends section 1510-014); Chapter 1515 - Specific Plan Ordinance (Adds subsection 1515-016(c))
    1191 Chapter 140 - Assessment Appeals Boards (Amends sections 140-010 and 140-040)
    1192 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235. Map No. 319A being section 2.30319A)
    1193 Chapter 76 - Sutter County Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Commission (Amends Chapter in its entirety)
    1194 Ordinance Extending an Interim Ordinance (Extends Ord. 1170) (uncodified)
    1195 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 320 being section 2.30320)
    1196 Chapter 15 - County Administrative Officer (Repeals subsection 15-040(d); Chapter 25 - Department of Public Works (Amends subsection 25-030(j) and section 25-040; Adds subsections 25- 030(k) and 25-030(l)); Chapter 80 - Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission (Amends section 80-030)
    1197 Chapter 45 - Economic Development Department (Establishes Chapter 45)
    1198 Chapter 58 - Public Employees' Retirement System (Amends Chapter in its entirety)
    1199 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends section 1500-874; Adds sections 1500-898, 1500-4012(f), 1500-8120 and 1500-8618)
    1200 Chapter 1160 - Trip Reduction Ordinance (Establishes Chapter 1160)
    1201 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends section 1500-893; Adds subsection 1500-8018(j))
    1202 Chapter 260 - Outdoor Festivals (Amends section 260-020)
    1203 Chapter 360 - Prohibition of Tobacco Products at Sutter County Jail (Establishes Chapter 360)
    1204 Chapter 1400 - Regulations for the Subdivision of Land (Amends sections 1400-310, 1400-410(c), 1400-420, and 1400-775; Adds section 1400-430)
    1205 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends subsection 1500-8022(c))
    1206 Chapter 32 - County Clerk-Recorder (Adds section 32-011)
    1207 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 321 being section 2.30321)
    1208 Chapter 260 - Regulation and Licensing of Outdoor Festivals (Repeals Chapter 260 in its entirety)
    1209 Chapter 81 - Veterans Memorial Community Building (Amends sections 81-020 and 81-030)
    1210 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Amends section 1100-686
    1211 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-593; Repeals section 52-593.5)
    1212 Chapter 86 - Domestic Violence Council (Establishes Chapter 86)
    1213 Chapter 1450 - Waste Disposal from Land Developments (Amends subsection 1450-100(A)); Chapter 700 - Water Flush Disposal of Sewage (Amends subsections 700-040 C(1), 700-040 C(4)(A), and 700-040 C(4)(F))
    1214 Chapter 42 - Treasurer and Tax Collector (Adds section 42-050)
    1215 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 322 being section 2.30322)
    1216 Chapter 800 - License Tax on Dogs & Regulations of Dogs & Other Animals (Amends section 800-210)
    1217 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 323 being section 2.30323)
    1218 Chapter 27 - Bidding Procedures on Public Projects (Amends section 27-011; Adds section 27-012)
    1219 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends sections 1500-868 and 1500-888)
    1220 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Amends section 1100-640)
    1221 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends sections 1500-7500, 1500-7510, 1500-7512, 1500-7514, 1500-7516, 1500-7518, 1500-7520, 1500-7522, 1500-7526; Rescinds sections 1500-7524 and 1500-7528)
    1222 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Amends section 1100-510; Adds section 1100-509; Repeals section 1100-640)
    1223 Chapter 58 - Public Employees' Retirement System (Amends Chapter 58 in its entirety)
    1224 Chapter 1400 - Regulations for the Subdivision of Land (Amends subdivisions (b) and (c) of section 1400-515); Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Adds subdivision (e) to section 1500-2214; Amends subdivision (a) of section 1500-2812, sections 1500-3110, 1500-3112, 1500-3114, 1500-3116, 1500-3118, 1500-3120, 1500-3122, 1500-3124, 1500-3126, 1500-3128, 1500-3132 and 1500-8030; Amends the title to section 1500-3134; and Repeals subdivision (f) of section 1500-3112)
    1225 Chapter 1600 - Sutter County Affordable Housing Program (Establishes Chapter 1600)
    1226 Chapter 1610 - Sutter County Residential Development Density Bonus Program (Establishes Chapter 1610)
    1227 Chapter 82 - County Owned Vehicles (Amends Chapter in its entirety)
    1228 Chapter 470 - Regulations and Policy for Use of County Parks and Recreation Facilities (Amends sections 470-020, 470-025, 470-140; Adds section 470-027)
    1229 Chapter 470 - Regulations and Policy for Use of County Parks and Recreation Facilities (Amends section 470-027)
    1230 Chapter 800 - License Tax On Dogs and Regulations Pertaining To Dogs and Other Animals (Amends section 800-211)
    1231 Chapter 1137 - Use Restrictions on Commercial Vehicles With a Gross Weight Exceeding 14,000 Pounds (Amends section 1137-080) Chapter 1120 - Vehicle Parking (Amends Chapter 1120 - Diagonal Parking to Chapter 1120 - Vehicle Parking); Chapter 1130 - Illegal Parking (Repeals Chapter in its entirety); Chapter 1135 - Parking Prohibited On Certain Streets Or Portions Thereof (Repeals Chapter in its entirety); Chapter 1136 - Parking Restrictions for Large Commercial Vehicles (Repeals Chapter in its entirety)
    1232 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Repeals section 52-598); Repeals Chapter 70 - Sutter County Water Board; Chapter 130 - Supplemental Roll Tax Deferral; Chapter 405 - Poolrooms - Minors; Chapter 410 - Disorderly Conduct, Chapter 445 - Drunk in Public; Chapter 520 - Air Raid Precautions; Chapter 540 - Restricted Lighting - Blackouts; Chapter 740 - Bovine Tuberculosis; Chapter 741 - Acarine Mite Quarantine; Chapter 750 - Vine Disease; Chapter 752 - Infested Nursery Stock; Chapter 754 - Control of Pear Blight; Chapter 756 - Control of Peach Twig Borer; Chapter 758 - Standards for Fruit and Nut Trees; and Chapter 759 - Protection of Fruit and Nut Trees Against Disease
    1233 Chapter 1112 - Stop Signs (Amends Chapter in its entirety); Repeals Chapter 900 - Weight Limit of Vehicles on Secondary Highways; Chapter 905 - Weight Limits - Gray Road; Chapter 906 - Weight Limits - Unimproved Roads; Chapter 915 - Regulating Use of Roads and Bridges For Protection and Preservation of Same; Chapter 930 - Riding of Bicycles—Sidewalks and Street Crossings; Chapter 940 - Weight Limits—Bridge Between Reclamation Districts 1000 & 1001; and Chapter 1110 - Intersections-Right of Way and Stops
    1234 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds sections 1100-845, 1100-850, 1100-855 and 1100-860)
    1235 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Adds section 1500-3113; Amends sections 1500-1312, 1500-1314, 1500-1316, 1500-1330, 1500-1420, 1500-1430, 1500-1440, 1500-1918, 1500-1920, 1500-1922, 1500-1924, 1500-1926, 1500-1928, 1500-1932, 1500-2214, 1500-2224, 1500-2514, 1500-2526, 1500-2814, 1500-2824, 1500-2828, 1500-3112, 1500-3124, 1500-3412, 1500-3414, 1500-3712, 1500-4312, 1500-4912, 1500-8018, 1500-8022, 1500-8110; and Deletes sections 1500-1916, 1500-8020, 1500-8710, 1500-8720, 1500-8730, 1500-8740, 1500-8750, 1500-8760, 1500-8770.1, 1500-8770.2, 1500-8780 and 1500-8790)
    1236 Chapter 42 - Treasurer and Tax Collector (Adds section 42-060)
    1237 Chapter 306 - Standards and Training of Deputy Sheriffs (Amends chapter and title to: Chapter 307 - Standards and Training of Deputy Sheriffs , Correctional Officers, Correctional Technicians, and Probation Officers; Repeals Chapter 306)
    1238 Chapter 1300 - Uniform Code (Amends Chapter in its entirety)
    1239 Chapter 600 - Fire Prevention and Regulation (Amends Chapter in its entirety)
