Latest version.
  • Each member of the Unit shall serve as such for at least two assigned shifts each calendar month for which he shall be paid the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) per shift as reimbursement to him for expenses and not as salary, wages or compensation for service rendered.

    Each member, while serving as such, shall have the status as a Deputy Sheriff or as a Peace Officer and, as such, shall have the same power and authority except to the extent that the same may be restricted or limited by the Sheriff, as does a regular Deputy Sheriff while serving as such. However, each member at all times other than while serving as such:


    Shall not have status as a Deputy Sheriff or as a Peace Officer;


    Shall not have any power, authority or duties as a Deputy Sheriff or as a Peace Officer; and


    Shall not represent, identify or hold himself out to be a Deputy Sheriff or Peace Officer.