§ 1400-520. STREETS  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Conformance. The streets shall conform in principle to the street requirements of the General Plan and in width and alignment to the streets shown on any precise plan adopted by the Board of Supervisors relating to streets, and shall conform to the requirements of this Chapter.


    Minimum Standards. Where higher standards have not been established as set forth in subsection (a) of this section, all major and minor streets shall be platted according to the following minimums except higher standards may be required where streets are to serve commercial or industrial property or where probable traffic conditions warrant:

    Right-of-way Type of Street Curb to Curb Width *(ft.) Width*(ft.)
    1. Major street or highway—Urban (Arterial) 72—120 52-100
    2. Major street or highway—Rural (Arterial) 60—72 40—52
    3. Collector—Urban 60—72 40—52
    4. Collector—Rural 40—60 40—52
    5. Standard residential street—Urban (Local) 40—60 40—50
    6. Standard residential street—Rural (Local) 40—50 40
    7. Interior residential and cul-de-sac—Urban and rural (Local) 40—49 27—36
    8. Private street and alleys As determined by the Planning Commission As determined by the Planning Commission


    * Plus additional easements for utilities.

    "Interior residential and cul-de-sac streets" as used in this subsection means streets which serve only lots which are wholly within the subdivision. That is, the term is intended to apply to streets other than through streets. It is not intended to apply to that portion of streets adjacent to the exterior boundaries of the subdivision nor to streets within the subdivision that are aligned, generally, with streets lying outside the subdivision.

    These minimum standards include a requirement that subdividers fully improve any half-street adjacent to their subdivision with full street improvements.