§ 1500-25-080. General Plan Amendment  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Purpose. A General Plan Amendment is a discretionary action that enables the County to change the text of the General Plan and/or the Land Use Diagram as provided for by state law and where required for the public necessity, convenience, and/or general welfare.


    Applicability. The procedures in this chapter shall apply to all proposed General Plan Amendments. A request for General Plan Amendment may be made by:


    A property owner or owners of a parcel proposed to change land use or upon which an amendment to the General Plan text would apply;


    Motion of the Board of Supervisors; or


    Recommendation by the Director.


    Approving Authority. The Planning Commission shall recommend, and the Board of Supervisors shall approve, or deny an application for a General Plan Amendment consistent with the requirements of Table 1500-23-1. When a General Plan Amendment is submitted in conjunction with an application for another approval, permit, or entitlement under this Zoning Code, it shall be heard and acted upon at the same time as that application. Entitlements approved in conjunction with a General Plan Amendment that cannot be approved without the amendment shall not be effective until the amendment is effective.


    Annual Limit on Number of General Plan Amendments. Pursuant to California Government Code Section 65358b, General Plan Amendments are, with specified exceptions, limited to four times per calendar year.


    Required Findings. The Approving Authority shall make all of the following findings to approve a General Plan Amendment. The inability to make one or more of the findings is grounds for denial of an application:


    The General Plan Amendment is consistent with the remainder of the General Plan;


    The General Plan Amendment promotes the growth of the County in an orderly manner; and


    Approval of the General Plan Amendment will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of persons residing or working in the area, or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the area or to the general welfare of the County.