§ 470-100. PETS AND HORSES  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    No person shall bring into, maintain or allow in or upon any park any dog, cat or other animal unless such animal at all times is kept on a leash of sufficient strength and durability that it cannot be broken by the animal so leashed, and no longer than six feet in length, and be under the full and complete physical control of its owner or custodian at all times.


    No person shall permit or suffer any animal owned by him/her, or in his/her possession, custody, or control, to defecate upon park property without immediately removing such animal feces, placing said feces in a sealed bag or other sealed container and placing such bag or container with feces in a proper refuse receptacle. Unsighted persons while relying on a guide dog are exempt from the provisions of this subsection.


    No person shall permit any animal owned by him/her, or in his/her possession, to be brought into or remain upon the premises of any park, if the Campground Host or the County has given oral or written notice to remove that animal from such premises.


    No person shall ride a horse, pony, mule, burro or any other animal upon, over or across any park, except at times and upon roads or trails designated for the riding of such animals.