§ 270-300. AMBULANCE RATES  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The Sutter County Board of Supervisors may adopt procedures for reviewing and regulating ambulance rates in the County. If regulated, ambulance permittees shall not charge more than the rates adopted by the Sutter County Board of Supervisors.


    No charge shall be made for transporting uninjured or well persons who accompany a patient when these persons are not treated at an emergency care facility.


    If regulated, the schedule of rates may be adjusted by the Sutter County Board of Supervisors upon the receipt of a permittee request to the County. The County shall submit a report to the Sutter County Board of Supervisors, which shall conduct a public hearing regarding the requested rate increase.


    A rate change when approved by the Sutter County Board of Supervisors, as applicable, shall be effective on the date of approval.


    Current rate categories and charges shall be posted at each permittees place of business.


    This Section shall not apply to agencies whose rates are set by public hearing procedure.