    1240 Chapter 1525 - Mobile Home Code (Amends sections 1525-020, 1525-030, 1525-050, 1525-090 and 1525-091)
    1241 Chapter 78 - Fish and Game Advisory Commission (Amends sections 78-010, 78-030 and 78-070)
    1242 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Adds section 1500-837, Adds Division 94 - Signs, consisting of sections 1500-9410, 1500-9415, 1500-9420, 1500-9425, 1500-9430, 1500-9435, 1500-9440, 1500-9445, 1500-9450, 1500-9455, 1500-9460, 1500-9465, 1500-9470, 1500-9475, and 1500-9485; Amends sections 1500-874, 1500-876, 1500-1312, 1500-1420, 1500-1430, 1500-1520, 1500-3134, 1500-3712, 1500-4012, 1500-7012, 1500-8618; Deletes sections 1500-898 and 1500-8120)
    1243 Chapter 790 - Sewer-Maintenance Fee for Properties Within the Stonegate Sewer Improvement District (Amends title of Chapter to: Chapter 790 - Fee For Hook Up To The Stonegate Village Sewer-Treatment Plant, Amends Chapter 790 in its entirety; Deletes section 790-070)
    1244 Chapter 470 - Regulations and Policy For Use of County Parks and Recreation Facilities (Amends section 470-020)
    1245 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-594)
    1246 Chapter 760 - Fees for Permits Issued and Services Provided by the Environmental Health Program of Sutter County (Amends Chapter in its entirely; Repeals Chapter 220 - Health Officer Permits for Certain Businesses)
    1247 Chapter 1300 - Uniform Codes (Adds sections 1300-028, 1300-033, 1300-044, and 1300-055); Chapter 760 - Fees for Permits Issued and Services Provided by the Environmental Health Program of Sutter County (Adds section 760-200)
    1248 Chapter 1360 - The Yuba City Urban Area Development Impact Fee (Amends title of Chapter to Chapter 1360 - The Sutter County Development Impact Fee; Amends chapter in its entirety,; Repeals Chapter 1370 - Tierra Buena Area Development Impact Fee)
    1249 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-593)
    1250 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Adds Division 95 - Wireless Communication Facilities and Siting, which includes sections 1500-9510, 1500-9515, 1500-9520, 1500-9525, 1500-9530, 1500-9535, 1500- 9540 and 1500-9545)
    1251 Interim Urgency Zoning Ordinance of the County of Sutter Prohibiting All Uses Except Those Permitted In The R-1 Single Family Residential District (Assessor's Parcel Number 14-091-020, uncodified)
    1252 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Adds section 1500-8015)
    1253 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 324 being section 2.30324)
    1254 Interim Urgency Zoning Ordinance; An Ordinance of the County of Sutter Extending An Interim Ordinance of the County of Sutter Prohibiting All Uses Except Those Permitted In The R-1 Single-Family Residential District (Assessor's Parcel No. 14-091-020, uncodified)
    1255 Chapter 130 - Transfer of Base-Year Values For Out-of-County Property Damaged or Destroyed by Disaster (Establishes Chapter 130)
    1256 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 325 being section 2.30325)
    1257 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 326 being section 2.30326)
    1258 Chapter 1360 - Sutter County Development Impact Fee (Adds paragraph (g) to section 1360-070)
    1259 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 327 being section 2.30327)
    1260 Chapter 316 - Juvenile Camp (Adds Chapter 316 - Juvenile Camp)
    1261 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Repeals section 1100-335; Adds section 1100-149)
    1262 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235, Map No. 329 being section 2.30329)
    1263 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Repeals the Zoning Code - Chapter 1500 [except Division 17 - FPARC] in its entirety; Adopts/Adds revised Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code)
    1264 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Special District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Maps Rezoning Portions of Sutter County; Map No. 328a being section 2.30328a; Map No. 328b being section 2.30328b; Map No. 328c being section 2.30328c; Map No. 328d being section 2.30328d; Map No. 328e being section 2.30328e; Map No. 328f being section 2.30328f; Map No. 328g being section 2.30328g; Map No. 328h being section 2.30328h; Map No. 328i being section 2.30328i; Map No. 328j being section 2.30328j; Map No. 328k being section 2.30328k; Map No. 328l being section 2.30328l; Map No. 328m being section 2.30328m; Map No. 328n being section 2.30328n; Map No. 328o being section 2.30328o; Map No. 328p being section 2.30328p; Map No. 328q being section 2.30328q; Map No. 328r being section 2.30328r; Map No. 328s being section 2.30328s; Map No. 328t being section 2.30328t; Map No. 328u being section 2.30328u; Map No. 328v being section 2.30328v; Map No. 328w being section 2.30328w; Map No. 328x being section 2.30328x; Map No. 328y being section 2.30328y; Map No. 328z being section 2.30328z; Map No. 328aa being section 2.30328aa; Map No. 328bb being section 2.30328bb; Map No. 328cc being section 2.30328cc; Map No. 328dd being section 2.30328dd)
    1265 Chapter 770 - Control of Odorous Substances Emission Limitations (Repeals Chapter 770 in its entirety)
    1266 Chapter 1300 - Uniform Codes (Amends sections 1300-028, 1300-033, 1300-044, 1300-055); and Chapter 760 - Fees for Permits Issued and Services Provided By The Environmental Health Program of Sutter County (Amends section 760-200)
    1267 Chapter 955 - Removal of Abandoned Vehicles From Private or Public Property (Amends sections 955-040, 955- 070, 955-080, 955-090, 955-100, and 955-110)
    1268 Chapter 58 - Public Employees' Retirement System (Amends Chapter 58 in its entirety)
    1269 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-594)
    1270 Chapter 1137 - Use Restrictions On Commercial Vehicles With A Gross Weight Exceeding 14,000 Pounds (Amends section 1137-010, subsection (d) and section 1137-030, subsection (b)
    1271 Chapter 290 - Surface Mining and Reclamation Code (Ordinance Repeals Chapter 290 - Surface Mining and Reclamation Code in its entirety; and Adds new Chapter 290 - Surface Mining and Reclamation Code)
    1272 Chapter 715 - Application of Sewage Sludge and Nonhazardous Ash to Agricultural Land (Adds new Chapter 715 - Application of Sewage Sludge and Nonhazardous Ash to Agricultural Land)
    1273 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 331 being section 2.30331)
    1274 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Sectional District Map, Amends Ord. No. 235 by addition thereto of subsections "a" through "g"; Map No. 330a being section 2.30330a; Map No. 330b being section 2.30330b; Map No. 330c being section 2.30330c; Map No. 330d being section 2.30330d; Map No. 330e being section 2.30330e; Map No. 330f being section 2.30330f; Map No. 330g being section 2.30330g)
    1275 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends sections 1500-1314, 1500-1412, 1500-1414, 1500-1912, 1500-2212, 1500-2512, 1500-2812, 1500-3112, 1500-3114, 1500-4312, 1500-4912, 1500-5314, 1500-5912; Division 63 - Planned Development Combining District (PD) [which includes sections 1500-6310, 1500-6312, 1500-6314, 1500-6316, 1500-6318, 1500-6320, 1500-6322, 1500-6324, 1500-6326, 1500-6328, 1500-6330, 1500-6332, 1500-6334, 1500-6336], Amends subdivisions (f) and (g) of section 1500-8018, subdivision (i) of section 1500-8022, subdivision (g) of section 1500-8118, sections 1500-8510, 1500-8512, 1500-8515, 1500-9440, 1500-9485 b., 1500-9485 c., 1500-9870, 1500-9881E, 1500-9885A, 1500-9886A, 1500-9888, and 1500-9894B; Adds section 1500-9821B, 1500-9835AA, 1500-9881EE, 1500-9881F, 1500-9881G, 1500-9885AA; and Deletes section 1500-9490 in its entirety)
    1276 Chapter 75 - Children and Families First Commission (Adds Chapter 75 - Children and Families First Commission)
    1277 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends sections 52-593 and 52-594)
    1278 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 332 being section 2.30332)
    1279 Chapter 600 - Fire Prevention and Regulation (Amends Chapter 600 in its entirety; section 600-280 deleted; Chapter 610 - Overhead Storage of Flammable Liquids Amends paragraph (c) of section 610-030)
    1280 Chapter 1300 - Uniform Codes (Amends Chapter 1300 in its entirety, Deletes expired sections 1300-028, untitled 1300-033, 1300-044 and 1300-055)
    1281 Chapter 1281 - Swimming Pool, Spa & Hot Tub Code (Amends Chapter 1350 in its entirety)
    1282 Chapter 1060 - Community Antenna Television Systems (Ordinance not enacted; See Ord. #1285; no publication)
    1283 Ordinance of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Sutter Granting A Renewal of a Non-Exclusive Cable Television Franchise With MediaOne (Ordinance not enacted; See Ord. #1286; no publication)
    1284 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends sections 52-594)
    1285 Chapter 1060 - Cable Television Systems (Ordinance repealing Chapter 1060 - Community Antenna Television Systems sections 1060-001 through 1060-420 in their entirety, excluding Subchapter 1060-500 - Small System Franchises, and reenacting Chapter 1060 - Cable Television Systems, Sections 1060-001, 1060-010, 1060-030, 1060-040, 1060-050, 1060-060, 1060-070, 1060-080, 1060-090, 1060-100, 1060-110, 1060-120, 1060-130, 1060-140, 1060-150, 1060-160, 1060-170, 1060-180, 1060-190, 1060-200, 1060-210, 1060-215, 1060-220, 1060-230, 1060-240, 1060-250, 1060-260, 1060-270, 1060-280, 1060-290, 1060-300, 1060-310, 1060-320, 1060-330, 1060-340, 1060-350, 1060-360, 1060-370, 1060-380, 1060-390, 1060-400, 1060-410 and 1060-420, including Subchapter 1060-500 - Small System Franchises)
    1286 Ordinance of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Sutter Granting a Renewal of a Non-Exclusive Cable Television Franchise With Media One (uncodified)
    1287 Chapter 800 - Regulations Pertaining to Dogs and Other Animals (Amends Chapter 800 - License Tax on Dogs and Regulations Pertaining to Dogs and Other Animals in its entirety)
    1288 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 333 being section 2.30333)
    1289 Chapter 1460 - South Sutter County Transfer of Development Credits Program (Repeals Chapter 1460 in its entirety)
    1290 Chapter 1535 - South Sutter County General Plan Amendment and Implementation Fee (Repeals Chapter 1535 in its entirety)
    1291 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 334 being section 2.30334)
    1292 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Amends sections 1100-141 and 1100-453)
    1293 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 335 being section 2.30335)
    1294 Chapter 58 - Public Employees' Retirement System (Amends Chapter 58 in its entirety)
    1295 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 336 being section 2.30336)
    1296 Chapter 250 - Regulation of Vessels-Numbering (Repeals Chapter 250 in its entirety)
    1297 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends sections 52-593 and 52-594)
    1298 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 337 being section 2.30337)
    1299 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 338 being section 2.30338)
    1300 Chapter 1530 - Flood Damage Prevention (Amends sections 1530-228, 1530-234, 1530-244; subsections 1530- 410(B), 1530-430(E), 1530-510(C), 1530-530(B), 1530-550(C), 1530-560(A), and 630(B); Repeals sections 1530-216, 1530-252; subsection 1530-540(B), and Division 7 - Special Flood Hazard Areas Zone A99 [which included sections 1530-710, 1530-711, 1530-712, 1530-713] in their entirety)
    1301 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 339 being section 2.30339)
    1302 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends sections 52-592, 52-593, 52-594 and 52-596)
    1302A Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 340 being section 2.30340)
    1303 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends 1500-1012, 1500-1312, 1500-1314, 1500-1412, 1500-1414, 1500-2812, 1500-4312, 1500-4612, 1500-4912, 1500-6112, 1500-8011A(a)(3), 1500-8011B, 1500-8018(f), 1500-8112, 1500-8218, 1500-8514, 1500-9485, 1500-9510, 1500-9529(g) through (k), 1500-9819, and 1500-9881G; and Adds sections 1500-8025, 1500-8027, 1500-9525(l) through (m), 1500-9844A, 1500-9844B, 1500-9859, 1500-9881H and 1500-9891)
    1304 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 341 being section 2.30341)
    1305 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 342 being section 2.30342)
    1306 Chapter 58 - Public Employees' Retirement System (Amends Chapter 58 in its entirety)
    1307 Chapter 75 - Children and Families First Commission (Amends title of Chapter to: Chapter 75 - Children and Families Commission; also amends sections 75-002, 75-003, 75-004 and 75-007)
    1308 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 343 being section 2.30343)
    1309 Chapter 1360 - Sutter County Development Impact Fee (Amends section 1360-050)
    1310 Chapter 80 - Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission (Amends title of Chapter to: Chapter 80 - Parks Advisory Commission; Amends Chapter in its entirety; section 80-090 thereby deleted)
    1311 Chapter 150 - Hotel/Motel Surcharge (Adds Chapter to the Sutter County Ordinance Code)
    1312 Chapter 1400 - Regulations for the Subdivision of Land (Adds section 1400-925)
    1313 Chapter 1140 - Restricting Travel on Levees (Amends sections 1140-040, 1140-070, and 1140-080)
    1314 Chapter 5 - Supervisorial Districts (Amends Chapter in its entirety)
    1315 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-594)
    1316 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 344 being section 2.30344)
    1317 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-593)
    1318 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 345 being section 2.30345)
    1319 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 346 being section 2.30346)
    1320 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 347 being section 2.30347)
    1321 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 348 being section 2.30348)
    1322 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 350 being section 2.30350)
    1323 Chapter 52 - Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends sections 52-592, 52-593 and 52-596)
    1324 Chapter 46 - Department of Child Support Services (Establishes Chapter 46)
    1325 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 351 being section 2.30351)
    1326 Chapter 120 - Disaster Reassessment Relief (Amends Chapter in its entirety)
    1327 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 352 being section 2.30352)
    1328 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Repeals Division 53 - South Sutter County Industrial/Commercial District (SSCI/C) in its entirety)
    1329 Chapter 220 - Fee for Services: Agricultural Commissioner (Establishes Chapter 220)
    1330 Chapter 215 - Registration Requirements for Commercial Weighing and Measuring Devices (Amends section 215-070)
    1331 Ordinance of the County of Sutter Waiving Certain Building Fees for a Construction Project Proposed by the Sutter Cemetery District (uncodified)
    1332 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 353 being section 2.30353)
    1333 An Ordinance of the County of Sutter Approving A Development Agreement (Natomas Basin Conservancy)—Uncodified
    1334 Chapter 1400 - Regulations for the Subdivision of Land (Repeals Chapter 1400 in its entirety, and Re-enacts a revised Chapter 1400 - Regulations For the Subdivision of Land)
