Sutter County |
Code of Ordinances |
Appendix 1500. ZONING |
Part 4. General Regulations |
Article 20. Parking, Loading and Improvements |
Chapter - 1500-20 |
§ 1500-20-080. Design of Parking Lots and Spaces
Parking Space and Drive Aisle Dimensions.
All parking areas shall be designed so that the parking spaces are permanently maintained and have suitable maneuvering space and access to and from a public street or alley. The dimensions of parking spaces and drive aisles shall be consistent with the design standards in Table 1500-20-2, as illustrated on Figure 1500-20-1.
Truck aisles. Access aisles for multiple-axle trucks in commercial and industrial use types shall be a minimum of 40 feet. Truck movement templates shall be included with any discretionary approval to indicate turning conditions.
Enclosed parking spaces. Enclosed parking spaces (i.e. residential garages) shall be at least ten feet in width and twenty feet in length (10′ x 20′) for a single vehicle. The width shall increase by ten (10) feet for each additional vehicle.
Table 1500-20-3: PARKING SPACE AND DRIVE AISLE DIMENSIONS Parking Space Type Minimum Stall Dimensions Minimum Width Drive Aisle
With ParkingWidth Length One-Way Two-Way Parallel 10 ft. 24 ft. 12 ft. 20 ft. 45-Degree 9 ft. 18 ft. 16 ft. 20 ft. 60-Degree 9 ft. 18 ft. 19 ft. 20 ft. 90-Degree 9 ft. 18 ft. 20 ft. 27 ft. Compact 8 ft. 16 ft. 20 ft. 25 ft. Motorcycle 4 ft. 8 ft. Same as vehicle aisle Same as vehicle aisle B.
Surfacing and Striping.
Within a City Sphere of Influence, Rural Community, and all Industrial and Commercial Districts including the Employment Corridor and Non-agricultural Uses within FPARC.
Surfacing of Residential Use Types. Required parking and circulation areas for residential use types shall be surfaced with either 4 inches of Class 2 aggregate base or 7 inches of Butte Rock base with a ¾ inch maximum grading requirement and such areas shall be paved with 2 inches of asphalt concrete with ½ inch grade requirement. Equivalent base rock and paving materials may be approved by the Director and may require evaluation of soil capabilities (R value) and anticipated traffic loading (traffic index).
Surfacing of Commercial and Industrial Use Types. Required parking and circulation areas for commercial and industrial use types shall have paved surfacing based upon the recommendations of a geotechnical analysis for pavement thickness. At a minimum, these use types shall have 3½ inches of asphalt concrete over 8 inches of class 2 aggregate base.
Striping. All parking spaces shall be delineated and separated by a painted divider.
Figure 1500-20-1: Parking Dimension Standards
Agricultural, Open Space and Recreation, Special Event, and Resource Extraction or Residential use types located outside a City sphere of influence or Rural Community.
Surfacing. Required parking and circulation areas shall be all-weather and usable for the purpose for which they are provided, but are not required to be paved, unless as conditioned as part of a discretionary approval. Non-paved surfacing materials and improvement requirements shall, at a minimum, be four inches of either Class 2 aggregate base or Butte Rock. All such parking spaces and accessways shall have a ½ inch grading requirement.
All Other Use Types and Areas within the County.
Surfacing. Required parking and circulation areas shall generally be paved with asphalt, concrete or another approved all-weather, hard, non-eroding surface. Non-paved surfacing materials may be used when approved by the Director or as part of a discretionary approval, based upon the nature of the use, frequency of parking and vehicle traffic, level of heavy vehicle use, and fire access requirements. Non-paved surfacing materials and improvement requirements must be durable and dustless, as approved by the Director.
Striping. All parking spaces shall be delineated and separated by a painted divider. The striping requirement for non-paved surfaces may be waived by the Director or as part of a discretionary approval.
Drainage. Required parking and circulation areas shall be graded and drained so as to dispose of all surface water accumulated within the area in accordance with County standards as determined by the Director. Best management practices to reduce runoff pollutants shall be incorporated.
Access and Traffic Flow. Access to parking areas and curb cuts for driveways shall be approved by the Director to ensure an efficient and safe traffic flow into the parking areas and along public streets. Parking areas for commercial, industrial, and multiple family residential uses, not including duplexes and single family residences, shall be designed so that vehicles are not permitted to back out of the parking area onto a public street.
Dead-end Aisles. Parking lot design should avoid use of dead-end aisles unless warranted in special circumstances where other design alternatives cannot be reasonably accommodated. When used, 90 degree angle stalls are required and the aisle shall have a minimum five foot backing area at its terminus.
Curb Stops. A permanent curb, bumper, wheel stop or similar device at least six inches in height shall be installed in all paved parking areas adjacent to sidewalks, planters and other landscaping areas, parking lot fixtures and buildings and walls to protect these improvements from vehicular damage. The stopping edge of such protected bumper shall be placed no closer than two feet from the above noted improvement.
Figure 1500-20-2: Curb Stops and Clearance
Vehicle Overhang. Vehicular overhang is permitted, provided no vehicle shall overhang into a sidewalk which would reduce the unencumbered width of a sidewalk to less than four feet. A vehicle is permitted to overhang into a landscaped area by two feet, provided that the required landscaped area is extended by the amount of the overhang.
Lighting, Landscaping and Screening. All parking areas and associated landscaping, lighting and screening shall comply with the design criteria for the applicable zoning district.
Maintenance. All parking areas shall be permanently maintained free of weeds, litter and debris.
(Ord. No. 1635, § 21, 6-27-2017; Ord. No. 1649, §§ 14, 15, 5-22-2018 )