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  • Grading equal to or greater than 1,000 cubic yards shall be performed in accordance with the approved grading plan prepared by a civil engineer and shall be designated as "engineered grading." Grading involving less than 1,000 cubic yards shall be designated as "regular grading" unless the Director or Building Official determines that special conditions or unusual hazards exist or if the applicant chooses to have the grading performed as engineered grading. In such a instance, grading shall conform to the requirements for engineered grading.


    Regular Grading: Plans and Specifications for regular grading shall include all of the following:


    General vicinity map of the proposed site;


    Dimensions, including the grade and depth of cut and fill, shown on a plot plan with typical cross-sections;


    A statement setting forth:


    The quantity of material to be excavated;


    The quantity of material to be filled;


    Whether such excavation or fill is permanent or temporary; and,


    The amount of material to be imported to or exported from the site.


    Method and standard for compaction;


    Location of structures, utilities, existing and proposed roads, watercourses and drainage ways, and major vegetation on the property and on adjacent properties if they might be affected by or are within 30 feet of the proposed grading. In addition, the map shall be required to show, or provide by narrative, the location of discharge points to the nearest natural area (For example: creeks, ponds, rivers, etc.);


    The location, implementation schedule, and maintenance schedule of all erosion, sediment, and dust control measures to be implemented or constructed prior to, during or after the proposed activity;


    Delineation of the area to be cleared and grubbed; and


    If applicable, excess soil stockpile locations or disposal plans.


    Engineered Grading: Plans and specifications for engineered grading shall include all of the items required for regular grading in addition to each of the following:


    A drainage study with additional hydrologic and hydraulic analysis as required by the Director. Any such study must, at a minimum, demonstrate that post-grading runoff rates and volumes will not exceed pre-construction runoff rates and volumes. The drainage study must identify pre-grading and post-grading stormwater runoff rates for a 100-year rainfall event at every location where runoff leaves the property;


    Accurate contours with maximum two-foot contours and spot elevations where relatively flat conditions exist, showing existing topography and elevations, location, extent and slope of all proposed grading shown by contours, cross-sections or other means, and location of any disposal areas, fills or other special features to be included in the work;


    Geotechnical engineering or engineering geology reports used; and


    Any additional information and/or analysis required by the Director or applicable standards, laws, regulations and ordinances.