    1335 Chapter 1450 - Waste Disposal from Land Developments (Repeals Chapter 1450 in its entirety; Chapter 700 - Water Flush Disposal of Sewage Amends Chapter 700 in its entirety and changes the title of said chapter to Chapter 700 - On-Site Sewage Treatment and Disposal; Chapter 710 - Sanitary Disposal of Garbage, Trash and Rubbish Repeals sections 710-030 and 710-040; and Amends section 710-020)
    1336 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 354 being section 2.30354)
    1337 Chapter 766 - Underground Storage of Hazardous Substances (Amends section 766-110)
    1338 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Adds subsection 1500-8016(c), sections 1500-9541, and 1500-9865A; Amends sections 1500-1012, 1500-1312, 1500-1412, 1500-1818(a), 1500-1914, 1500-4012, 1500-6334, 1500-8022(g), 1500-8022(h), 1500-8022(k), 1500-8028(e), 1500-8112, 1500-8216, 1500-8416, 1500-8512(b), 1500-9864A, 1500-9881H, and 1500-9882); and Chapter 1525 - Mobile Home Code (Amends section 1525-060)
    1339 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 355 being section 2.30355)
    1340 Chapter 58 - Public Employees' Retirement System (Amends Chapter 58 in its entirety)
    1341 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 357 being section 2.30357)
    1342 Chapter 73 - In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority (Establishes Chapter 73)
    1343 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 358 being section 2.30358)
    1344 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 356 being section 2.30356)
    1345 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Adds Division 60 - Sutter Buttes Overlay Zone to Chapter)
    1346 Chapter 86 - Sutter County Domestic Violence Council (Amends Chapter 86 in its entirety and changes the title of said chapter to Chapter 86 - Sutter County Domestic Violence Council and Child Abuse Prevention Council)
    1347 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 359 being section 2.30359)
    1348 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 360 being section 2.30360)
    1349 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends section 1500-1816)
    1350 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-593)
    1351 Chapter 700 - On-Site Sewage Treatment and Disposal (Amends section 766-110)
    1352 Chapter 220 - Fee for Services: Agricultural Commissioner (Repeals section 220-040)
    1353 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 362 being section 2.30362)
    1354 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 361 being section 2.30361)
    1355 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 363 being section 2.30363)
    1356 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Adds subsection 1500-8018(e)(3))
    1357 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 365 being section 2.30365)
    1358 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 364 being section 2.30364)
    1359 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends subsections (c) and (d) of section 1500-9485)
    1360 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Repeals Ordinance No. 1327 which adopted Sectional District Map No. 352 being section 2.30352)
    1361 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Repeals Ordinance No. 1328 which repealed Division 53 relating to the South Sutter County Industrial/Commercial Reserve District thereby adding sections 1500-5310, 1500-5312, and 1500-5314)
    1362 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 369 being section 2.30369)
    1363 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 367 being section 2.30367)
    1364 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 368 being section 2.30368)
    1365 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 370 being section 2.30370)
    1366 Interim Urgency Zoning Ordinance of the County of Sutter Prohibiting the Acceptance and Processing of Ranchette Rezoning Application While the County Studies and Considers Issues Related to Ranchette Zoning (uncodified)
    1367 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Adds subsection 1500-8018(e)(4); Amends section 1500-1412 and subsection 1500-9435(h))
    1368 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 371 being section 2.30371)
    1369 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends section 5910; and Adds Division 12 - Agricultural Preserve Residential and Agricultural Preserve Districts (APR and AP) thereby adding sections 1500-1210, 1500-1212, 1500-1214, and 1500-1216)
    1370 Ordinance Extending the Interim Urgency Zoning Ordinance #1366 Prohibiting the Acceptance and Processing of Ranchette Rezoning Application While the County Studies and Considers Issues Related to Ranchette Zoning (uncodified)
    1371 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 372 being section 2.30372)
    1372 Ordinance Waiving Certain Building Fees for a Construction Project Proposed by the Sutter Cemetery District (Uncodified)
    1373 Chapter 1300 - Uniform Codes (Amends Chapter 1300 in its entirety)
    1374 Chapter 1350 - Swimming Pool, Spa & Hot Tub Code (Amends Chapter 1350 in its entirety)
    1375 Chapter 600 - Fire Prevention and Regulation (Amends Chapter 1350 in its entirety) and Chapter 610 - Overhead Storage of Flammable Liquids (Amends Chapter 610 in its entirety)
    1376 Chapter 800 - Regulations Pertaining to Dogs and Other Animals (Amends sections 800-030, 800-250 and 800-252; Adds section 800-252)
    1377 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends sections 52-593, 52-594 and 52-596)
    1378 Chapter 210 - Solicitors, Canvassers, Peddlers & Merchants (Amends sections 210-040, 210-050 and 210-100)
    1379 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends Division 84 - Variances - Amends sections 1500-8410, 1500-8412, 1500-8414, 1500-8416, 1500-8419 and 1500-8420; Deletes section 1500-8418)
    1380 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends sections 1500-310 and 1500-312) and Chapter 1400 - Regulations for the Subdivision of Land (Amends section 1400-850)
    1381 Chapter 58 - Public Employees' Retirement System (Amends Chapter 58 in its entirety)
    1382 Chapter 86 - Sutter County Domestic Violence Council and Child Abuse Prevention Council (Amends Chapter 86 in its entirety)
    1383 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 373 being section 2.30373)
    1384 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 374 being section 2.30374)
    1385 Chapter 270 - Ambulance Services (Amends Chapter 270 in its entirety)
    1386 Chapter 465 - Regulation of Adult Entertainment Businesses (Repeals section 465-020(g)) and enacts Chapter 467 - Massage Establishments and Massage Practitioners
    1387 Chapter 766 - Underground Storage of Hazardous Substances (Ordinance repeals Chapter in its entirety); Chapter 785 - Fee Schedule for Hazardous Materials Business Plans (Ordinance repeals Chapter in its entirety); and adds new Chapter 770 - Regulations Pertaining to the Certified Unified Program Agency
    1388 Ordinance Extending Interim Urgency Zoning Ordinances #1366 and #1370, Prohibiting the Acceptance and Processing of Ranchette Rezoning Applications While the County Studies and Considers Issues Related to Ranchette Zoning (uncodified)
    1389 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code [Division 18 - Ranchette District (RAN)] (Amends Division 18 of Chapter 1500 thereby amending sections 1500-1810, 1500-1812, 1500-1814, 1500-1816, 1500-1818; and Adds section 1500-1820)
    1390 Chapter 1300 - Uniform Codes (Amends subsection (D) of section 1300-022, section 1300-031, section 1300-043, and section 1300-052)
    1391 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amends section 52-596)
