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  • The recipient of a Grading and Erosion Control Permit shall be required to control erosion and sediment throughout the grading activities so as to prevent damage to public or private property and shall comply with all water quality control standards. The recipient shall also be required to control erosion so as to prevent the discharge of sediment or other pollutants and specifically to prevent any such discharge from entering any watercourse or water body.

    An Erosion and Sediment Control Plan shall be prepared for all projects involving grading activities in excess of 1,000 cubic yards. The plan shall specify how the applicant proposes to:


    Control surface runoff and erosion;


    Retain sediment on a particular site; and,


    Prevent pollution of site runoff during preconstruction and construction-related grading activities which occurs before the final improvements or permanent structures are complete.

    For those projects where more than one acre of soil will be disturbed, a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan shall suffice as the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. The plan shall be prepared and submitted concurrently with the grading plan and shall include all of the information required for a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan.