§ 235-070. PAYMENT  

Latest version.
  • A junk dealer or recycler shall not provide payment for nonferrous material unless, in addition to meeting the written record requirements of section 235-040, all of the following requirements are met:


    The payment for the material is made by check for any transaction in which the payment exceeds the sum of five dollars ($5.00).


    The junk dealer or recycler obtains a photograph and an address of the seller, or a copy of the valid driver's license of the seller containing a photograph and an address of the seller, or a copy of a state or federal government-issued identification card containing a photograph and an address of the seller. The junk dealer or recycler shall preserve the photograph and the address or the copies obtained pursuant to this paragraph for a period of two years after the date of sale.

    The provisions of this section shall be in supplementation of Business and Professions Code Section 21600 et. seq. as amended from time to time. This section is not intended to supersede the provisions of these statutes. Any conflict that may exist between this section and state laws shall be resolved in favor of the latter.