    1392 Chapter 470 - Regulations and Policy for Use of County Parks and Recreation Facilities (Deletes sections 470-025, 470-026 and 470-027 in their entirety; Re-enacts section 470-025 in its entirety and amends section 470-130)
    1393 Chapter 1400 - Regulations for the Subdivision of Land (Adds Division 580 - Special Provision: Subdivision and Lot Line Adjustment of Agricultural Parcels, Dedication to Agricultural Use to Chapter 1400 which includes Section 1400-580)
    1394 Chapter 58 - Public Employees' Retirement System (Amends Chapter 58 in its entirety)
    1395 Chapter 75 - Children and Families Commission (Amends section 75-004)
    1396 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Adds Division 65 - Historic Preservation Combining District, consisting of sections 1500-6500, 1500-6510, 1500-6520, 1500-6530, 1500-6540, 1500-6550, 1500-6560, 1500-6570, 1500-6580 and 1500-6590 and Amends section 1500-310)
    1397 Interim Urgency Zoning Ordinance of the County of Sutter Prohibiting the Establishment of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries within the County of Sutter (Uncodified)
    1398 Interim Urgency Zoning Ordinance of the County of Sutter Prohibiting the Establishment of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries within the County of Sutter (Uncodified)
    1399 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-124 and Deletes 1100-292)
    1400 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-136 and Deletes 1100-516)
    1401 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code [Division 10 - Upland Agricultural District (UA)] Amends section 1014; [Division 12 - Agricultural Preserve Residential and Agricultural Preserve Districts (APR and AP)] Amends section 1500-1214; [Division 13 - Exclusive Agricultural District (A-2)] Amends section 1500-1314; [Division 14 - AG General Agricultural District]Amends sections 1500-1412, 1500-1414; [Division 16 - PR Park-Recreation District]Amends section 1500-1620; [Division 18 - Ranchette District (RAN)] Amends sections 1500-1814, 1500-1818; [Division 19 Residential Estate District (RE)]Amends section 1500-1914; [Division 22 One-Family Residence District (R-1)]Amends sections 1500-2212, 1500-2214; [Division 25 - Two-Family Residence District(R-2)] Amends section 1500-2514; [Division 28 - Neighborhood Apartment District (R-3)] Amends section 1500-2814; [Division 31 - R-4 General Apartment District] Amends section 1500-3114; [Division 34 - Highway Service Commercial District (CH)] Amends section 1500-3430; [Division 37 - Neighborhood Commercial District (C-1)] Amends section 1500-3714; [Division 40 - General Commercial District (C-2) Amends section 1500-4014; [Division 43 - Commercial-Industrial District (C-M)] Amends section 1500-4314; [Division 46 - Light Industrial District (M-1)] Amends sections 1500-4612, 1500-4614; [Division 49 - General Industrial District (M-2)] Amends section 1500-4914; [Division 52 - Limited Manufacturing District (ML)] Amends section 1500-5214; [Division 53 - South Sutter County Industrial/Commercial District (SSCI/C)] Amends section 1500-5314; [Division 57 - Mobile Home Subdivision District (M-H-S)] Amends section 1500-5714; [Division 59 - Public District (P)] Amends section 1500-5910; [Division 80 - General Provisions and Exceptions] Amends sections 1500-8011A, 1500-8013, 1500-8018, Deletes section 1500-8022(e), Amends sections 1500-8022(i), 1500-8026; [Division 81 - Parking and Loading Requirements] Amends sections 1500-8116, 1500-8118(g); [Division 94 - Signs] Amends section 1500-9460; [Division 98 - Definitions] Amends section 1500-9868; [Division 3 - Appeals] Amends section 1500-310)
    1402 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 376 being section 2.30376)
    1403 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning A Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 375 being section 2.30375)
    1404 Chapter 1400 - Regulation for the Subdivision of Land (Repeals and re-enacts section 1400-850 [Appeals] and 1400-925 [Certificates of Compliance]
    1405 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 377 being section 2.30377)
    1406 Chapter 1300 - Uniform Codes [Amends National Electrical Code]
    1407 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 379 being section 2.30379)
    1408 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. No. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 380 being section 2.30380
    1409 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 381 being section 2.30381)
    1410 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code [Division 10 - Upland Agricultural District (UA)] Amends section 1012; [Division 12 - Agricultural Preserve Residential and Agricultural Preserve Districts (APR and AP)] Amends section 1212 [Division 13 - Exclusive Agricultural District (A-2)] Amends section 1312; [Division 14 - AG General Agricultural District] Amends section 1412; [Division 16 - PR Park-Recreation District] Amends section 1612; [Division 18 - Ranchette District (RAN)] Amends section 1812; [Division 19 - Residential Estate District (RE)] Amends section 1912; [Division 22 - One-Family Residence District (R-1)] Amends section 2212; [Division 25- Two-Family Residence District (R-2)] Amends section 2512; [Division 28 - Neighborhood Apartment District (R-3)] Amends section 2812; [Division 31 - R-4 General Apartment District] Amends section 3112; [Division 34 - Highway Service commercial District (CH)] Amends section 3420; [Division 37 - Neighborhood Commercial District (C-1)] Amends section 3712; [Division 40 - General Commercial District (C-2)] Amends section 4012; [Division 43 - Commercial-Industrial District (C-M)] Amends section 4312; [Division 46 - Light Industrial District (M-1)] Amends section 4612; [Division 49 - General Industrial District (M-2)] Amends section 4912; [Division 52 - Limited Manufacturing District (ML)] Amends section 5212; [Division 53 - South Sutter County Industrial/Commercial District (SSCI/C)] Amends section 5312; [Division 57 - Mobile Home Subdivision District (M-H-S)] Amends section 5712; [Division 58 - Airport District (AV)] Amends section 5812; [Division 59 - Public District (P)] Amends section 5912; [Division 80 - General Provisions and Exceptions] Adds section 8033; [Division 98 - Definitions] Add section 9868D
    1411 Chapter 1525 - Mobile Home Code [Amends Section 1525-070 and 1525-130]
    1412 Interim Urgency Zoning Ordinance of the County of Sutter Prohibiting the Subdivision of Lands Within the Sutter Buttes Overlay District (uncodified)
    1413 Interim Urgency Zoning Ordinance of the County of Sutter Prohibiting the Subdivision of Lands Within that Certain Area commonly Known as the Meridian Basin (uncodified)
    1414 Interim Urgency Zoning Ordinance of the County of Sutter Prohibiting the Subdivision of Lands Within that Certain Area Commonly Known as the Sutter Basin (uncodified)
    1415 Extension of Interim Urgency Zoning Ordinance #1412 of the County of Sutter Prohibiting the Subdivision of Lands Within the Sutter Buttes Overlay District (uncodified)
    1416 Extension of Interim Urgency Zoning Ordinance #1413 of the County of Sutter Prohibiting the Subdivision of Lands Within that Area Commonly Known as the Meridian Basin (uncodified)
    1417 Extension of Interim Urgency Zoning Ordinance #1414 of the County of Sutter Prohibiting the Subdivision of Lands Within that Area Commonly Known as the Sutter Basin (uncodified)
    1418 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Amends Subsections 1500-9485(a)(1) and 1500-9485(a)(2)
    1419 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 383 being section 2.30383)
    1420 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 384 being section 2.30384)
