§ 800-220. UNLAWFUL ACTS  

Latest version.
  • It shall be unlawful for any person owning, having interest in, harboring, or having charge, care, control, custody, or possession of any dog, licensed or unlicensed, to permit such dog:


    In or upon any public street or other public place in the County or in or upon any property belonging to the County unless such dog is restrained by a leash and is under the complete control of the person owning or at the time in possession of such dog. Such leash shall not be more than eight feet in length. Notwithstanding anything set forth in this section to the contrary, no person shall be compelled to keep any dog in his possession on a leash while in or upon any public street or other public place in the County if, at the time, such dog is confined securely within an automobile.


    To trespass on private property.


    To commit a nuisance on improved private property other than that of the person who owns or has charge, care, control, or custody of the dog.


    By any sound or cry, to disturb the peace, quiet, and comfort of any neighborhood or to interfere with any person in the reasonable and comfortable enjoyment of life or property, and every such animal shall be deemed to be a public nuisance and shall be subject to abatement as such, and, in addition, the owner thereof, after personal service of a notice and citation of the condition, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor if the nuisance continues after the service of such notice and citation.


    To suffer or permit the same to run at large on private or public property whereon livestock or domestic fowl are kept without the consent of the owner.