§ 715-010. FINDINGS  

Latest version.
  • The Sutter County Board of Supervisors finds—


    That there is a legitimate scientific debate about the safety of applying sewage sludge and nonhazardous ash to agricultural lands, even when applied in accordance with federal and state regulations;


    That sewage sludge and nonhazardous ash may contain heavy metals, pathogenic organisms, and chemical pollutants;


    That, as a result, applying sewage sludge and nonhazardous ash on agricultural lands could pose a risk to the environment; to human and animal health; and, if it adversely affected the marketability of agricultural products, to the economy of Sutter County; and


    That the public health, safety, and welfare will be best protected from these risks by prohibiting the application of sewage sludge and nonhazardous ash to agricultural land until available scientific evidence shows that such application is safe.