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  • (a)

    Customer Service. Grantor reserves the right to enforce the FCC customer service standards, as now codified at 47 C.F.R. § 76.309, or hereafter amended.


    Letter of Credit for Customer Service. Grantor may require the posting of a letter of credit to guarantee the quality of Grantee's service to customers, subject to restrictions (if any) agreed upon between Grantor and Grantee in the franchise agreement. In no case shall Grantor require a letter of credit without affording Grantee a hearing to present its views on imposing such letter of credit.


    Reception Quality.


    The FCC Rules and Regulations, including Part 76, Subpart K (Technical Standards), and any amendments or supplements thereto, will apply to the Grantee's operations to the extent permitted by applicable law.


    The head-end of the cable system, satellite earth stations, and any hubs must be equipped with an emergency power system in order to maintain continuous power in the event of a local power outage. The standby emergency power system must be capable of providing emergency power for a minimum of three hours.


    The cable system must be designed, installed, and operated so as to comply with the following general requirements:


    Continuous 24-hour daily operation.


    Avoid causing interference with the reception of off-the-air signals by non-subscribers.


    Operate in a wide range of outdoor temperatures that typically occur within the franchise service area.


    Assure that all subscribers will receive standard color and monochrome signals on the FCC-designated Class 1 channels without noticeable picture degradation or visible evidence of color distortion, or other forms of interference that may be attributable to deficiencies in the cable system.