§ 140-040. TERM OF OFFICE  

Latest version.
  • The term of office of members appointed to serve on the Assessment Appeals Board shall be three years beginning on the first Monday in September except that upon the original appointment of members to serve on the Assessment Appeals Board, the member first appointed shall serve for a term ending on the day before the first Monday of September of 1991, the second member appointed shall serve for a term ending on the day before the first Monday in September of 1990, and the third member appointed shall serve for a term ending on the day before the first Monday in September of 1989. The fourth member appointed shall serve a term identical to the term of office of the member first appointed or of the successor of the member first appointed who is in office on the date the fourth member is appointed. The fifth member appointed shall serve a term identical to the term of office of the member second appointed or of the successor of the member second appointed who is in office on the date the fifth member is appointed. In the event of a vacancy on the board, the person appointed to fill the vacancy shall serve for the remainder of the unexpired term.

([1050] Ord. 1191, Sec. 2; Oct. 19, 1993; Ord. No. 1613, § 1, 10-27-2015)