§ 911-050. RETROFITTING  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    If all feasible routes to a requested terminal are found unsatisfactory by the Development Services Department Director, the applicant may request retrofitting the deficiencies. All costs of engineering, construction and inspection will be the responsibility of the applicant. Except when the retrofitting of deficiencies is within the jurisdiction of Caltrans, the actual construction will be done by the County or by a contractor acceptable to it.


    When the word is to be done by the County, the applicant shall deposit with the County the estimated cost of retrofitting. Adjustments between the estimated and actual cost shall be made after completion of the work and any difference between the actual and the estimated cost shall be billed or refunded to the applicant as the case may be. When the work is done by the applicant under encroachment permit, the applicant may file with the Development Services Department Director, a statement detailing the actual costs of the retrofitting.

([964] Ord. 1585, Sec. 2, May 28, 2013)