Latest version.
  • Any franchise granted under the provisions of this subchapter entitled "Small System franchises" may be renewed by the Board of Supervisors in the exercise of its discretion. Any franchise granted pursuant to this subchapter shall be for a term not to exceed fifteen (15) years and shall not grant to the Grantee any right, vested or contingent, except the right to construct and operate a cable television system, as defined by the terms of this ordinance and the franchise granted pursuant to it, for that specific period of time. At the expiration of the franchise term, the Board of Supervisors may, but shall not be required to, renew this franchise in the same manner and upon the same terms and conditions as it was originally granted, or renew the franchise upon such different terms and conditions which are contained in this ordinance as it applies to systems other than "Small systems" within the meaning of the ordinance, as that ordinance currently exists or as amended, or elect to not renew the franchise upon any terms and conditions, upon which election the franchise shall terminate. By accepting any franchise granted pursuant to this subchapter entitled "Small system Franchises", the Grantee expressly agrees that regardless of what rights may or may not be granted to a cable television operator granted a franchise pursuant to the provisions of this chapter except those expressly applicable to "Small System franchises", a Small System Grantee shall not have, nor possess, any rights, of any type, to renewal of this Small System franchise upon the terms and conditions contained within the short-term franchise or any other terms and conditions.