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  • Where premises are connected to the County wastewater mains, it is the responsibility of the property owner, at the owner's expense, to maintain the wastewater service lateral from the premises to the County-owned service tank or main. Such maintenance shall include the removal of tree roots, removal of obstructions and blockages, and protection of the County-owned service tanks, boxes, electrical connections and other appurtenances on the premises. The service tanks and/or clean-out boxes and access covers shall be kept free of turf and dirt and be accessible from the street. No fence or other obstruction shall separate the access covers or County-owned appearances from the sidewalk or street. The property owner is also responsible for repairs of the privately-owned lateral line within the property boundaries. The County will repair damaged and deteriorated lateral lines from the service connection point or in the County right-of-way at County expense, unless such damage was caused by the property owner.