§ 1710-060. METERED FLOWS  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    All commercial and industrial water services and all new residential water services shall be metered and shall be charged based upon the metered rates set forth by an ordinance approved by the Board of Supervisors.


    Customers who are not otherwise required to do so may request that their service be metered. The County's compliance with the request shall be conditioned upon the customer paying the cost of installation of the meter together with a monthly meter rental fee and the metered rates set forth by an ordinance approved by the Board of Supervisors.


    Upon request from the customer and deposit of the sum established by the Board of Supervisors, the Director shall test an installed meter for accuracy. If the meter is found to over-register the amount of water used by an amount greater than 2%, the meter shall be replaced at the County's expense and the deposit shall be returned to the customer. If the meter is found to be accurate, under-registering or over-registering in an amount less than 2%, the testing deposit shall be retained by the County.


    If a meter is found to under-register usage, the County may estimate the actual usage based upon prior usage or the usage of comparable properties. Should the customer disagree with the County's estimate, the customer shall utilize the procedure set forth in Section 1701-160 of this code.