No person, except a duly authorized employee or agent of the County, shall make any
connection to the County stormwater drainage system unless specifically authorized
to do so by an encroachment permit, building permit, or approved public improvement
plan issued by the County. The applicant shall pay applicable plan review and processing
fees, the amount of which shall be fixed, from time to time, by resolution of the
Board of Supervisors.
All service connections shall be constructed in accordance with the Sutter County
Design/Improvement Standards; shall be the size deemed appropriate by the County;
and, shall be installed at the location required by the permit. Service connection
installations may be made only to property abutting public streets or to those which
abut County stormwater collection lines or channels. Service connections installed
in subdivisions prior to the construction of streets or in advance of street improvements
shall be utilized by the applicant in the installed location.
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