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  • (a)

    In the event the responsible party fails to pay the administrative penalty when due, the county may take any actions permitted by law or ordinance to collect the unpaid penalty, which shall accrue interest at a rate of 10% per month, commencing 30 days after the administrative penalty becomes due and continuing until paid.


    In the event a civil action is commenced to collect the administrative penalty, the county shall be entitled to recover all costs associated with the enforcement, investigation, establishment and collection of the penalty. Costs include, but are not limited to, staff time and costs incurred in the enforcement, investigation, establishment and the collection or processing of the penalty and those costs set forth in Code of Civil Procedures Sections 685.010 et seq. and 1033.5.


    The amount of any unpaid administrative penalty, plus any other costs as provided in this chapter, may be declared a lien on real property owned by the responsible party within the county as follows:


    Notice shall be given to the responsible party prior to the recordation of the lien, and shall be mailed first class mail postage prepaid to the last known address; and,


    When the public official records a lien listing delinquent unpaid administrative penalties with the county recorder's office, the lien shall specify the amount of the lien, the date of the code violations, the date of the final administrative decision, the street address, legal description, and assessor's parcel number of the parcel on which the lien is imposed, and the name of the owner of the parcel according to the last equalized assessment roll; and,


    In the event that the lien is discharged, released or satisfied, either through payment or foreclosure, notice of the discharge and release of the lien shall be prepared by the public official.


    The amount of the unpaid administrative penalty, plus any other costs as provided by this chapter, may be declared a special assessment against any real property owned by the responsible party and located within the county. The board of supervisors may impose the special assessment on one or more parcels. The amount of the assessment shall not exceed the amount of administrative penalty imposed for the violation, plus any cost authorized by other chapters of this code. The public official may present a resolution to the board of supervisors to declare a special assessment, and, upon passage and adoption thereof, shall cause a certified copy to be recorded with the Sutter County recorder's office. The assessment may then be collected at the same time and in the same manner as ordinary taxes are collected, and shall be subjected to the same penalties and the same procedure and sale in the case of delinquency as provided for ordinary property taxes.


    The county may withhold issuance of licenses, permits and other entitlement for any property whenever an administrative penalty resulting from a code violation on that property remains unpaid or the owner of the property has outstanding, unpaid administrative penalties for violations of the code.


    The county may take any action permitted for enforcement of a civil money judgment pursuant to the Enforcement of Judgment Law, California Code of Civil Procedure Section 680.010 et. seq.

(Ord. 1573, Sec. 1, August 14, 2012)