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  • The Board of Supervisors shall appoint the members of the Advisory Commission from persons nominated as follows:


    Each supervisor shall make sufficient nominations so that three of the appointees are his or her nominees.


    The Advisory Commission shall nominate persons to serve as alternate members.

    When a regular member is unable to attend a meeting of the Advisory Commission, the regular member shall notify either the secretary of the Advisory Commission or another regular member in advance, and the chairperson of the Advisory Commission shall designate an alternate member to take the regular member's place at that meeting. While attending a meeting, an alternate member shall have the same status as a regular member for purposes of determining whether a quorum exists and for voting but shall not serve as, or perform the duties of, an officer. Alternate members shall not attend committee meetings except as private citizens.

    Persons nominated and appointed to serve as regular or alternate members should represent a balanced membership with interest areas that are primary or allied to fish and game propagation; no distinct interest area shall have at any one time more than five members on the Advisory Commission.

    Regular members of the Advisory Commission shall serve at the pleasure of the supervisors who nominated them, and alternate members shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Supervisors. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as original appointments to the Advisory Commission.

([632] Ord. 1241, Sec. 2; Aug. 13, 1996)