§ 200-010. DEFINITIONS  

Latest version.
  • Person . The word "person" as used herein shall include the singular and the plural and shall also mean and include any person, firm, corporation, association, club, partnership, society or any other form of association or organization.

    Sound truck . The words "sound truck" as used herein shall mean any motor vehicle, or horse-drawn vehicle, having mounted thereon, or attached thereto, any sound amplifying equipment.

    Sound amplifying equipment . The Words "sound amplifying equipment" as used herein shall mean any machine or device for the amplification of the human voice, music or any other human voice, music or any other sound. "Sound amplifying equipment" as used herein shall not be construed, as including standard automobile radios when used and heard only by occupants of the vehicle in which installed or warning devices on authorized emergency vehicles or horns or other warning devices on other vehicles used only for traffic safety purposes.

(Ord. 230, Sec. 1; June 17, 1960)