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  • (a)

    At the discretion of the General Services Department Director or his/her designee, a lease or license of a duration not exceeding ten years and having an estimated monthly rental amount not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) may be excluded from the formal bidding procedures set forth in Government Code §§ 25526 through 25535 and the informal bidding procedures set forth in Section 26-030 above. If excluded from these bidding procedures, the General Services Department Director or his/her designee shall negotiate the terms of the lease or license in the name of the County.


    If the lease or license is excluded from both the formal and informal bidding procedures, notice shall be given pursuant to California Government Section 6061, posted in the office of the clerk of the board of supervisors, and if the lease or license involves residential property, notice shall be given to the housing sponsors, as defined by Sections 50074 and 50074.5 of the Health and Safety Code. The notice shall describe the property proposed to be leased or licensed, the terms of the lease or license, the location where offers to lease or license the property will be accepted, the location where leases or licenses will be executed, and any county officer authorized to execute the lease or license.


    If the lease or license is excluded from both the formal and informal bidding procedures, the actual monthly rental amount in the executed lease or license may not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), the term of the executed lease or license shall not exceed ten years, and the lease or license shall not be renewable.

([584]) Ord. 1585, Sec. 4, May 28, 2013)