§ 800-100. DUTY TO REPORT  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    It shall be the duty of any person having knowledge of the whereabouts of an animal showing symptoms of rabies or acting in a manner which would lead to a reasonable suspicion that it may have rabies, to report that fact immediately to the Health Officer, the Environmental Health Division, or Animal Control Services with full information about the animal.


    It shall be the duty of any person having knowledge of any person or animal that has been bitten by a rabid or suspected rabid animal, to report the incident immediately to the Health Officer, the Environmental Health Division, or Animal Control Services with full information about the incident.


    When either the Environmental Health Division, or Animal Control Services is notified pursuant to paragraphs (a) or (b) of this section, the information shall be reported immediately to the Health Officer and thereafter any directions from the Health Officer regarding the control of disease or other quarantine of any animals, or any other directions shall be carried out by Animal Control Services.

([224,365,425,488,509,598,724,729,1175,1179,1216,1230]Ord. 1287, Sec. 1; Aug. 3, 1999)