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  • Persons seeking specific plan approval shall submit an application accompanied by a draft specific plan document for the entire specific plan area. Such application shall contain the following:


    Information required by statute and regulation, including a text and diagram or diagrams which specify all of the following: distribution, location and extent of the uses of land; proposed distribution, location and extent and intensity of major components of public and private transportation, sewage, water, drainage, solid waste disposal, energy, and other essential facilities needed to support the land uses described in the Plan; standards and criteria by which development will proceed, and standards for the conservation, development and utilization of natural resources; and a program of implementation measures including regulations, programs, public works projects, and financing measures; and a statement of the relationship of the specific plan with the General Plan.


    Such other information pertaining to content, form and style as is deemed necessary by the Planning Director to assure that the proposed specific plan is consistent with the provisions of State law, the General Plan, and other laws and regulations of the County of Sutter and affected local agencies. The Planning Director shall be responsible for preparing internal procedures which will guide the preparation of specific plans consistent with this ordinance.


    A filing fee as specified by resolution of the Board of Supervisors.

(Ord. 1134, Sec. 1; Sept. 29, 1992; Ord. 1190, Sec. 10; Oct. 12, 1993)