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  • (a)

    Every junk dealer and every recycler in Sutter County is hereby required to keep a written record, in the English language, of all sales and purchases made in the course of his or her business in accordance with the provisions of California Business and Professions Code Section 21606 as amended from time to time.


    Every junk dealer and every recycler shall set out in the written record required by this chapter all of the following:


    The place and date of each sale or purchase of junk made in the conduct of his or her business as a junk dealer or recycler.


    The name, valid driver's license number and state of issue or California-issued identification card number, and vehicle license number including the state of issue of any motor vehicle used in transporting the junk to the junk dealer's or recycler's place of business.


    The name and address of each person to whom junk is sold or disposed of, and the license number of any motor vehicle used in transporting the junk from the junk dealer's or recycler's place of business.


    A description of the item or items of junk purchased or sold, including the item type and quantity, and identification number, if visible.


    A statement indicating either that the seller of the junk is the owner of it, or the name of the person he or she obtained it from, as shown on a signed transfer document.


    Any person who makes, or causes to be made, any false or fictitious statement regarding any information required by this section, is guilty of a misdemeanor.


    Every junk dealer or recycler shall comply with the provisions of California Business and Professions Code Section 21606.5 as amended from time to time, and, during normal business hours, allow periodic inspection of any premises maintained and any junk thereon for the purpose of determining compliance with the recordkeeping requirements of this article, and shall during those hours produce his or her records of sales and purchases and all property purchased incident to those transactions which is in the possession of the junk dealer or recycler for inspection by any of the following persons:


    Any officer holding a warrant authorizing him or her to search for personal property.


    Any person appointed by the sheriff of any county or appointed by the head of the police department of any city.


    Any officer holding a court order directing him or her to examine the records or property.


    Every junk dealer and recycler shall comply with the provisions of California Business and Professions Code Section 21607 as amended from time to time, and preserve the written record required by this chapter for at least two years after making the final entry of any purchase or sale of junk or scrap metals and alloys as defined in Section 21600 of the California Business and Professions Code.