§ 78-070. ATTENDANCE  

Latest version.
  • Any regular member may fail to attend two regularly scheduled meetings providing he or she notified either the secretary of the Advisory Commission or another regular member prior to the meeting, requesting an excused absence. Should any regular member fail to attend two consecutive regularly scheduled meetings during the course of the fiscal year or have one excused absence and two unexcused absences, that member's name shall be directed to the Board of Supervisors with a record of attendance.

    Any alternate member fail to attend two meetings that he or she has been asked to attend providing he or she notified either the secretary of the Advisory Commission or a regular member prior to the meeting, requesting an excused absence. Should any alternate member fail to attend two such meetings during the course of the fiscal year or have one excused absence and two (2) unexcused absences, that member's name shall be directed to the Board of Supervisors with a record of attendance.

    The Board of Supervisors may terminate any member from the Advisory Commission because of such absence.

([909] Ord. 1241, Sec. 3; Aug. 13, 1996)