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  • As a consequence of the glamorization of paraphernalia associated with the use of controlled substances and the abhorrence with which many members of this County view such glamorization and enticement of impressionable persons, this Board finds that many citizens of this County are being unwillingly subjected to paraphernalia displays which are to these persons objectionable and unpleasant This Board further finds that such unpleasantness is particularly acute when minors are present in the area where such displays are conducted as a consequence of the concern of these unwilling viewers for the welfare of this County's children. Because of the relatively recent proliferation of such drug related paraphernalia in this County and the immediate risk that impressionable young people will be unduly influenced by aggressive, commercial marketing techniques being utilized with the subject paraphernalia, it is the opinion of this Board that there currently exists in Sutter County an eminent danger to the children of this County should drug related paraphernalia be available to minors without there simultaneously being guidance available from adults most likely to have the welfare of each individual minor in mind. Accordingly, this Board determines that regulation of the availability of drug related paraphernalia to minors unaccompanied by an appropriate adult must be immediately regulated.