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  • Written application for permit required by this Ordinance shall be made by affidavit under penalty of perjury and filed with the Sheriff. Such application shall contain:


    Name of organization; names, signatures, and addresses of all officers of the organization.


    Days and hours of operation of bingo games.


    Attached copies of certificates or letters evidencing exempt status under Section 23701(d) of the Revenue and Taxation Code and Section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, received from the Franchise Tax Board and the Internal Revenue Service.


    Address of premises where bingo games will be conducted.


    Statement of ownership or lease of premises.


    Purpose(s) for which such premises are used by the organization.


    Statement of ownership of bingo equipment used in the operation of bingo games.


    Statement of consent for the Sheriff to inspect any bank accounts containing profits derived from bingo games, and to enter upon the premises for inspection and enforcement of violations when games are in progress.


    Name of each individual corporation, partnership, or other legal entity which has a financial interest in the conduct of bingo games.


    Name of person responsible for the operation of the bingo games.


    The occupancy capacity of the room in which bingo games are to be conducted.