    1421 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 385 being section 2.30385)
    1422 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 386 being section 2.30386)
    1423 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 387 being section 2.30387)
    1424 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 388 being section 2.30388)
    1425 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 389 being section 2.30389)
    1426 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 390 being section 2.30390)
    1427 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 391 being section 2.30391)
    1428 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 392 being section 2.30392)
    1429 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 393 being section 2.30393)
    1430 Chapter 140 - Compensation for Assessment Appeals Board [Amends Section 140-030]
    1431 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 394 being section 2.30394)
    1432 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 395 being section 2.30395)
    1433 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 396 being section 2.30396)
    1434 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 398 being section 2.30398)
    1435 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 397 being section 2.30397)
    1436 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code [Division 18 - Ranchette District (RAN)] (Amends Division 18 of Chapter 1500 by amending sections 1500-1810, 1500-1814 and 1818) Chapter 1400 - Regulations for the Subdivision of Land, Amends section 1400-515(d)
    1437 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code [Division 13 - Exclusive Agricultural District (A-2)] Amending section 1500-1314 and [Division 14 - AG General Agricultural District] Amends sections 1500-1414
    1438 Chapter 215 - Registration Requirements for Commercial Weighing and Measuring Devices (Amends sections 215-030 and 215-070)
    1439 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 399 being Section 2.30399)
    1440 Chapter 52 - Relating to Benefits for Supervisors (Amends section 52-594)
    1441 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 400 being Section 2.30400)
    1442 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 401 being Section 2.30401)
    1443 Chapter 52 - Relating to Benefits for Supervisors (Amends sections 52-592 and 52-599)
    1444 Chapter 58 - Relating to Public Employees' Retirement System (Amends chapter 58 in its entirety)
    1445 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 402 being Section 2.30402)
    1446 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 403 being Section 2.30403)
    1447 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 404 being Section 2.30404)
    1448 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 406 being Section 2.30406)
    1449 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 407 being Section 2.30407)
    1450 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 408 being Section 2.30408)
    1451 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 409 being Section 2.30409)
    1452 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 410 being Section 2.30410)
    1453 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 411 being Section 2.30411)
    1454 Chapter 25 and 18 - Relating to Department of Public Works and County Surveyor [Amends Section 25-040 of Chapter 25 and adds Chapter 18 Co. Surveyor]
    1455 Interim Urgency Ordinance of the County of Sutter Prohibiting Uses Requiring the Acceptance and Processing of General Plan Amendments, Specific Plan, and/or Rezoning Applications While the County is Developing a Comprehensive General Plan Update (uncodified)
    1456 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 414 being Section 2.30414)
    1457 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 412 being Section 2.30412)
    1458 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 413 being Section 2.30413)
    1459 Extending Interim Urgency Zoning Ordinance #1455 Prohibiting Uses Requiring the Acceptance and Processing of General Plan Amendments, Specific Plan, and/or Rezoning Applications while the County is Developing a Comprehensive General Plan (uncodified)
    1460 Chapter 1525 - Mobile Homes (Amends section 1525-090 and 1525-091)
    1461 Chapter 1300 - Building Safety Codes (Amends Chapter 1300 and Deletes Chapter 1350 Swimming Pools, Spas and Hot Tubs)
    1462 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 417 being Section 2.30417)
    1463 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 416 being Section 2.30416)
    1464 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 415 being Section 2.30415)
    1465 Chapter 230 - Pawnbrokers and Chapter 235 - Junk Dealers and Scrap Metal Recyclers (Amends Chapter 230 and Adds Chapter 235)
    1466 Chapter 600 - Fire Prevention and Regulation and Chapter 610 - Overhead Storage of Flammable Liquids (Amends Chapter 600 and 610)
    1467 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 418 being Section 2.30418)
    1468 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 420 being Section 2.30420)
    1469 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 421 being Section 2.30421)
    1470 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 423 being Section 2.30423)
    1471 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 422 being Section 2.30422)
    1472 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 424 being Section 2.30424)
    1473 Chapter 1500 - FPARC Food Processing, Agricultural and Recreation Combining District (Amending Section 1500-1730)
    1474 Chapter 52 - Benefits for Supervisors (Amending Section 52-594 and 52-596)
    1475 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 428 being Section 2.30428)
    1476 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 429 being Section 2.30429)
    1477 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 419 being Section 2.30419)
    1478 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 426 being Section 2.30426)
    1479 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 427 being Section 2.30427)
    1480 Chapter 1200 - Airport Regulations (Adds Section 1200-015)
    1481 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #430 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 430 being Section 2.30430)
    1482 Clarifying Interim Urgency Zoning Ordinances #1455 and 1459 Prohibiting Uses Requiring the Acceptance and Processing of General Plan Amendments, Specific Plan, and/or Rezoning Applications While the County is Developing a Comprehensive General Plan Update (Uncodified)
    1483 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #431 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No 431 being Section 2.30431)
    1484 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #432 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map No. 432 being Section 2.30432)
    1485 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #433 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map 433 being Section 2.30433)
    1486 Extending Interim Urgency Zoning Ordinance #1482 Clarifying Interim Urgency Ordinances #1455 and #1459 Prohibiting Uses Requiring the Acceptance and processing of General Plan Amendments, specific Plan, and/or Rezoning Applications While the County is Developing a Comprehensive General Plan Update (Uncodified)
    1487 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #434 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map 434 being Section 2.30434
    1488 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #435 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map 435 being Section 2.30435
