Latest version.
  • (a)

    No franchise granted under the provisions of this subchapter of Chapter 1060 shall be for a term longer than 15 years following the date of acceptance of such franchise by the grantee or the renewal thereof.


    Any franchise granted under the provisions of this subchapter may be terminated prior to its date of expiration by the Board in the event the Board finds, after 30 days' notice of any proposed termination and public hearing, that:


    The Grantee has failed to comply with any provision of this chapter, or, by act or omission, has violated any term or condition of any franchise or permit issued under the provisions of this chapter; or


    Any provision of this chapter has become invalid or unenforceable and the Board further finds that such provision constitutes a consideration material to the grant of such franchise; or


    The County acquires the CATV system property of the Grantee; or


    The CATV System is operated as part of, or in conjunction with a CATV system in another jurisdiction and that the Grantee's franchise is that other jurisdiction has expired or been terminated.