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  • It shall be unlawful for any person owning, harboring, or having the care, custody, or possession of any dog to keep or maintain such dog in any place in the County of Sutter, unless such dog has been vaccinated as provided herein.


    The vaccination of dogs four months of age or older is required and shall be held a requisite to licensing. Completion of the licensing procedure consists of issuance of a license tag bearing the license data and shall be carried out only after presentation of a current valid official vaccination certificate. Vaccination certificates shall show all of the following:


    The name, address and telephone number of the dog's owner or custodian;


    The description of the dog, including breed, color, age and sex;


    The date of immunization;


    The expiration date of the vaccination;


    The type of rabies vaccine administered;


    The name of the manufacturer; and


    The number of the vaccine used.


    Vaccination certificates shall bear the signature of the veterinarian administering the vaccine or a signature authorized by him, and in addition such certificate shall be legibly stamped, printed, or typed with his name, address and telephone number, with the exception that at dog vaccination clinics conducted pursuant to State of California Health and Safety Code Section 1920(f), vaccination certificates approved by the Health Officer may be used provided that the specific clinic is identified upon the vaccination certificate and records are maintained containing the information specified under (5) and (6) above.


    Every duly licensed veterinarian, after vaccinating any dog, shall immediately present the original certificate to the owner or harborer of the dog, and shall deliver the duplicate copy of the certificate to Animal Control Services, and shall retain the triplicate copy thereof.


    No person who owns or harbors any dog shall fail or refuse to exhibit the certificate required by this section upon demand of any person charged with its enforcement.