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  • No franchise granted under this chapter shall be for a term longer than 15 years following the date of acceptance of such franchise by the Grantee or the renewal thereof unless the Grantor determines that it is in the public interest to grant a franchise with a term longer than 15 years.

    Any franchise granted under this chapter may be terminated prior to its date of expiration by the Grantor in the event that Grantor shall have found, after no less than 30 days notice of any proposed termination and following a public hearing at which Grantee shall have the right to present testimony and cross examine witnesses, that:


    The Grantee has knowingly, and willingly failed to comply with any material provision of this chapter or, by act or omission, has knowingly, and willingly violated any material term or condition of any franchise or permit issued hereunder; or


    The Grantor acquires the Cable System of the Grantee.