Latest version.
  • There shall be kept in the Grantee's office records which shall show the things hereafter set forth. The Grantee shall provide such information in such form as may be required by the Grantor for said records and provide copies thereof:


    The true and entire cost of construction of plant and facilities, of equipment, of maintenance and of the administration and operation thereof; the amount of stock issued, if any; the amount of cash paid in, the number and par value of shares, the amount and character of indebtedness, if any; the rate of taxes; the dividends declared; the character and amount of all fixed charges; the allowance, if any, for interest, for wear and tear and for depreciation; and all amounts and sources of income.


    The amount collected annually from subscribers within the Grantor's jurisdiction and the character and extent of the services rendered therefor.


    The amount collected annually from other users of service and the character and extent of the service rendered therefor to them.


    The Grantee at all times shall make and keep full complete plans and records showing the exact location of all CATV system equipment installed or in use in streets and other public places in the Grantor.


    The Grantee shall file with the Development Services Department Director, on or before the last day in March of each year, a current map or set of maps drawn to a scale specified by the Development Services Department Director, showing the location of all cable lines installed and in place in streets and other public places of the Grantor's jurisdiction on base maps provided by the Grantor. The Grantee shall make available to Grantor upon request, as-built drawing and maps showing the location of all CATV system equipment installed and in place in the streets and other public places within the jurisdiction; however, such as-built drawings and maps shall not become the property of the Grantor and shall not be public record. Except in cases of emergency when Grantee shall make the as-built drawings and maps available immediately upon request, Grantee shall make the as-built drawings and maps available to Grantor within three business days of the request.

    The information required to be provided pursuant to this section, in addition to any further data which may be required by the Grantor, shall be furnished by the Grantee to the Grantor at the Grantee's own cost and expense. The Grantor shall have the right to inspect any records, receive copies of all books, records, maps, construction plans, financial statements, and other like material which are kept by the Grantee on his premises at any time during normal business hours, and any Grantee record kept at another place shall, within ten days of Grantor's request, be made available at Grantee's premises within the franchise area for Grantor's inspection and/or copying.

(Ord. 1585, Sec. 2, May 28, 2013)