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  • Users in industrial categories are subject to the categorical pretreatment standards developed by the EPA under the Clean Water Act of 1977 (PL 95 217) 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq. Users must comply with pretreatment standards promulgated pursuant to section 307 and the Federal Register 40 CFR Subchapter IV. Dilution of any discharge may not be used to comply with any pretreatment standards. Categorical industrial users must submit baseline monitoring reports, compliance schedule reports, 90-day compliance reports, and periodic reports on continued compliance as required including identifying information per 40 CFR 403.12(1) and such reports must be signed by an authorized representative of the industrial user and meet certification requirements of 40 CFR 403.6(a)(2)(ii) and 403.12(b)(6) and be retained for a minimum of three years (or period of litigation, whichever is longer). The Development Services Department Director may issue standards more stringent than the federal standards if he/she determines that the limitations in the federal standards are not sufficient to:


    Protect the operation of the County's treatment facilities; or


    Comply with water quality standards, sludge disposal or effluent limitations specified in the County's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit;


    Meet technically based local limits, which must be calculated per federal pretreatment program guidelines.

(Ord. 1585, Sec. 2, May 28, 2013)