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    Size, Material, Scale. The final map shall be legibly drawn, printed or reproduced by a process guaranteeing a permanent record in black on tracing cloth or polyester base film. Certificates, affidavits, and acknowledgments may be legibly printed upon the map with opaque ink. If ink is used on polyester base film, the ink surface shall be coated with a suitable substance to insure permanent legibility. The dimensions of each sheet of such map shall be 18 inches by 26 inches. A marginal line shall be drawn completely around each sheet leaving an entirely blank margin of one inch. The scale of the map shall be sufficient to show all details clearly and in no case shall be greater than one inch equals 100 feet nor less than one inch equals 50 feet. A scale greater than one inch equals 100 feet may be permitted subject to authorization by the Development Services Department Director. Enough sheets shall be used to accomplish this end. The number of each sheet and the total number of sheets comprising the map shall be stated on each of the sheets and the relation of each adjoining sheet shall be clearly shown by a small key map on the first sheet. Each sheet of such map proper shall show the date of the survey, north point, written graphic scale, and other information as necessary. The map shall be so made and shall be in such condition when filed that good legible prints and negatives can be made there from.


    Title. The title of each sheet of such final map shall consist of the approved name and unit number of the tract, if any, at the lower right hand corner of the sheet, followed by the words, "County of Sutter". Maps filed for the purpose of showing a reversion to acreage to land previously subdivided shall be conspicuously marked with the words "Reversion to Acreage".


    Coordinate System. Wherever the County Surveyor has established a system of coordinates, then the survey shall be tied into such system. The adjoining corners of all adjoining lots shall be identified by lot and block numbers, subdivision name and place of record, or other proper designation.


    Subdivision Boundary. An accurate and complete boundary survey to second order accuracy shall be made of the land to be subdivided. A traverse of the exterior boundaries of the tract and of each block when computed from field measurements on the ground, shall close within a limit of one foot to 10,000 feet. The boundary of the subdivision shall be indicated on the final map by clearly designated distinctive symbols.


    Dimensions, Bearing, Curve Data. The final map shall show all survey and mathematical information and data necessary to locate all monuments thereon, including bearing and distance of straight lines and central angle, radius, and arc length of curves, and such information as may be necessary to determine the location of the centers of the curves.


    Lots and Blocks. All lots and blocks and all parcels offered for dedication for any purpose shall be particularly delineated and designated with all dimensions, boundaries, and courses clearly shown and defined in every case; except in the case of a parcel map, the location of any remainder of the original parcel shall be shown, but need not be shown as a matter of survey but only by reference to the existing record boundaries of such remainder if such remainder has a gross area of 20 acres or more. Parcels offered for dedication other than for streets and easements shall be designated by letter. Sufficient linear, angular and curve data shall be shown to determine readily the bearing and length of the boundary lines of every block, lot, and parcel which is a part thereof. Sheets shall be so arranged that no lot is split between two or more sheets and, wherever practical, blocks in their entirety shall be shown on one sheet. No ditto marks shall be used for lot dimensions. Lot numbers shall begin with the numeral "1" and continue consecutively throughout the tract, with no omissions or duplications.


    Streets. The map shall show the right-of-way lines of each street, and the width of any portion being dedicated and widths of any existing dedications. The widths and locations of adjacent streets and other public properties within 50 feet of the subdivision shall be shown. If any street in the subdivision is a continuation or approximately a continuation of any existing street, the conformity or the amount of non-conformity of such street to such existing streets shall be accurately shown. Whenever the centerline of a street has been established or recorded, the data shall be shown on the final map.


    Easements. The side lines of all easements, including utility and new access easements shall be shown by fine dashed lines. If any easement already of record cannot be definitely located, a statement of the existence, the nature thereof, and its recorded reference shall appear on the title sheet. Distances and bearings on the side lines of lots which are cut by an easement shall be narrowed or so shown that the map will indicate clearly the actual lengths of the lot lines. The widths of all easements and sufficient ties thereto to definitely locate the same with respect to the subdivision shall be shown. All easements shall be clearly labeled and identified. If an easement shown on the map is already of record, its recorded reference shall be given. If an easement is being dedicated by the map, it shall be set out in the owner's certificate of dedication.


    High Water Line. The map shall show the line of mean high water with a fine continuous line in case the subdivision includes or is adjacent to areas subject to periodic inundation or other waters, and the use of such areas may be required to be restricted by a covenant of restrictions.


    Monuments. The map shall fully and clearly show what stakes, monuments or other evidence to determine the boundaries of the subdivision were found on the ground and each adjacent corner of each adjoining subdivision or portion thereof, by lot and block numbers, tract name or number and place of record, by section, municipality and range, or other proper designation. Any monument or benchmark as required by this Chapter, that is disturbed or destroyed before acceptance of all improvements, shall be shown on the final map:


    The location of all monuments placed in making the survey. If any points were reset by ties, the fact shall be stated.


    Concrete monuments depressed below street grade with cast iron ring and cover of a type approved by the Development Services Department Director shall be set at intersections of street centerline tangents or offsets there from, or as required by the Public Works Director. The exact location of all such monuments shall be shown on the final map.


    All lot corners shall be permanently monumented.


    All monuments shall be set prior to acceptance of the public improvements by the Board of Supervisors.


    Certificate, Acknowledgment and Description. The title sheet of the map, below the title, shall show the name of the engineer or surveyor, together with the date of the survey, the scale of the map and the number of sheets. The following certificates, acknowledgments and description shall appear on the title sheet of the final map and such certificates may be combined where appropriate:


    Certificate by Parties Holding Title. A certificate in accordance with the provisions of Section 66436 of the Subdivision Map Act.


    Dedication Certificate. A certificate in accordance with Section 66439 of the Subdivision Map Act.


    Engineer's Certificate. A certificate in accordance with Section 66441 of the Subdivision Map Act.


    Certificate to be Executed. Certificates for execution by each of the following:


    County Surveyor.


    County Clerk.


    Development Services Department Director.


    County Recorder.


    Description of Property. A description of all property being subdivided by reference to maps or deeds of the property shown thereon as shall have been previously recorded or filed. Each reference in such description to any tract or subdivision shall show a complete reference to the book and page or records of the County. The description shall also include reference to any vacated area with the number of the ordinance vacating thereof.


    Certificate Regarding Tax Lien. Prior to the filing of the final map with the Board of Supervisors, the subdivider shall file the certificate and documents set forth in Section 66492 of the Subdivision Map Act or any amendments thereto relating to taxes and assessments.


    Other Affidavits, Etc. Such other affidavits, certificates, acknowledgments, endorsements, and notarial seals as are required by law and by this Chapter.


    Additional Information for Simultaneous Recordation. At the time of filing of the final map by the subdivider, additional information may be required to be submitted for simultaneous recordation. Such additional survey and map information may include, but not be limited to: building setback lines, flood hazard zones, and agricultural protection landscape buffers. The additional information shall be in the form of an additional map sheet which shall indicate its relationship to the final map, and shall contain a statement that the additional information is for informational purposes, describing conditions as of the date of filing, and is not intended to affect record title interest. The additional map sheet may also contain a notation that the additional information is derived from public records or reports, and does not imply the correctness or sufficiency of those records or reports by the preparer of the additional map sheet.

([1543] Ord. 1583, Sec. 1, March 12, 2013; [1583] Ord. 1584, Sec. 3, May 28, 2013; Ord. 1585, Sec. 2, May 28, 2013)