Latest version.
  • (a)

    All mining operations shall maintain a minimum setback of 25 feet of undisturbed land from all property lines.


    During the hearings on an application, the Commission may require as a condition of the permit reasonable noise control measures to assure that the proposed operation is compatible with the use of surrounding and nearby properties.


    Any person who has obtained a Permit and the approval of a Reclamation Plan, shall not be required to obtain a Use Permit for the same activity.


    Any application for a Permit or Reclamation Plan which remains incomplete six months after the date that the application was determined to be incomplete, shall be, without the need of any action on the part of the County, void and of no force and effect. Fees paid for Permit applications shall be refunded to the applicant after deduction for County costs incurred.


    All surface mining operations shall maintain at least three surveyed benchmarks as control points for determining vertical elevations and horizontal distances. The control points shall be clearly identified on all maps and/or aerial photographs submitted as part of any application reviewed by the Department.


    Except for existing surface mining operations as described in the Sutter County General Plan or expansions thereof, no surface mining operation shall be allowed above a ground elevation of 100 feet mean sea level.