    1489 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #425 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map 425 being Section 2.30425
    1490 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #436 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map 436 being Section 2.30436
    1491 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #437 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map 437 being Section 2.30437
    1492 Chapter 58 - Public Employees' Retirement System (Amends Chapter 58 in its entirety)
    1493 Extending Interim Urgency Zoning Ordinances #1455 and 1482 Prohibiting Uses Requiring the Acceptance and Processing of General Plan Amendments, Specific Plan, and/or Rezoning Applications While the County is Developing a Comprehensive General Plan Update (Uncodified)
    1494 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #438 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map 438 being Section 2.30438)
    1495 Chapter 1700 - Water Resource Services (Adds Chapters 1701 Relating to General Water Resource Administration and Chapter 1710 Relating to Utility Services)
    1496 Chapter 1530 - Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance (Deletes Chapter 1530) Chapter 1780 - Floodplain Management (Adds Chapter 1780 Relating to Floodplain Management)
    1497 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #439 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map 439 being Section 2.3049)
    1498 Chapter 423 - Daytime Loitering and Truancy of Juveniles (Adds Chapter 423 Relating to Daytime Loitering and Truancy of Juveniles)
    1499 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Repeals and Replaces Sections 1500-8015 Relating to Public Right-of-Way Dedication and Improvements and 1500-9868 Relating to Lot)
    1500 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #440 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map 440 being Section 2.30440)
    1501 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #441 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map 441 being Section 2.30441)
    1502 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds section 1100-144)
    1503 Development Agreement No. 08-008 (CBS) with Holt of California (uncodified)
    1504 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #442 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter Count; Map 442 being Section 2.30442)
    1505 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Repeals Division 53 South Sutter County Industrial/Commercial District (SSCI/C) Replacing it with the Sutter Pointe Specific Plan Land Use and Development Code)
    1506 Development Agreement with South Sutter 6000, LLC re Sutter Pointe Specific Plan Project (uncodified)
    1507 Development Agreement with South Sutter, LLC re Sutter Pointe Specific Plan Project (uncodified)
    1508 Development Agreement with Osysseus Farms and/or South Sutter, LLC re Sutter Pointe Specific Plan Project (uncodified)
    1509 Development Agreement with Angelo K. Tsakopoulos, Valley View South Sutter, LLC re Sutter Pointe Specific Plan Project (uncodified)
    1510 Development Agreement with Daryl Lauppe 2008, LLC, Panton Family Revocable Trust of 1997 and/or South Sutter Investors, LLC re Sutter Points Specific Plan Project (uncodified)
    1511 Development Agreement with Family Real Property Limited Partnership re Sutter Pointe Specific Plan Project (uncodified)
    1512 Development Agreement with McKenzie Farms and/or Riego Holdings, LLC re Sutter Pointe Specific Plan Project (uncodified)
    1513 Development Agreement with McKenzie Revocable Living Trust, et al. and/or Riego Holdings, LLC re Sutter Pointe Specific Plan Project (uncodified)
    1514 Development Agreement with Sills Family, LLC and/or Riego Holdings, LLC re Sutter Pointe Specific Plan Project (uncodified)
    1515 Development Agreement with Plumeria 2,000 Trust, et al. and/or Riego Holdings, LLC re Sutter Pointe Specific Plan Project (uncodified)
    1516 Development Agreement with Riego Holdings, LLC re Sutter Pointe Specific Plan Project (uncodified)
    1517 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #443 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map 443 being Section 2.30443)
    1518 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #445 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map 445 being Section 2.30445)
    1519 Chapter 5 - Supervisorial Districts of the County of Sutter (Amends Chapter 5)
    1520 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #444 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Map 444 being Section 2.30444)
    1521 Chapters 16 and 27 - Purchasing and Public Project Bidding Procedures (Amends Chapters 16 and 27)
    1522 Chapter 1770 - Land Grading and Erosion Control (Adds Chapter 1770)
    1523 Chapter 1701 and 1760 - General Water Resource Administration and Stormwater Connections (Amends Section 1701-030 and adds Chapter 1760)
    1524 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Adds Division 87 Water Efficient Landscape Requirements)
    1525 Chapter 220 - Fees for Services: Agricultural Commissioner (Amends Chapter 220)
    1526 Chapter 58 - Public Employees' Retirement System (Amends Chapter 58 in its entirety)
    1527 Chapter 1701 - General Water Resource Administration (Replaces Section 1701-030 and Amends Sections 1701-060, 1701-130, and 1701-140) and adds Chapter 1790—Stormwater Management and Discharge Control)
    1528 Chapter 1740 - Wastewater Connections (Added Chapter 1740) Chapter 1750 - Use of the Sanitary Sewer System (Added Chapter 1750) Chapter 1790 - Stormwater Management & Discharge Control (Amends Section 1790-130(d))
    1529 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #446 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Section 2.30446)
    1530 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code, Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #447 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Section 2.30447)
    1531 Chapter 26 - Sale or Lease of County-Owned Real Property (Amends Chapter 26)
    1532 Chapter 52 - Board of Supervisors-Retirement (Amend Section 52-596)
    1533 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #449 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Section 2.30449)
    1534 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #450 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Section 2.30450)
    1535 Chapter 72 - Establishment of Planning Commission (Repealing and Replacing Section 72-020(h))
    1536 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #448 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Section 2.30448)
    1537 Chapter 500 - Emergency Organization and Functions (Amends Chapter 500)
    1538 Chapter 910 & 1137 - Regulating the Use of Unimproved County Highways and Use Restrictions on Commercial Vehicles (Deletes Chapter 910 and Amends Chapter 1137)
    1539 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #451 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Section 2.30451)
    1540 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #452 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Section 2.30452)
    1541 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Repeals and Replaces Sections 1500-1012, 1500-1212, 1500-1312, 1500-1412, 1500-1612, 1500-1812, 1500-1912, 1500-2212, 1500-2512, 1500-2812, 1500-3112, 1500-3420, 1500-3712, 1500-4012, 1500-4312, 1500-4612, 1500-4912, 1500-5212, 1500-5712, 1500-5812, 1500-5912 and Establishing a New Division 93 of Chapter 15 Standards for Location, Size, and Design of Wind Energy Facilities)
    1542 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Repealing and Replacing Sections 1500-1412, 1500-2212, 1500-2512, 1500-2812 and 1500-3112 and adding Section 1500-8018(e)(6) Cold Weather Shelters)
