§ 465-020. DEFINITIONS  

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  • Unless otherwise specifically provided, or required by the context, the following terms have the meanings set forth in this Section for the purposes of this Chapter.

    Adult entertainment businesses are defined as follows:


    Adult Book Store. An adult book store is an establishment having as a substantial or significant portion of its stock in trade, books, magazines and other periodicals which are distinguished or characterized by their emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas" or an establishment with a segment or section devoted to the sale or display of such materials.


    Adult Motion Picture Theater. An enclosed building with a capacity of 50 or more persons used for presenting a preponderance of films whose dominant or predominant character and theme is the depiction or description of "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas."


    Adult Mini-Motion Picture Theater. An enclosed building with a capacity of less than 50 persons used for presenting a preponderance of films whose dominant or predominant character and theme is the depiction or description of "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas."


    Adult Hotel or Motel. A hotel or motel wherein material is regularly presented which has as its dominant or predominant theme the depiction or description of "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas."


    Adult Motion Picture Arcade. Any place to which the public is permitted or invited wherein coin or slug-operated or electronically, electrically or mechanically-controlled still or motion picture machines, projectors, or other image-producing devices are maintained to show images to five or fewer persons per machine at any one time, and where the preponderance of images displayed have as their dominant or predominant theme the depiction or description of "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas."


    Cabaret. A nightclub, theater, or other establishment which features live performances by topless and/or bottomless dancers, strippers, or similar entertainers, where the dominant or predominant character or theme of such performances is the depiction of description of "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas."


    Model Studio. Any business where, for any form of consideration or gratuity, figure models who display "specified anatomical areas" are provided to be observed, sketched, drawn, painted, sculptured, photographed, or similarly depicted by persons paying such consideration or gratuity.


    Sexual Encounter Center. Any business, agency or person who, for any form of consideration or gratuity, provides a place where three or more persons, not all members of the same family, may congregate, assemble or associate for the purpose of engaging in "specified sexual activities" or exposing "specified anatomical areas."


    Other. Any other business or establishment which offers its patrons services or entertainment whose dominant or predominant character and theme is the performance of "specified sexual activities" or depiction of "specified anatomical areas."

([862] Ord. 881, Sec. 3; July 20, 1982; [862,881] Ord. 1386, Sec. 2; Aug. 17, 2004)