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  • (a)

    At the time fixed, the Board of Supervisors shall meet to review the report of the Enforcing Officer. An owner may appear at said time and be heard on the question of whether the accounting, so far as it pertains to the cost of enforcing this Chapter and abating a nuisance upon the land of the owner, is accurate and the amounts reported reasonable. The cost of administration shall also be reviewed.


    The report of the Enforcing Officer shall be admitted into evidence. The owner shall bear the burden of proving that the accounting is not accurate and reasonable.


    The Board of Supervisors shall also determine whether or not the owner(s) had actual knowledge of the unlawful marijuana cultivation, or could have acquired such knowledge through the exercise of reasonable diligence. If it is determined at the hearing that the owner(s) did not have actual knowledge of the unlawful marijuana cultivation, and could not have acquired such knowledge through the exercise of reasonable diligence, costs for enforcement and/or abatement shall not be assessed against such parcel or otherwise attempted to be collected from the owner(s) of such parcel.

(Ord. No. 1618, § 2, 3-22-2016)