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  • (a)

    Except as provided in Section 270-030(a) through Section 270-030(c), no person may furnish, operate, conduct, maintain, advertise or otherwise be engaged in, or profess to be engaged in business as an ambulance, air ambulance, or medical transport vehicle unless a valid permit has been authorized and issued by the County pursuant to this chapter.


    A permit will be issued only when the permittee is in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and County codes and regulations, and County policies and procedures.


    Criminal action may be taken against an applicant who knowingly provides false information on the permit application.


    For the purpose of determining whether a service meets the requirements of Section 270-030(a) through Section 270-030(c), the County may require the following information:


    The number of patients transported by the service originating or terminating within Sutter County;


    Location of storage, supply, or resupply of drugs, dangerous drugs, and controlled substances;


    Station or substation location;


    Location of business as listed on any business license;


    Advertised business location, telephone number, and mailing address;


    Site to which on-call employees respond when a request for service is received;


    Location of back-up equipment supply or resupply; and


    Any additional pertinent information that may be required by the County.


    Whenever a service based outside Sutter County, but within the State of California, enters into a written agreement or contract for the provision of service with any medical care facility or medical organization based within Sutter County, it must hold a valid permit as described in Section 270-030, unless otherwise exempted in this Chapter. Public entity, Automatic and Mutual Aid Agreements are exempt from this Section.


    No permit is required if the County has authorized/issued a provisional permit to operate a service pursuant to Section 270-050 of this Chapter.


    A service permitted in accordance with this Chapter must provide emergency care to and transport any emergency patient regardless of the patient's ability to pay.


    No permittee under this Chapter shall cause or allow its units to respond to a location without receiving a specific official request for that response.