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  • Prior to or at the time of submitting the final map of a subdivision to the Development Services Department Director, the subdivider shall submit therewith the following documents:


    Traverse Sheets. Calculation and traverse sheets in a form approved by the Development Services Department Director giving bearings and distance and coordinates of the boundary of the subdivision and blocks and lots therein shown on the final map.


    Public Improvement Plans. The original tracings of detailed plans, cross sections and profiles of this Chapter and of all other improvements proposed to be installed as required by the provisions of this Chapter and of all other improvements proposed to be installed by the subdivider in, on, over, or under any street, right-of-way, easement, or parcel of land dedicated by the map or previously dedicated, including the estimated cost thereof, shall be filed with the Development Services Department Director for his approval and signature. All such plans shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Development Services Department Director. Plan sheets shall be 24 by 36 inches with one inch left margin.


    A no-access rights certificate shall be shown on the final map where required by the Development Services Department Director.


    Design Data. Design data assumptions and computations for proper analysis in accordance with sound engineering practice.


    Report and Guarantee of Clear Title. The final map shall be accompanied by a current report prepared by a duly authorized title company naming the persons whose consent is necessary for the preparation and recordation of such map and for dedication of the streets, alleys, and other public places shown on the map and certifying that as of the date of the preparation of the report, the persons therein named are all the persons necessary to give clear title to such subdivision. At the time of recording said map, following approval by the Board of Supervisors, there shall be filed with the County Recorder a guarantee executed by a duly authorized title company showing the persons (naming them) consenting to the preparation and recordation of such map and offering for dedication the streets, alleys, and other public places shown thereon are all the persons necessary to pass clear title to such subdivision and the dedications shown thereon.


    The Agreement and Bonds specified in that section of this Chapter entitled "Improvement Security".


    Deed Restrictions: By-Laws and/or Articles of Incorporation. Two copies of all deed restrictions, by-laws and articles of incorporation

([1543] Ord. 1583, Sec. 1, March 12, 2013; [1583] Ord. 1585, Sec. 2, May 28, 2013)