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  • A permit may be temporarily suspended at any time if it is the Director's opinion that the continued discharge of the waste or water into the sewerage system would substantially jeopardize the ability of the treatment facilities or sewerage system to meet water quality requirements or would cause an unsafe condition to occur. In lieu of temporary suspension of permits, the Director may impose such temporary restrictions, conditions or limitations upon the quantities, qualities and rates of discharge made thereunder as deemed necessary to assure that the receiving water quality requirements will not be violated or to alleviate the unsafe condition. Notice of the temporary suspension or the imposition of temporary restrictions, conditions or limitations shall be given in writing by the Development Services Department Director to the permittee at least 24 hours prior to their effective date. Delivery of the notice to the permittee's place of business shall constitute delivery of notice to permittee.

(Ord. 1585, Sec. 2, May 28, 2013)