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  • (a)

    Committee on Education and Safety.


    The Committee will consist of no more than five members of the Commission, from which a chairman shall be selected by the Commission vice-chairperson.


    All topics of discussion, as they relate to and include educational and safety grants, scholarships and loans to individuals, groups or organizations for the benefit of enhancement of such programs or needs as requested by prospective recipients, shall be under the auspices of this Committee as directed by its chairman.


    The Committee may suggest, review or initiate proposals to the Commission as are necessary to obtain the goals of the Committee, as determined by its membership.


    The Committee will submit a proposed itemized budget of expenditures for each fiscal year, a list of programs or funds to be budgeted for, as well as a written report of the types of programs or funds budgeted for and the reason for each, as determined by the Committee's goals to the Committee on Planning and Budget.


    The secretary of the Committee shall be responsible for submission of the fiscal year budget of the Committee as well as the written report, to be submitted no later than April 15th of each calendar year.


    Committee on Wildlife, Fishing, Conservation, Management and Protection (WFCMP).


    The Committee will consist of no more than five members of the Commission, from which a chairman shall be selected by the Commission vice-chairperson.


    All topics of discussion, as they relate to and include grants, loans or any other funds to benefit the enhancement of wildlife, fishing, conservation, management and protection of all forms of wildlife and fish indigenous to Sutter County and surrounding areas as well as those facilities necessary for the continued enhancement of all forms of wildlife and fish indigenous to Sutter County, shall be under the auspices of this Committee as directed by its chairman.


    The Committee may suggest, review or initiate proposals to the Commission as are necessary to obtain the goals of the Committee, as determined by its membership.


    The Committee will submit a proposed itemized budget of expenditures for each fiscal year, a list of programs or funds to be budgeted for, as well as a written report of the types of programs or funds budgeted for and the reason for each, as determined by the Committee's goals to the Committee on Planning and Budget.


    The secretary of the Committee shall be responsible for submission of the fiscal year budget of the Committee as well as the written report no later than April 15th of each calendar year.


    Committee on Projects and Special Purchases.


    The Committee will consist of no more than five members of the Commission, from which a chairman shall be selected by the Commission vice-chairperson.


    All topics of discussion, as they relate to project investigation including, but not limited to, location, situation assessment or possible costs associated with projects of any nature, as well as those special purchases as determined necessary by the Commission membership which require investigation of need, cost and benefit, as determined by the Commission, shall be under the auspices of the Committee as directed by its chairman.


    The Committee may suggest, review or initiate proposals to the Commission as are necessary to obtain the goals of the Committee, as determined by its membership.


    The Committee will submit a proposed itemized budget of expenditures for each fiscal year, a list of programs or funds to be budgeted for, as well as a written report of the types of programs or funds budgeted for and the reason for each, as determined by the Committee goals to the Committee on Planning and Budget.


    The secretary of the Committee shall be responsible for submission of the fiscal year budget of the Committee as well as the written report, no later than April 15th of each calendar year.


    Committee on Planning and Budget.


    The Committee will consist of no more than five members of the Commission, from which a chairman shall be selected by the Commission vice-chairperson.


    It shall be the responsibility of the Committee to prepare a fiscal budget from information submitted by the standing committees, members of the Advisory Commission and Board of Supervisors for the purpose of establishing fiscal priorities of the Advisory Commission.


    The budget shall be presented to the membership of the Commission and approved by two-thirds of the members present.


    Members of the Commission shall pass a balanced budget no later than May 1st of each calendar year for the next fiscal year, and shall submit their recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for approval.


    The Committee shall be responsible for overview of all budgeted and unbudgeted funds of the Advisory Commission and report the state of the budget at each regular meeting of the Commission.


    It shall be the responsibility of the Committee to present to the members of the Advisory Commission a summary of goals received from the Committees, the Board of Supervisors and from members regarding expenditures.


    The Committee may recommend expenditures from any account or funds of a Committee to the Commission upon approval of a majority of the members present.


    In the event of an emergency, the Chairperson of the Commission may authorize budgeted expenditures independently up to two hundred dollars ($200.00) per occasion and dependently, with approval of a majority of the Planning and Budget Committee members, any amount exceeding two hundred dollars ($200.00) but less than five hundred dollars ($500.00) per occasion.


    In the absence of a chairperson, any majority of the members of the Committee concurring may authorize expenditures over two hundred dollars ($200.00) but less than five hundred dollars ($500.00) per occasion.


    The authority set forth in subsections (d)(8) and (d)(9) is limited to the expenditure of funds contained in the "maintenance of equipment" subaccount of each annual approved Commission budget.

(Ord. 909, Sec. 3; June 14, 1983)