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  • (a)

    As authorized by Government Code §25208.4, as amended, and upon request of a supervisor-elect, county general fund monies may be used prior to the assumption of office by that supervisor-elect including the payment of course fees, travel an per diem expenses, course materials, and consultant fees.


    Such training and orientation programs, and expenses therefore, shall be those the board deems proper and beneficial to the exercise of supervisorial duties by newly elected supervisors.


    In order to receive training and orientation funds, the supervisor-elect shall:


    Make a formal request of the Board of Supervisors.


    Utilize county claim forms, the reimbursement form set forth in the County Administrative Manual and adhere to the provisions of the Travel and Business Expense Policy as adopted by the Board of Supervisors on December 9, 1980, as amended.

([967] Ord. 989, Sec. 3; July 15, 1986)