Latest version.
  • It shall be unlawful to disc, cultivate, irrigate or allow water to flow onto or cause to disc, cultivate, irrigate, or allow water to flow onto a county road or right-of-way of a county road.

    It shall be unlawful to disc, irrigate, or cultivate near a county road or right-of-way of a county road so as to deposit, cause to be deposited, or allowed to be deposited, water, soil, rock, or any debris upon a county road or right-of-way of a county road.

    Whenever disc furrows, irrigation levees, or irrigation water are found on a county road or right-of-way of a county road adjacent to private real property, the owners of that private real property or, in the event said property is leased for agricultural purposes, the agricultural lessees of such real property shall be presumed to have caused the discing, or the soil of the levee to be deposited, or the irrigation water to be deposited on said county road of right-of-way of a county road. This presumption shall affect the burden of proof.

(Ord. 688, Sec. 1; May 24, 1977)