§ 600-240. BURNING PERMITS  

Latest version.
  • Any other provisions of the California Fire Code, and particularly Section 307.2 to the contrary notwithstanding, any fire department in the County within its jurisdiction may issue permits for commercial or industrial burning of combustible waste matter, or the burning of standing vegetation, or project burning, or burning for range improvement or land clearing during hours other than those provided for in the California Fire Code upon finding that such burning is necessary and it cannot be done within the prescribed hours in order to accomplish one or more of the purposes set forth at Health and Safety Code section 41801(a) through (g). Such exemption shall be only for non-continuing uses and the permit shall specify the hours during which the burning may be permitted. The permittee shall not burn at any other time under the permit than at the times therein authorized. The permittee shall not conduct any open agricultural burn or commercial property burn of vegetative material unless the permittee has first: (1) obtained a written permit to do so from the Feather River Air Quality Management District; (2) notified FRAQMD and a fire department having jurisdiction over the site; and (3) obtained an Agricultural Burn Allocation from FRAQMD on the day of any proposed agricultural burn.

    In any such permit, the County Fire Services Manager may impose any reasonable conditions to protect the public safety, and it shall be unlawful for the permittee or any other person to violate or not comply with such conditions and, upon such violation or noncompliance, in addition to other remedies, the permit may be summarily revoked.

(Ord. No. 1631, § 1, 2-14-2017)