§ 270-020. DEFINITIONS  

Latest version.
  • Definitions as stated in the laws, regulations and policies listed in Section 270-020 apply to this Chapter. In addition, the following definitions are used in this Chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms contained in Sections 270-020(A) through Section 270-020(ff)(3), inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to them in those Sections.

    ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT, (ALS) means special services designed to provide definitive prehospital emergency medical care, including, but not limited to, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, cardiac monitoring, cardiac defibrillation, advanced airway management, intravenous therapy, administration of specified drugs and other medicinal preparations, and other specified techniques and procedures administered by authorized personnel under direct supervision of a base hospital as part of a local EMS system at the scene of an emergency during transport to an acute care hospital, during interfacility transfer, and while in the emergency department of an acute care hospital until responsibility is assumed by the emergency or other medical staff of that hospital.

    AGENCY VEHICLE means a vehicle, which responds to an emergency, the attendants of which may treat but not transport patients, and is operated and equipped at the LALS or ALS level pursuant to this Chapter.

    AMBULANCE means a vehicle specially constructed, modified, equipped, and used for the purpose of urgent transportation of sick, injured, convalescent, infirm, or otherwise incapacitated persons who may require immediate measures to prevent loss of life or worsening of traumatic injury or illness, or have sudden need of medical attention.

    APPLICANT means any person, organization, or service provider who applies for a permit under this Chapter.

    BASIC LIFE SUPPORT, (BLS) means emergency first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedures which, at a minimum, include recognizing respiratory and cardiac arrest and starting the proper application of cardiopulmonary resuscitation to maintain life without invasive techniques until the victim may be transported or until advanced life support is available.

    BOARD means the Board of Supervisors of Sutter County.

    COMMERCIAL AMBULANCE SERVICE means the operation of any ambulance for profit within Sutter County.

    COUNTY means The County of Sutter.

    DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES—HEALTH DIVISION means the Sutter County Department of Human Services—Health Division.

    EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE COMMITTEE, (EMCC) means the Bi-County committee established pursuant to Section 1797.270 of the Health and Safety Code.

    EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES means the services utilized in responding to a medical emergency.

    EQUIPMENT means the equipment required in an ambulance, air ambulance or agency vehicle pursuant to this Chapter and equipment standards established by the Local EMS Agency.

    FIRST RESPONDER means a person who provides the initial response to an emergency.

    LIMITED ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT, (LALS) means special service designed to provide prehospital emergency medical care limited to techniques and procedures that exceed basic life support but are less than advanced life support and are those procedures specified pursuant to Section 1797.171, Division 2.5, of the California Health.

    LOCAL EMS AGENCY means the agency, department, or office having primary responsibility for administration of emergency medical services in a county or region and which is designated pursuant to Health and Safety Code, Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 1797.200).

    MEDICAL TRANSPORT VEHICLE means a vehicle, not an ambulance, specifically constructed, modified, equipped, or arranged to accommodate a stretcher or wheelchair and operated for the purpose of transporting sick, injured, convalescent, infirm, or otherwise incapacitated persons not requiring urgent ambulance transportation.

    PATIENT means a person who is sick, injured, wounded, or otherwise incapacitated or helpless and who may be transported in an ambulance, air ambulance or medical transport vehicle, or is cared for at the scene of an emergency by a certified or accredited attendant or a public provider agency, or who dies following the commencement of such transportation.

    PERMIT means the document authorized and issued by the County on behalf of the Board which issues a permit for a service to provide emergency care and/or medical transportation in Sutter County.

    PERMITTEE means a person who holds a permit

    PERSON means a natural person, trust firm, partnership, association, corporation or public entity.

    PILOT means a person who is certified as a commercial pilot by the Federal Aviation Administration.

    PUBLIC ENTITY SERVICE means a service which is provided primarily as a public service by an agency of local government.

    REPORTS means accurate records upon such forms as may be provided or prescribed by the Local EMS Agency concerning the dispatch, emergency care, or transportation of any patient within or beyond the limits of Sutter County. Such reports shall be available, pursuant to policies of the Local EMS Agency, for inspection at any reasonable time and copies of such records shall be filed upon written request of the Local EMS Agency within two working days.

    SERVICE means the operation of an ambulance, air ambulance, agency or medical transport vehicle to provide medical care or patient transportation within Sutter County.

    STATE means the State of California.

    STATION means an approved facility from which a unit is operated.

    SUBSTATION means an approved subsidiary facility from which a unit is operated.

    TRANSFER means the movement of a patient by ambulance or air ambulance from one hospital to another hospital, a medical facility, a home or other location.

    TRANSPORT means the movement of a patient by ambulance or air ambulance from the scene of an emergency or dispatch to a hospital.

    UNIT means an ambulance, air ambulance, agency vehicle or any medical transport vehicle.

    VOLUNTEER means a person who:


    Acts as a driver or attendant;


    Does not receive more than 50% of his/her annual employment income from the EMS provider that is claiming volunteer status.

    VOLUNTEER SERVICE means a service which:


    Transports patients without compensation, other than reimbursements to defray the actual expenses of providing such service and;


    Is either wholly or partly subsidized or otherwise operated under the auspices of some governmental or public agency, body or group, or any industrial or non-profit corporation and;


    Uses volunteers.