    1543 Chapter 1400 - Regulation for the Subdivision of Land (Adding Sections 1400-320(p) and 1400-410(g))
    1544 Chapter 1360 - The Sutter County Development Impact Fee (Amends Chapter 1360)
    1545 Chapter 32 - County Clerk-Recorder (Amends Section 32-011)
    1546 Chapter 1300 - Building Safety Codes (Amends Chapter 1300)
    1547 Chapter 600 - Fire Prevention and Regulation (Amends Sections 60-020 and 600-100) Chapter 610 - Overhead Storage of Flammable Liquids (Amends Sec. 610-030)
    1548 Chapter 16 - Purchasing (Adds section 16-055)
    1549 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #453 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Section 2.30453)
    1550 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Adds Sec. 1100-716)
    1551 Chapter 470 - Regulations and Policy for Use of County Parks and Recreation Facilities (Adds Sections 470-112 and 470-160)
    1552 Chapter 5 - Supervisorial Districts (Amends Chapter 5)
    1553 Chapter 1400 - Regulation for the Subdivision of Land (Repeals and Replaces Sections 1400-940(b) and 1400-940(e))
    1554 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Repealing and Replacing Sections 1500-1314 and 1500-1414)
    1555 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Replaces Chapter 1100)
    1556 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Repealing section 1500-8027)
    1557 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Repealing and Replacing Division 19; Adding Division 44; and Repealing and Replacing sections 1500-8015, 1500-8015A, 1500-8118(f), 1500-8118(g), 1500-9485c, and 1500-9868)
    1558 Chapter 58 - Public Employees' Retirement System (Amending Chapter 58)
    1559 Chapter 52 - Salary Code (Amending Section 52-596)
    1560 Chapter 1200 - Airport-Regulations (Added Sections 1200-052, 1200-054,and 1200-056)
    1561 Chapter 32 - County Clerk Recorder (Amends Section 32-011)
    1562 Chapter 1137 - Use Restrictions on Commercial Vehicles (Adds subsection 1137-010(g) and (h) and section 1137-102)
    1563 Chapter 42 - Treasurer and Tax Collector (Amends Section 42-060)
    1564 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #455 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Section 2.30455)
    1565 Chapter 1500, Division 19 - Estate Residential District (ER) (Amends Section 1500, Division 19)
    1566 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt SectionalDistrict Map #454 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Section 2.30454)
    1567 Chapter 480 - Discharge of Firearms (Amends Section 480.010)
    1568 Chapter 1360 - Sutter County Development Impact Fee (Amends Section 1360-090)
    1569 Chapter 10 - Board of Supervisors Meetings and Rules for Conducting Business (Amends Chapter 10)
    1570 Chapter 1100 - Prima Facie Speed Limits (Amends Section 100)
    1571 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #456 A-H Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Section 2.30456)
    1572 Chapter 75 - Children and Families Commission (Amends Sections 75-004 and 75-005)
    1573 Chapter 87 - Administrative Penalties (Adds Chapter 87)
    1574 Chapter 1780 and 1701 Floodplain Management and Water Resources Administration (Replacing Chapter 1780 and Amending Chapter 1701)
    1575 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #457 a Portion of Sutter County; Section 2.30457)
    1576 Chapter 1500 - Light Industrial District (M-1) (Amends Section 1500-4612)
    1577 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code Amends Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #458 A-E Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County; Section 2.30458)
    1578 Chapter 470 - County Parks and Recreation Facilities (Amends Chapter 470)
    1579 Chapter 215 - Registration Requirements for Commercial Weighing and Measuring Devices (Amends Section 215-070)
    1580 Chapter 78 - Fish and Game Commission (Amends Section 78-050)
    1581 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Repealing and Replacing Sections 1500-8118(f))
    1582 Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code (Repealing and Replacing Sections 1500-2812 Neighborhood Apartment District (R-3, 1500-3112 General Apartment District (R-4, and Definitions 1500-9890)
    1583 Chapter 1400 - Subdivision Ordinance (Repealing and Replacing Chapter 1400)
    1584 Chapter 16 - Purchasing (Amend Chapter 16 Modifying the Terms Community Services Department and Community Services Director to Development Services Department Director)
    1585 Chapter 25 - Department of Public Works (Amending Chapter 25 Modifying the Terms Public Works Department and Public Works Director)
    1586 Chapter 410 - Marijuana Cultivation (Adds Chapter 410)
    1587 Chapter 1137 - Use Restrictions on Commercial Vehicles (Amended Section 1137-040)
    1588 Chapter 160 - Low Value Supplemental and Escape Assessments (Added Chapter 160)
    1589 Chapter 1120 - Vehicle Parking (Amended Chapter 1120)
    1590 Chapter 52 - Benefits for Supervisors (Amends Section 52-594 and 52-596)
    1591 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code Amend Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #459 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County, Section 2.30459)
    1592 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code Amend Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #460 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County, Section 2.30460)
    1593 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code Amend Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #461 A-B Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County, Section 2.30461)
    1594 Chapter 1200 - Airport Regulations (Deletes Section 1200-015)
    1595 Chapter 600 - Fire Prevention and Regulation (Amends Chapter 600)
    1596 Chapter 610 - Overhead Storage of Flammable Liquids (Amends Chapter 610)
    1597 Chapter 1300 - Building Safety Codes (Amends Chapter 1300)
    1598 Chapter 490 - Walnut Theft Prevention (Creating Chapter 490)
    1599 Land Use (Chapter 1500—Zoning Code Amend Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #462 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County, Section 2.30462)
    1600 Land Use (Chapter 1500-Zoning Code Amend Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #464 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County, Sec. 2.30464)
    1601 Land Use (Chapter 1500 - Zoning Code Amend Ord. 235 to Adopt Sectional District Map #463 Rezoning a Portion of Sutter County, Sec. 2.30463)
    1602 Development Agreement (First Amendment) with South Sutter, LLC Regarding Sutter Pointe Specific Plan (uncodified)
    1603 Development Agreement (First Amendment) with South Sutter 6000, LLC Regarding Sutter Pointe Specific Plan (uncodified)
    1604 Development Agreement (First Amendment) with TDW Enterprises, LP (Successor-in-Interest to Family Real Property Limited Partnership) Regarding Sutter Pointe Specific Plan (uncodified)
    1605 Development Agreement (Tier-1)) with Riego 1700, LLC Regarding Sutter Pointe Specific Plan (uncodified)
    1606 Development Agreement (Tier-1) with McKenzie Revocable Living Trust Regarding the Sutter Pointe Specific Plan (uncodified)
    1607 Development Agreement (Tier-1) with McKenzie Farms Regarding Sutter Point Specific Plan (uncodified)
    1608 Chapter 72 - Establishment of Planning Commission (Amends Section 72-020)
    1609 Chapter 1780 - Floodplain Management (Amends Sections 1780-530, 1780-545, and 1780-550)
    1610 Chapter 32 - Clerk-Recorder's Fee Schedule (Amends Section 32-011)


    This table has been discontinued. In lieu of this Ordinance Dispostion Table, the following Code Comparative Table has been maintained to document amendments to this Code.