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  • Within an area serviced by a public wastewater system, the public wastewater system sanitary sewers will be used to dispose of liquid waste. Premises requiring wastewater service within an existing County wastewater service area shall connect to the public wastewater system.


    New premises within an existing County wastewater service area and within 400 feet of an existing public wastewater main shall be connected to that main for all wastewater needs at the expense of the property owner.


    Existing premises within an existing County wastewater service area and within 400 feet of an existing County wastewater main not currently connected to the public wastewater system, but being served through a privately-owned septic system, shall be connected to the public wastewater system upon failure of the septic tank or drain field or when the septic system requires substantial repairs. Any septic system repair requiring a permit from the County shall be considered substantial. Additionally, such premises shall be connected to the public wastewater system when substantial private improvements are made to a premise. Private improvements that require public frontage improvements shall be considered substantial. Any septic system servicing the premises shall then be destroyed in accordance with state and County requirements. All costs to connect to the public wastewater system shall be at the expense of the property owner.


    The Development Services Department Director may grant exceptions to (a) and (b) above when in his/her determination it is infeasible to connect the premises to the public wastewater system or it is in the best interests of the County to delay or forgo connection.


    Main Line Extension. Applicant requesting service requiring main extension shall bear the full cost of the extension installation. A reimbursement agreement may be requested to recover proportional costs, determined at the time of the agreement, for future connections.

(Ord. 1585, Sec. 2, May 28, 2013)