§ 1500-08-020. Sutter Buttes Overlay District  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Purpose. The Sutter Buttes Overlay District (SB) is intended to preserve the cultural, historic, geologic, and visual values of the Sutter Buttes which contribute to the overall image of Sutter County. Referred to as "the smallest mountain range in the world," the Sutter Buttes rise to over 2,100 feet above sea level and provide the only geographic relief in the otherwise level Sacramento Valley, and are considered by the Maidu people as the spiritual center from which life originated. Structures within the SB Overlay District that are visible from public roads or adjacent residences are subject to specified performance standards addressing siting and design. The SB Overlay District is combined with the AG zoning district and applied to the area defined as the Sutter Buttes.


    Applicability. The regulations in this Section apply to the building of any structure within the SB Overlay District for which a building permit is required. Exceptions include:


    Expansions, replacements, or modifications to existing agricultural buildings and other existing structures, such as the cross on the north side of Pass Road, provided that such modifications do not increase the existing height of these buildings and other structures.


    Expansions, replacements, or modifications to existing residences provided that such modifications do not increase the existing building height of the residence.


    Buildings and structures within the FPARC District (Section 1500-09-020).


    District Specific Definitions.


    Sutter Buttes. For purposes of this section, the "Sutter Buttes" means any point within the area shown on Figure 1500-08-1, Sutter Buttes Sectional District Map, adopted by the Board of Supervisors.

    Figure 1500-08-1: Map of Sutter Buttes Overlay District



    Ridgeline. For the purposes of this section, a ridgeline is the crest of a ridge formed by hillsides, otherwise referred to as the drainage divide.


    Hillside. For the purposes of this section, a hillside is any area either between a ridgeline and a valley floor or between ridgelines. The line of demarcation between the valley floor and a hillside is the edge of the alluvial fan.


    Valley Floor. For the purposes of this section, the valley floor consists of nearly level to gently sloping areas on alluvial fans.


    Performance Standards. The performance standards in this section apply to all structures constructed within the established boundary of the Sutter Buttes as defined in Section 1500-08-020 C above. For areas defined as Ridgelines, the performance standards apply to any portion of a structure which extends above the elevation of the nearest ridgeline as defined by this section. This section does not apply to structures that are not visible from public roads or from adjacent residences.

    Site plans shall be to an engineer's scale and shall include in reasonable detail the proposed structure location, topography, existing vegetation, any proposed landscaping, proposed driveway and parking layout, and proposed grading.

    Performance Standards Ridgelines Hillsides Valley Floor
    R Applies to Residences      AG Applies to Agricultural Buildings and Other Structures
    W Applies to Wireless Communication Facilities      - Not Applicable
    1.  Landscape Plan. A detailed landscape plan shall be submitted that must clearly demonstrate that the structure can be blended into the natural terrain. R - -
    2.  Natural Terrain. Structures shall be designed to blend with the natural terrain to preserve the character and profile of the natural slope. Some techniques that may be utilized include split pads, stepped footings, and grade separations to permit structures to step-up the natural slope. R, AG R, AG -
    3.  Roof Pitch. A majority of the roof area visible from public roads or adjacent residences shall be designed to conform to the angle of the slope. If the slope is less than 33.3%, the roof pitch will not be regulated by this section. R R -
    4.  Grading. Structures shall be located and sited so as to minimize grading from common public viewing areas. R, AG R, AG -
    5.  Tree Removal. Structures shall be located and sited so as to minimize tree removal and visibility from common public viewing areas. R, AG R, AG R, AG
    6.  Building Colors. Colors of buildings shall be selected to blend with the natural colors and hues of the surrounding hillsides, such as off-white, browns, greens, or other earth tones. R, AG R, AG R, AG
    7.  Roof Materials and Colors. Roof materials shall be of non-reflective, fire-retardant material. Roof colors should be of darker tones. Bright colors shall be avoided. R, AG R, AG R, AG
    8.  Road and Driveway Visibility. New roads and driveways shall be sited to reduce visibility from public views by incorporating existing and/or proposed vegetation and topography. R, AG R, AG -
    9.  Road Grading. Roads shall be designed to minimize grading, erosion, and scarring by siting roads to conform to natural topography and by incorporating proper erosion and drainage controls. R, AG R, AG -
    10.  Lighting. All exterior lighting, except that designed for temporary emergency use, shall be shielded so as to direct lighting downward and to limit glare onto adjacent properties. R, AG R, AG R, AG
    11.  Cut-and-Fill Slopes and Landscaping. All cut-and-fill slopes more than three feet in vertical elevation shall be landscaped. Proposed plants shall be selected from the Sutter County Design Guidelines' Preferred Plant Materials List for the Sutter Buttes. All landscaped areas shall be irrigated, until such time the proposed vegetation becomes established. Landscaped areas on cut-and-fill slopes shall be maintained. R, AG R, AG -
    12.  Fire Safety. Notwithstanding provisions in this chapter for preserving, landscaping or screening with native trees and vegetation, building sites shall be maintained at all times for fire safety in accordance with the standards contained in Public Resources Code 4291. R, AG R, AG R, AG
    13.  Wireless Communication Facilities. In addition to the development and siting standards required in Article 18 of the Zoning Code, wireless telecommunication facilities shall utilize camouflaging techniques to blend the tower and equipment into the natural setting of the Sutter Buttes. W W W



    Review and Approval Process. A Zoning Clearance shall be obtained prior to the issuance of a building permit for any structure in the Sutter Buttes that is subject to the Sutter Buttes Overlay District regulations. All Zoning Clearance applications shall include visual analysis documentation as required by the Director to determine compliance with the performance standards established in Section 1500-08-020 D. Such documentation shall include photographs, and one of the following: (1) sketches, (2) renderings, or (3) photo simulations. Before the issuance of a Zoning Clearance within the Sutter Buttes Overlay District, a Notice of Intent to approve shall be mailed or delivered at least 10 days prior to action on the application to the applicant, the property owner, the owners as shown on the most recent secured assessor's roll of property within 400 feet of the property involved in the application, and all other persons who have requested notice in accordance with Section 1500-23-060(B). Such other notice as the County deems appropriate may also be given. All Zoning Clearances shall be processed in accordance with Section 1500-25-030.