§ 1710-050. CHARGES  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    There is levied and assessed upon each premises having any utility connection with the public utility system of the County or otherwise receiving services from the public utility system, a service charge payable as provided in this Chapter, in an amount determined as set forth in this section. Fees will also be charged for services provided in accordance with this Chapter for special utility permits.


    Rates and charges for utility services shall be fixed, from time to time, through an ordinance approved by the Board of Supervisors.


    When service is provided for a period less than one billing cycle, the charge will be prorated for the time the service was provided.


    A customer who provides the County with at least 48 hours written notice may request that water service be suspended for any period which exceeds four consecutive weeks. The County's compliance with the request shall be conditioned upon the property being equipped with an operational, county-owned shut-off valve and the customer's agreement to pay any fees charged by the County for starting and stopping service. Service shall be reinstated within 48 hours of receipt of a written request by the customer.


    When more than one flat, dwelling unit or apartment building is supplied through one water line, the service charge shall be billed to the owner of the property and shall be charged individually for each unit connected to the system. If the units have different owners, separate lines shall be required for all units owned by each individual owner.


    When a customer disputes the charges for any service, fee, penalty, or other cost related to the service, the customer shall utilize the procedure set forth in Section 1701-160 of this code.