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  • Within 10 days of the effective date of the boundary change approved by this ordinance, the Sutter County Planning Director is authorized and directed to record, in Sutter County, a copy of this ordinance.

    (Ord. 1145, Sec. 1; Nov. 24, 1992)


    Ordinance No. 1145


    Parcel of Land to be Detached from Sutter County and Attached to Yuba County.

    All that real property situate in the County of Sutter, State of California being a portion of Section 9, T13N, R5E, M.D.M., described as follows:

    Beginning at the intersection of the common boundary between Sutter and Yuba Counties with the westerly boundary of said Section 9, said intersection is 30.92 feet southwesterly along said common boundary from the easterly terminus of the course "N 72°50′04″ E - 555.45 feet" as described in the Resolution recorded June 2, 1953 in Book 395 of Official Records at page 365, Sutter County Records, thence southerly along the westerly boundary of said Section 9, S 0°01′23″ E - 160.30 feet to a point in the center of Bear River; thence leaving said westerly boundary and along a line that is on or near the center of said Bear River, N 64°22′21″ E - 104.64 feet; thence N 70°33′49″ E - 577.87 feet; thence N 72°11′19″ E - 450.60 feet; thence N 80°33′40″ E - 420.16 feet; thence N 75°02′52″ E - 230.80 feet; thence N 75°38′05″ E - 281.89 feet; thence N 74°15′49″ E - 262.88 feet; thence N 69°47′09″ E - 272.36 feet; thence N 77°7′28″ E - 219.31 feet; thence N 79°44′43″ E - 263.08 feet; thence N 81°05′42″ E - 293.31 feet; thence N 88°34′15″ E - 232.53 feet; thence S 86°40′44″ E - 244.37 feet; thence S 69°8′21″ E - 155.39 feet; thence S 76°27′23″ E - 194.22 feet; thence S 85°42′22″ E - 307.35 feet; thence S 87°15′57″ E - 170.90 feet; thence N 71°08′36″ E - 98.04 feet; thence N 74°41′37″ E - 169.31 feet; thence N 78°15′30″ E - 215.83 feet; thence N 76°39′00″ E - 309.89 feet; more or less, to a point on the common boundary between Sutter and Placer Counties; thence northerly along said common boundary a distance of 899.78 feet to the Section Corner common to Sections 3, 4, 9 and 10 of said Township and Range; thence continuing along said common boundary, also being along the easterly boundary of said Section 4, N 0°16′35″ W - 1343.08 feet; thence leaving said Sutter and Placer Counties common boundary and along the herein before mentioned Sutter and Yuba Counties common boundary, N 85°54′37″ W - 217.02 feet; thence S 40°5′23″ W - 386.04 feet; thence S 66°29′58″ W - 729.61 feet; thence S 63°5′23″ - 438.05 feet; thence S 36°50′23″ W - 515.06 feet; thence S 54°05′23″ W - 441.05 feet; thence N 29°54′37″ W - 405.04 feet; thence S 65°35′23″ W - 190.02 feet; thence S 23°25′23″ W - 472.05 feet; thence S 77°58′31″ W - 584.69 feet; thence S 50°0′23″ W - 257.03 feet; thence S 7°55′23″ W - 101.01 feet; thence S 45°04′37″ E - 448.05 feet; thence S 73°50′23″ W - 300.03 feet; thence S 88°10′23″ - 352.04 feet; thence S 22°16′51″ W - 231.39 feet; thence S 73°11′14″ W - 1739.46 feet; thence S 72°55′27″ W - 30.92 feet to the point of beginning, containing 122.47 acres, more or less.

    The basis of bearings for this description is based upon the found monuments along the center of Bear River Drive as shown on the Record of Survey filed in Book 10 of Record of Surveys at Page 38, Sutter County Records.


    Ordinance No. 1145


    SECTION 9, T13N, R5E, M.D.M.

    Beginning at the intersection of the common boundary between Sutter and Yuba Counties with the westerly boundary of said Section 9, said intersection is 30.92 feet southwesterly along said common boundary from the easterly terminus of the course "N 72°50′04″ E - 555.45 feet" as described in the Resolution recorded June 2, 1953 in Book 395 of Official Records at page 365, Sutter County Records, thence southerly along the westerly boundary of said Section 9, S 0°01′23″E - 160.30 feet to a point in the center of Bear River; thence leaving said westerly boundary and along a line that is on or near the center of said Bear River, N 64°22′21″ E - 104.64 feet; thence N 70°33′49″ E - 577.87 feet; thence N 72°11′19″ E - 450.60 feet; thence N 80°33′50″ E - 420.16 feet; thence N 75°02′52″ E - 230.80 feet; thence N 75°38′05″ E - 281.89 feet; thence N 74°5′49″ E - 262.88 feet; thence N 69°47′09″ E - 272.36 feet; thence N 77°8′28″ E - 219.31 feet; thence N 79°44′43″ E - 263.08 feet; thence N 81°05′42″ E - 293.31 feet; thence N 88°34′15″ E - 232.53 feet; thence S 86°40′44″ E - 244.37 feet; thence S 69°48′21″ E - 155.39 feet; thence S 76°27′23″ E - 194.22 feet; thence S 85º2′22″ E - 307.35 feet; thence S 87°15′57″ E - 170.90 feet; thence N 71°08′36″ E - 98.04 feet; thence N 74°41′37″ E - 169.31 feet; thence N 78°25′30″ E - 215.83 feet; thence N 76°39′00″ E - 309.89 feet; more or less, to a point on the common boundary between Sutter and Placer Counties and there terminating.

    The basis of bearings for this description is based upon the found monuments along the center of Bear River Drive as shown on the Record of Survey filed in Book 10 of Record of Surveys at Page 38, Sutter County Records.

(Ord. 1145, Sec. 1; Nov. 24, 1992)